When their trip to San Lorenzo takes a turn for the worst, Arnold and his classmate’s only hope of getting home is retracing the dangerous path that led to Arnold's parents' disappearance.

L'òrfena Dorothy Gale viu una vida senzilla a Kansas amb la seva tia Emma Clara Blandick, el seu oncle Henry i tres pintorescos peons: Hunk, Zeke i Hickory. Un dia la severa veïna Miss Gulch és mossegada pel gos de Dorothy, Toto. Miss Gulch se l'emporta, per ordre del xèrif, malgrat les apassionades protestes de la tia Emma i l'oncle Henry. Toto escapa i torna al costat de Dorothy, la qual s'alegra momentàniament, però aviat s'adona que Miss Gulch tornarà. Decideix endur-se a Toto i escapolir-se a la recerca d'una vida millor 'en algun lloc sobre l'arc de Sant Martí'.

Quan era un nen, Jim Hawkins llegia contes de pirata i va llegir sobre el Planeta del Tresor, on el vell Capità Flint havia ocultat el seu gegantesc tresor, conegut com el Botí dels Mil Mons. El que en Jim no sabia era que passant els anys viuria tot el que s'hi relatava en els seus contes, i realitzaria els seus somnis d'infantesa. Aquí comença una gran aventura per tota la galàxia...

Banksy is a graffiti artist with a global reputation whose work can be seen on walls from post-hurricane New Orleans to the separation barrier on the Palestinian West Bank. Fiercely guarding his anonymity to avoid prosecution, Banksy has so far resisted all attempts to be captured on film. Exit Through the Gift Shop tells the incredible true story of how an eccentric French shop keeper turned documentary maker attempted to locate and befriend Banksy, only to have the artist turn the camera back on its owner.

Shotgun Stories tracks a feud that erupts between two sets of half brothers following the death of their father. Set against the cotton fields and back roads of Southeast Arkansas, these brothers discover the lengths to which each will go to protect their family.

Els Rugrats viatgen a París amb els seus pares, perquè l'inventor Stu Pickles arregli el dinosaure mecànic que va crear per un modern parc temàtic. Mentrestant els nens recorren la ciutat, de la torre Eiffel a Notre Dame, i descobreixen el valor, la lleialtat, la confiança i l'amor vertader.

How might your life be better with less? The popular simple-living duo The Minimalists examines the many flavors of minimalism by taking the audience inside the lives of minimalists from various walks of life.

Buster, Babs and the entire 'Tiny Toons' gang decided to take a trip to Ft. Lauderdale for Spring Break. Meanwhile, Elmrya believes that Buster is the Easter Bunny, and with the help of Samuel Gerard(Tommy Lee Jones in 'The Fugitive') they go on a mission to capture Buster. Plucky tries to make a quick buck by sellin' "The Tan Meiser 6000" but quickly turns his sights on a blonde duck that passes him by. Spoofs of music videos and films of that time (1994) are some of the highlights

Arnold and his friends must recover a stolen document in order to prevent the neighborhood from being bulldozed.

L'Arthur, un nen de deu anys, intenta salvar la casa del seu avi de ser demolida. Així anirà a cercar un tresor amagat a l'illa dels Minimoys, uns éssers minúsculs que viuen en harmonia amb la natura.

Aventures i desventures del petit Tommy, que farà l'impossible per recobrar el protagonisme que li ha llevat el seu nouvingut germà petit. En tot cas, al costat dels seus amics continuarà gaudint de les més variades aventures.

Les vacances familiars dels Rugrats fan un gir tan inesperat com exòtic quan el seu vaixell naufraga davant d'una illa tropical deserta. Tenint la selva com a nou pati de jocs, els nois van d'una aventura perillosa a una altra i aviat descobreixen que a l'illa hi ha algú més.

The film tells the back story about the characters and events leading up to the explosive oil truck heist in Fast & Furious.

Ernesto lives in depression and decides to hire a hit-man to end his own life. However, his plan takes an unexpected turn when he meets Rita, whose love gives him a new reason to live.

TimeFighters in the Land of Fantasy is the second film cut from Tatsunoko's Time Bokan by Jim Terry's Kidpix Productions. This film used mostly episodes themed around fairy tales, as well as the ending. It was released on home video in the 1980s alongside the original TimeFighters.

In 1969, young Jud Crandall has dreams of leaving his hometown behind, but soon discovers sinister secrets buried within and is forced to confront a dark family history that forever binds him to Ludlow.

En plena nit segresten la mare de Savva i el noi no pararà fins a trobar-la. Pel camí farà una colla d’amics i d’enemics i sabrà que està predestinat per salvar el món.

The climate change has released an ancient rabies virus trapped in the Antarctica ice. A female scientist tries to get to the laboratory to create a cure to save the world, protected by an eccentric and two members of the special forces.

When Phil and Debbie Winslow relocate from their native Kansas to the sunny climes of Orange County, their big-hearted, havoc-wreaking Great Dane gets a taste of the dog's life, California-style.

Davey Stone, a 33-year old party animal, finds himself in trouble with the law after his wild ways go too far.