En plena Guerra Freda, se sospita que un enigmàtic general pretén enderrocar el president dels EUA per mitjà d'un cop d'estat. El president disposa només de set dies per trobar proves que li permetin avortar el cop.

Iverson is the ultimate legacy of NBA legend Allen Iverson, who rose from a childhood of crushing poverty in Hampton, Virginia, to become an 11-time NBA All-Star and universally recognized icon of his sport. Off the court, his audacious rejection of conservative NBA convention and unapologetic embrace of hip hop culture sent shockwaves throughout the league and influenced an entire generation. Told largely in Iverson's own words, the film charts the career highs and lows of one of the most distinctive and accomplished figures the sport of basketball has ever seen.

A man reflects on the lost love of his youth and his long-ago journey from Taiwan to America as he begins to reconnect with his estranged daughter.

Arriving from all over the Eastern Bloc, the men who loiter around the Gare du Nord train station in Paris are scraping by however they can, forming gangs for support and protection, ever fearful of being caught by the police and deported. When the middle-aged, bourgeois Daniel approaches a boyishly handsome Ukrainian who calls himself Marek for a date, he learns the young man is willing to do anything for some cash.

Sea life in a whole new way. Deep Sea 3D, an underwater adventure from the filmmakers behind the successful IMAX® 3D film Into the Deep, transports audiences deep below the ocean surface. Through the magic of IMAX®; and IMAX 3D, moviegoers will swim with some of the planets most unique, dangerous and colorful creatures, and understand this inspiring underworld.

A series of gruesome accidents plague a small American farming community in the summer of 1935, encircling two identical twin brothers and their family.

Matt Lee Whitlock (Denzel Washington), el cap de policia de la petita ciutat de Banyan Key, a Florida, és apreciat pels seus col·legues i estimat pels veïns. Però quan la ciutat es veu commocionada per un doble homicidi, s'adona que ha de resoldre el crim abans que ell mateix es converteixi en sospitós. La seva investigació dels fets haurà d'anar per davant de la dels seus propis companys del cos.

After serving time for manslaughter, young Vince Everett becomes a teenage rock star.

Valeria, young secretary of a producer, lives with an eccentric mother and secretly writes for a successful screenwriter, Alessandro. One day, she receives an unusual present from a stranger: it’s the plot of a movie about the mysterious but really-happened theft of a famous Caravaggio’s painting.

Vincent, a police officer, and his partner Manuel steal a large amount of cocaine from José Marciano, a ruthless crime lord who is quick to seek revenge, endangering Vincent's life, career and family.

Després d'una llarga absència, l'escriptor Charles Wills torna a París, ciutat on va conèixer la Helen el dia de l'alliberament de l'ocupació alemanya, quan era tinent de l'exèrcit americà. En aquella època Helen i el seu pare gaudien d'un estil de vida despreocupat i un punt irresponsable, ben al contrari de la seva germana Marion, més assenyada. Amb tot, captivat per la bellesa i vitalitat de la Helen, Charlie s'hi va casar i van tenir una filla. El fracàs de les ambicions literàries d'en Charlie va enfosquir aquesta felicitat conjugal i tots dos es van deixar arrossegar per una existència buida i dissoluta.

A series of mysterious crimes threatens the existence of a new radio network.

Una parella d'enamorats viatja a Haití convidada per un home misteriós que només pretén aconseguir la noia. Per assolir el seu objectiu no dubta a demanar ajuda a un sinistre personatge, anomenat Legendre, que converteix les persones en zombis.

Paris doctor Catherine starts to think her husband, Bernard, is having an affair when she hears an unfamiliar woman's message on his voice mail. Hoping to learn more about his extramarital activities, Catherine heads to a strip club, where she hires call girl Nathalie to have a fling with Gerard. As the affair progresses, Nathalie gives Catherine regular status reports, and the relationship between the women evolves from business to personal.

Colonització anglesa de Nova Zelanda, 1868. Durant la guerra entre britànics i natius maoris, la vida d'una jove irlandesa es veu sacsejada quan el seu fill és segrestat pel seu avi maori. La cerca del nen serà per a ella una autèntica odissea.

Charlie returns to his old town where he meets his ex-girlfriend again and tries to get her back.

El doctor Ben Cahill, massa pressionat per la feina, se'n va una temporada a una petita illa de Maine, a la costa est dels Estats Units. Ben aviat s'adonarà que l'illa està infestada per una mena d'insectes carnívors que fan niu dins dels cossos humans fins que maten les persones. El doctor mira d'avisar la gent de l'illa del perill que corren, però ningú no se'l creu.

A la Sara li agrada planificar-ho tot. Està nerviosa perquè el seu xicot, que viu a l'estranger des de fa un any, ve de visita per passar uns dies amb ella. Però una setmana abans de la seva arribada, la vida de la Sara, i el seu pis, es converteixen en un caos. Els seus pares estan a punt de divorciar-se, i una germana més petita, a punt de casar-se amb l'Aarón (un famós cantant que resulta ser l'amor de l'institut de la Sara). Quin mal ha fet la Sara perquè el karma li torni d'aquesta manera?

Corky Romano is a bumbling, simpleton, veterinarian and the youngest, outcast son of an aging gangster, named Pops Romano, who calls upon Corky to infiltrate the local FBI and retrieve and destroy evidence being used to incriminate Pops for racketeering charges.

Fed up with her parents' bickering, poor-little-rich-girl Maya (Dylan Penn) moves in with her boyfriend who is squatting in an old, condemned building on Manhattan's Lower East Side. With neighbors that are meth heads, junkies and degenerates, this depraved hell hole is even more toxic than it appears: After a virus born from their combined noxious waste and garbage infects the building's residents, one by one, they succumb to a terrifying pathogen that turns them into bloodthirsty, rampaging killers and transforms their building into a savage slaughterhouse.