A stage director and an actress struggle through a grueling, coast-to-coast divorce that pushes them to their personal extremes.

Režiser usodnih ljubezenskih zgodb Ljubezen v Barceloni in Zadnji udarec sledi mladima ameriškima zaročencema Gilu in Inez na službeni poti v Parizu. Inez se osredotoča na turistično podobo mesta, pisatelj Gil pa med polnočnimi sprehodi išče navdih za svojo novo knjigo. Nenavadno odkritje ga popelje v osrčje zlate dobe večnega mesta romantike, kjer spozna številne literarne in druge umetniške ikone. Toda nova življenjska spoznanja vedno bolj bremenijo Gilov odnos z Inez.

A story about a troubled boy growing up in England, set in 1983. He comes across a few skinheads on his way home from school, after a fight. They become his new best friends, even like family. Based on experiences of director Shane Meadows.

Robert je nadarjen znanstvenik, a ostane brez moči ob izbruhu skrivnostnega virusa, ki mu vzame družino in uniči človeško civilizacijo. Zavoljo redke imunosti Robert ostane edini preživeli v New Yorku, toda v temačnih sencah se skrivajo v krvoločne stvore spremenjeni ljudje, ki ponoči prilezejo na plano in iščejo nove žrtve. Med neprestanim begom pred pošastmi, skuša Robert najti zdravilo proti virusu, toda nekdo (ali nekaj) ga ves čas spremlja in čaka, da stori usodno napako.

Matilda Wormwood is an exquisite and intelligent little girl. Unfortunately, her parents, Harry and Zinnia misunderstand her because they think she is so different. As time passes, she finally starts school and has a kind teacher, loyal friends, and a sadistic headmistress. As she gets fed up with the constant cruelty, she begins to realize that she has a gift of telekinetic powers. After some days of practice, she suddenly turns the tables to stand up to Harry and Zinnia and outwit the headmistress.

Američanka Amanda in Angležinja Iris si delita enake težave, saj sta tik pred božičnimi prazniki ostali sami. Da bi ušli turobnim mislim in spremenili okolje, se prijavita na program izmenjave hiš med prazniki. Iris prične takoj uživati v razkošnem Amandinem stanovanju v središču ameriškega velemesta, družbo pa ji dela tudi zabavni Miles. Medtem se mora Amanda še močno prilagoditi življenju na pustem angleškem podeželju, toda očarljivi Graham ji predstavi pozitivne lastnosti novega okolja.

Potem ko je preživel najslabši dan svojega življenja, nezadovoljni televizijski novinar Bruce Nolan pridobi božansko moč, saj obtožuje Boga, ki nima pojma, kako ravna z zadevo. «Soočen s takšnim izzivom, se Bog odloči, da mu bo dal vse svoje pristojnosti preverite, ali je sposoben narediti bolje, kot je

A struggling musician realizes he's the only person on Earth who can remember The Beatles after waking up in an alternate reality where they never existed.

Kuža Bolt je prava filmska zvezda, toda ker ne loči med svetom sedme umetnosti in resničnim življenjem, je zares prepričan v svoje nadnaravne sposobnosti.

Chon Wang, a clumsy imperial guard trails Princess Pei Pei when she is kidnapped from the Forbidden City and transported to America. Wang follows her captors to Nevada, where he teams up with an unlikely partner, outcast outlaw Roy O'Bannon, and tries to spring the princess from her imprisonment.

After faking his death, a tech billionaire recruits a team of international operatives for a bold and bloody mission to take down a brutal dictator.

Emma is a busy doctor who sets up a seemingly perfect arrangement when she offers her best friend Adam a relationship with one rule: No strings attached. But when a fling becomes a thing, can sex friends stay best friends?

Kassie is a smart, fun-loving single woman who, despite her neurotic best friend Wally’s objections, decides it’s time to have a baby – even if it means doing it herself… with a little help from a charming sperm donor. But, unbeknownst to her, Kassie’s plans go awry because of a last-minute switch that isn’t discovered until seven years later… when Wally gets acquainted with Kassie’s cute, though slightly neurotic, son.

After Dick Harper loses his job at Globodyne in an Enron-esque collapse, he and his wife, Jane, turn to crime in order to handle the massive debt they now face. Two intelligent people, Dick and Jane actually get pretty good at robbing people and even enjoy it -- but they have second thoughts when they're reminded that crime can hurt innocent people. When the couple hears that Globodyne boss Jack McCallister actually swindled the company, they plot revenge.

After taking his dying father's advice, Hal dates only the embodiments of female physical perfection. But that all changes after Hal has an unexpected run-in with self-help guru Tony Robbins. Intrigued by Hal's shallowness, Robbins hypnotizes him into seeing the beauty that exists even in the least physically appealing women. Hal soon falls for Rosemary, but he doesn't realize that his gorgeous girlfriend is actually a 300-pound-not-so-hottie.

Skeeter Bronson is a down-on-his-luck guy who's always telling bedtime stories to his niece and nephew. But his life is turned upside down when the fantastical stories he makes up for entertainment inexplicably turn into reality. Can a bewildered Skeeter manage his own unruly fantasies now that the outrageous characters and situations from his mind have morphed into actual people and events?

Nerodni muzejski čuvaj Larry se vrača v fantastični svet oživelih zgodovinskih osebnosti, saj skuša rešiti stara prijatelja - kavboja Jedediaho in rimskega vojskovodjo Octaviusa, ki so ju po pomoti premestili v slavni muzej Smithsonian. Načrt se izjalovi, ko oživijo tudi ostale muzejske figure, od Napoleona, predsednika Lincolna, pustolovke Amelie Earhart, gangsterja Ala Capona in znanstvenika Alberta Einsteina, ki skupaj z Larryjevimi starimi znanci povzročijo popolno zmedo katastrofalno-komičnih razsežnosti.

During a wild vacation in Las Vegas, career woman Joy McNally and playboy Jack Fuller come to the sober realization that they have married each other after a night of drunken abandon. They are then compelled, for legal reasons, to live life as a couple for a limited period of time. At stake is a large amount of money.

Phileas Fogg, ekscentrični izumitelj iz Londona, je pravkar odkril skrivnosti letalskih poletov, elektrike in celo rolerjev, toda viktorijanska družba ga vzame za norca. Fogg je obupano sprejel resno lorda Kelvina, vidnega vodjo Kraljevske akademije znanosti, z neverjetno igro: trdi, da lahko obkroži svet v manj kot 80 dneh. V spremstvu francoskega umetnika Passepartout in Monique, Fogg v iskanju pustolovščine, Fogg vstopi v frenetično dirko po svetu, ki jih bo po kopnem, morju in zraku popeljala v najbolj eksotične kraje na zemlji.

Brad and Kate have made something of an art form out of avoiding their families during the holidays, but this year their foolproof plan is about go bust -- big time. Stuck at the city airport after all departing flights are canceled, the couple is embarrassed to see their ruse exposed to the world by an overzealous television reporter. Now, Brad and Kate are left with precious little choice other than to swallow their pride and suffer the rounds.