La sabana africana és l'escenari on tenen lloc les aventures de Simba, un petit lleó que és l'hereu del tron. Tot i això, es veu forçat a exiliar-se en ser injustament acusat de la mort del seu pare. Durant el seu desterrament, farà bones amistats i, finalment, tornarà per recuperar allò que legítimament li correspon.
Remy és una simpàtica rata que somia de convertir-se en un gran xef francès malgrat l'oposició de la seva família i del problema evident que suposa ser una rata en una professió que detesta als rosegadores. El destí porta llavors a Remy a les clavegueres de París, però la seva situació no podria ser millor, ja que es troba just sota d'un restaurant que s'ha fet famós gràcies a Auguste Gusteau, una estrella de la cuisine. A pesar del perill que representa ser un visitant poc comú (i per descomptat gens desitjat) en els fogons d'un exquisit restaurant francès, la passió de Remy per la cuina posa de cap per avall el món culinari parisenc en una trepidant i emocionant aventura.
En un món post-apocalíptic on tot ha perdut el valor, els pocs supervivents es guien per la llei del més fort. Sense estima per la vida, l'única cosa que desperta un brutal interès és la benzina, sinònim de poder i objectiu de bandes armades fins a les dents i sense escrúpols. En aquest context coneixerem la història de la despietada, salvatge i jove Furiosa, que cau en mans d'una horda de motoristes i ha de sobreviure a moltes proves mentre reuneix els mitjans per trobar el camí de tornada a casa. Preqüela de 'Mad Max: Fúria a la carretera' (2015).
Seven years since the Monsterpocalypse began, Joel Dawson has been living underground in order to survive. But after reconnecting over radio with his high school girlfriend Aimee, Joel decides to venture out to reunite with her, despite all the dangerous monsters that stand in his way.
Pili and uncle Angel travel to Mexico to see Mili dancing at her debut in a theater in the capital. When Mili finds out the bad economic situation of her uncle, she decides to seek work. Meanwhile, Pili works in a department store and meets Rodolfo, the grandson of Mrs. Caceres, owner of the store, which she takes for the chauffeur of the lady. In turn, Ms. Caceres hires Mili to dance at her party, where she meets and falls for Rodolfo. Rodolfo, who does not know of the existence of a twin sister, is convinced that the girl in the party is Pili. And the sisters do not know they are in love with the same man, which will lead to an unexpected conflict.
Frank i el seu aprenent Freddy acaben el torn en un magatzem de productes sanitaris. Xerrant, Frank explica al jove que els fets narrats a la pel·lícula la Nit dels Morts Vivents van ser reals, però han estat ocultats per les autoritats. Per convèncer el noi de queno menteix, el porta al soterrani, on li ensenya un barril que conté un dels zombies, i el gas que al seu moment li va tornar la vida. Accidentalment obren el barril, alliberant tant el mort vivent com el gas, que arriba a un cementiri proper. Sense saber-ho, un grup de joves que han anat a passar la nit al cementiri seran testimonis del despertar dels morts.
El 1939 a Londres, la senyoreta Guinevere Pettigrew és una institutriu de mitjana edat que és acomiadada injustament. Amb poc més que la indemnització, aconsegueix feina de "secretària social" d'una coneguda cantant i actriu nord-americana que la catapultarà a un món de glamur.
The Coast Guard makes a daring rescue attempt off the coast of Cape Cod after a pair of oil tankers are destroyed during a blizzard in 1952.
Back from a tour of duty, Kelli struggles to find her place in her family and the rust-belt town she no longer recognizes.
Set several years after the first film, Ariel and Prince Eric are happily married with a daughter, Melody. In order to protect Melody from the Sea Witch, Morgana, they have not told her about her mermaid heritage. Melody is curious and ventures into the sea, where she meets new friends. But will she become a pawn in Morgana's quest to take control of the ocean from King Triton?
Middle-aged Gerald Kingsland advertises in a London paper for a female companion to spend a year with him on a desert island. The young Lucy Irving takes a chance on contacting him and after a couple of meetings they decide to go ahead. Once on the island things prove a lot less idyllic than in the movies, and gradually it becomes clear that it is Lucy who has the desire and the strength to try and see the year through.
A relief pitcher for the worst team in the league seizes the unlikely opportunity to work nine innings against the star starting pitcher of the league's best team when no one else wants to face him.
A cruel dictator rules a Latin American state. Corruption, brutality and exploitation are present every day. A few people begin to organise resistance. Under the leader "El Leopardo" a small group of guerillas fights against the violent government.
Tony and Tia are other-worldly twins endowed with telekinesis. When their Uncle Bene drops them off in Los Angeles for an earthbound vacation, a display of their supernatural skill catches the eye of the nefarious Dr. Gannon and his partner in crime, Letha, who see rich possibilities in harnessing the children's gifts. They kidnap Tony, and Tia gives chase only to find Gannon is using her brother's powers against her.
After leaving the prison, the dwarf criminal Calvin Sims joins to his moron brother Percy to steal an expensive huge diamond in a jewelry for the mobster Walken. They are chased by the police, and Calvin hides the stone in the purse of the executive Vanessa Edwards, whose husband Darryl Edwards wants to have a baby. Percy convinces Calvin to dress like a baby and be left in front of the Edwards's house to get inside the house and retrieve the diamond. Darryl and Vanessa keep Calvin for the weekend and decide to adopt him, while Walken threatens Darryl to get the stone back.
When the seeds from the original Garden of Eden are carelessly released into today's toxic climate, the plant is transformed by our contaminated environment into a writhing mass of foliage that wreaks havoc over earth.
After a horrifying PredAlien crash-lands near a small Colorado town, killing everyone it encounters and producing countless Alien offspring, a lone Predator arrives to "clean up" the infestation.
Following the tragic death of her parents Fawn Harriman discovers she has inherited a theatre in the town of Amityville. She, along with 3 friends, decides to spend the weekend there looking the place over. Meanwhile one of her High School teachers begins an investigation into the village's past and makes a connection with something that goes back beyond recorded history.
Because of non-stop environmental destruction, the United Nations commission a private company, "Eternal Earth", to create an artificial jungle to be a nature preserve and to protect animals. Leo, son of Panja, is born in this artificial world. The story starts when Leo and Kenichi, the son of the Eternal Earth company's CEO, meet. Kenichi has the ability to understand and talk to the animals.
Elektra (Jennifer Garner), després de recuperar-se de les mortals ferides sofertes a Daredevil, es converteix en la més perillosa assassina del món. Un cop assignada la seva darrera missió, Elektra prendrà una decisió que portarà la seva vida en una nova direcció... o la destruirà per sempre.