Kot priredba japonskega filma iz leta 1987 "Hachiko Monogatari" in po resnični zgodbi "Hachi: A Dog's Tale" zasnovana pripoved spremlja Richarda Gera v vlogi univerzitetnega profesorja, ki najde zapuščenega psa in ubogo izgubljeno žival posvoji. Mož in njegov pes se kmalu nerazumljivo navežeta drug na drugega. Gerova soigralka je Joan Allen. Ganljiva resnična zgodba je ameriška priredba japonske pripovedi o zvestem psu po imenu Hachiko. Ta posebni človekov prijatelj vsak dan spremlja gospodarja na železniško postajo in se vsak popoldan vrne tja, da bi ga pozdravil. Nekega dne pa mož odpotuje in umre ter se ne vrne več na postajo. A Hachiko se zvesto vrne na isti kraj na železniški postaji tudi naslednjega dne in vsak dan po tistem, naslednjih devet let. Med čakanjem na gospodarja se dotakne življenj in src mnogih, ki delajo v bližini in potujejo čez mestni trg. Krajane tako nauči ljubezni, sočutja in neomajne zvestobe.

A small town girl is caught between dead-end jobs. A high-profile, successful man becomes wheelchair bound following an accident. The man decides his life is not worth living until the girl is hired for six months to be his new caretaker. Worlds apart and trapped together by circumstance, the two get off to a rocky start. But the girl becomes determined to prove to the man that life is worth living and as they embark on a series of adventures together, each finds their world changing in ways neither of them could begin to imagine.

While romancing Palmer, a much younger schoolteacher, plastic surgeon Danny Maccabee enlists his loyal assistant Katherine to pretend to be his soon to be ex-wife, in order to cover up a careless lie. When more lies backfire, Katherine's kids become involved, and everyone heads off for a weekend in Hawaii that will change all their lives.

Carl Allen has stumbled across a way to shake free of post-divorce blues and a dead-end job: embrace life and say yes to everything.

Remember that really cute girl/guy who said they'd call – and didn't? Maybe they lost your number. Maybe they're in the hospital. Maybe they're awed by your looks, brains or success. Or maybe... They're just not that into you.

Placed in a foster home that doesn't allow pets, 16-year-old Andi and her younger brother, Bruce, turn an abandoned hotel into a home for their dog. Soon other strays arrive, and the hotel becomes a haven for every orphaned canine in town. But the kids have to do some quick thinking to keep the cops off their tails.

Reuben Feffer (Ben Stiller) nasprotuje tveganju, vendar se njegovo urejeno in načrtovano življenje zaplete, ko se med medenim tednom njegova žena (Debra Messing) začne zanimati za mišičavnega kubanskega inštruktorja potapljanja (Hank Azaria). Hkrati na oder stopi Polly (Jennifer Aniston), njegova otroška prijateljica, ki ga uvede v tvegane športe, začinjeno hrano in ples salse. Skratka, uči ga živeti brezskrbno in uživati v vsakem trenutku.

Three fanatical bird-watchers spend an entire year competing to spot the highest number of species as El Nino sends an extraordinary variety of rare breeds flying up into the U.S., but they quickly discover that there are more important things than coming out on top of the competition.

Milo Boyd, a down-on-his-luck bounty hunter, thinks he's seeing an upswing in fortune when he gets a call to bring in his bail-jumping ex-wife, a reporter named Nicole. Milo considers the job an easy payday, but Nicole quickly escapes to chase a lead on a murder case. The former spouses play an escalating game of one-upmanship, until they suddenly find themselves on the run for their lives.

Dr. Burke Ryan is a successful self-help author and motivational speaker with a secret. While he helps thousands of people cope with tragedy and personal loss, he secretly is unable to overcome the death of his late wife. It's not until Burke meets a fiercely independent florist named Eloise that he is forced to face his past and overcome his demons.

Pushed to the breaking-up point after their latest 'why can't you do this one little thing for me?' argument, Brooke calls it quits with her boyfriend Gary. What follows is a hilarious series of remedies, war tactics, overtures and undermining tricks – all encouraged by the former couple's friends and confidantes …and the occasional total stranger! When neither ex is willing to move out of their shared apartment, the only solution is to continue living as hostile roommates until one of them reaches breaking point.

The Newton family live in their comfortable home, but there seems to something missing. This "hole" is filled by a small puppy, who walks into their home and their lives. Beethoven, as he is named, grows into a giant of a dog... a St Bernard. Doctor Varnick, the local vet has a secret and horrible sideline, which requires lots of dogs for experiments. Beethoven is on the bad doctor's list.

Dealing with a sociopathic school bully, three high school freshmen hire a low-budget bodyguard to protect them, not realizing he is just a homeless beggar and petty thief looking for some easy cash.

Fall into puppy love with “the world’s worst dog”, who now has a frisky voice and an attitude to match. Join Marley for his mischievous puppy years, as he and his summer pal, Bodie Grogan, wreak havoc on a neighborhood dog contest. Marley outwits Dobermans, Shepherds and Collies, while stealing hearts in his own unique and lovable way. Get your paws on MARLEY & ME: THE PUPPY YEARS and fetch big laughs for the whole family!

Sarah Huttinger's return home with her fiance convinces her that the sedate, proper, country-club lifestyle of her family isn't for her – and that maybe the Huttinger family isn't even hers – as she uncovers secrets that suggest the Huttingers are neither sedate nor proper.

After standing in as best man for his longtime friend Carl Petersen, Randy Dupree loses his job, becomes a barfly and attaches himself to the newlywed couple almost permanently -- as their houseguest. But the longer Dupree camps out on their couch, the closer he gets to Carl's bride, Molly, leaving the frustrated groom wondering when his pal will be moving out.

Lovestruck Dustin is dating Alexis, his ideal girlfriend, but when she dumps him for coming on too strong, Dustin takes drastic measures to win her back. He asks his best friend Tank to take her on the worst rebound date imaginable - his side job - so that she will come running back to him, and Tank reluctantly agrees. However, Alexis is more than a match for Tank's shock tactics and he begins to really fall for her, leaving him torn between loyalty to Dustin and his growing attraction toward Alexis.

During a séance with some friends, divorced carny Gualtiero successfully conjures the spirit of Marilyn Monroe — although he's the only one who can see her. With Marilyn's help, he'll win back his wife, who left him for a lion tamer, and his teen daughter.

V filmski priredbi znanega stripa o velikanskem psu Marmaduku spremljamo Phila Winslowa, ki se s svojo ženo, tremi otroki in psom Marmadukom iz Kansasa preseli v sončno Kalifornijo, kjer dobi službo v tovarni za proizvajanje pasje hrane. Marmaduke, ki je zaradi svoje velikosti vedno veljal za čudaka in odpadnika, končno zaživi v okolju, kjer velja za običajnega psa, spotoma pa svojim gospodarjem pomaga pri težavnem prilagajanju na novo življenje.

Film Bogate prijateljice pripoveduje o spremenljivih odnosih med štirimi ženskami. Njihovo dolgotrajno prijateljstvo je postavljeno na preizkušnjo zaradi vse večje razlike med njihovim finančnim stanjem. Tri bogate prijateljice, Frannie (Joan Cusack), Jane (Frances McDormand) in Christine (Catherine Keener), skrbi za Olivio (Jennifer Aniston), ki očitno ni sposobna zaslužiti dovolj denarja in obdržati razmerja. Vsaj po njihovih merilih. Toda za vsem tem se skrivajo njihovi dvomi o lastnih zakonih in karierah. Nazadnje Olivii uspe najti zadovoljstvo na nepričakovanem kraju, toda njen "srečni konec" bo zasenčila kruta stvarnost nepričakovano razpadlih življenj njenih prijateljic. Rezultat je grenko zabaven pogled na sodobno življenje, ki je surovo odkrit, a vas hkrati spravi v dobro voljo.