Barbara Covett és una severa professora d'història soltera i a punt de jubilar-se que, fora del recinte escolar, viu amargada per una existència ensopida i solitària. Fins que coneix la radiant Sheba Hart, una nova professora d'art que acaba d'arribar a l'institut. Totes dues congenien ràpidament i la Barbara se sent feliç per haver trobat un esperit afí. Tanmateix, quan descobreix que la Sheba manté una relació secreta amb un alumne del centre, la Barbara aprofitarà aquesta avinentesa per satisfer els seus propis desitjos.

Mary Linden works for the French Red Cross in Occupied France during World War II and helps allied soldiers who have been shot down to escape to the unoccupied side. Her activities are complicated by her high profile and her daughter's love affair with a German officer. Based on the true story.

Surfer Jay Moriarity sets out to ride the Northern California break known as Mavericks.

After a chance encounter with a wanted man, a woman is harassed by the police and press until she takes violent action.

A young boy has lost his mother and is losing touch with his father and the world around him. Then he meets Hesher who manages to make his life even more chaotic.

Salam, un vividor palestí de 30 anys que viu a Jerusalem, treballa en el set de la famosa telenovel·la palestina "Crema Tel Aviv", produïda a Ramallah. Tots els dies, per a arribar als estudis de televisió, ha de passar per un estricte control israelià. Allí treballa Assi, el comandant a càrrec del lloc, l'esposa del qual és fan de la telenovel·la. Per a impressionar-la, Assi s'involucra en l'escriptura del guió. Salam descobreix que les idees de l'Assi podrien ser el millor que li ha passat mai.

Chris is a once promising high school athlete whose life is turned upside down following a tragic accident. As he tries to maintain a normal life, he takes a job as a janitor at a bank, where he ultimately finds himself caught up in a planned heist.

Tells of the daring heist of The Stone of Destiny in the 1950s by a charming group of idealistic Scottish undergraduates, whose action rekindled Scottish nationalistic pride.

Political strategist Dominic Cummings leads a popular but controversial campaign to convince British voters to leave the European Union from 2015 up until the present day.

La pel·lícula explica la història real de Valerie Plame, una agent de la CIA la identitat de la qual va ser desvelada per membres de la Casa Blanca per desacreditar el seu marit, Joe Wilson, un diplomàtic que l'any 2003 va escriure un article molt polèmic en el New York Times. Valerie Plame dirigia la investigació sobre l'existència d'armes de destrucció massiva a l'Irak. Valerie no va trobar proves però els resultats de la seva investigació van ser desestimats per la Casa Blanca i aleshores Joe publica el seu article. A partir d'aquí comença una guerra en la qual Valerie i Joe hauran de demostrar la veritat i netejar la seva reputació davant dels atacs que van rebent.

An estranged family gathers together in New York for an event celebrating the artistic work of their father.

Best friends Alice and Darlene take a trip to Thailand after graduating high school. In Thailand, they meet a captivating Australian man, who calls himself Nick Parks. Darlene is particularly smitten with Nick and convinces Alice to take Nick up on his offer to treat the two of them to what amounts to a day trip to Hong Kong. In the airport, the girls are seized by the police and shocked to discover that one of their bags contains heroin.

Pensant que la missió en què treballaven s’havia acabat, dos franctiradors americans són sorpresos per un tirador iraquià. La situació els durà al límit fins a convertir-ho tot en un joc entre el gat i la rata on un mur és l’únic lloc per a refugiar-se dels trets enemics.

When his love interest doesn't show up for a meeting, a man and his friends go to Goa in order to find her, where they discover she loves someone else.

Mattia is about to move to Madrid by his boyfriend Eduard. When the day before leaving for Spain, Eduard announces his arrival in Rome to know the "laws", Mattia must choose whether to finally come clean with his companion, or confess to being a formidable liar.

As the 15th anniversary of a fatal high school shooting approaches, former pupil Diana McFee is haunted by memories of the tragedy. After losing her best friend Maureen in the attack, Diana has been profoundly affected by the incident - her seemingly perfect life shaped by the events of that day.

A thriller that follows two siblings who decide to fend for themselves in the wake of a botched casino heist, and their unlikely reunion during another family's Thanksgiving celebration.

FBI Agent Karl Helter and his partner Rebecca Lombardo are very close to busting a sex-trafficking ring. When they realize their investigation has crossed the path of a brutal serial killer, they team up with a FDLE agent to put an end to the infamous 'Truck Stop Killer'.

Remake of a 1956 Fritz Lang film in which a novelist's investigation of a dirty district attorney leads to a setup within the courtroom.

After his wife and daughter are murdered in a home invasion, a widower named John now finds himself up against an army of Universal Soldiers in relentless pursuit, led by a mysterious leader who promises to set UniSols free from their conditioning.