Tegnefilmen 'Fortællingen Om Prinsesse Kaguya' handler om en gammel mand, der lever af at sælge bambus. En dag finder han en lille prinsesse i en af bambusstængerne. Hun er ikke større end en finger og hendes navn er Kaguya. Den gamle mand og hans kone tager hende til sig, og opdrager hendes som deres datter. Hun vokser hurtigere end normale børn, og da hun er en ung kvinde får hun fem bejlere fra rige familier. Kaguya beder dem om at finde mindeværdige bryllupsgaver, men ingen af bejlerne finder den helt rigtige. Men nu har en anden bejler fået øjnene op for hende, og selveste kejseren af Japan frier til hende. Filmen er produceret af Studio Ghibli, der er kendt for filmene af Hayao Miyazaki.

14-årige Shizuku har som så mange andre teenagere svært ved at finde sig selv. Mens hendes ambitiøse forældre ønsker, at hun kunne koncentrere sig om eksamensforberedelserne ligesom sin målrettede storesøster, så er dagdrømmeren Shizuku mere optaget af bibliotekets metervis af eventyrlige bøger. Da hun finder ud af, at der er en dreng, der har lånt præcis de samme bøger som hun, vækkes hendes nysgerrighed, og i mødet med ham oplever Shizuku, hvor vigtigt det er at sætte alt ind på at følge sine drømme.

I sine unge dage var Porco Rosso den mest frygtede kamppilot under 1. Verdenskrig. Men efter at hele hans deling blev dræbt, forvandledes den smukke unge mand på mærkværdig vis, og fik et ansigt som en lyserød gris. Flere år senere er han flyttet ud på en øde ø, men så snart telefonen ringer, går han i luften for at jage de pirater, der hærger turistskibene ud for Italiens kyst. Porco Rosso er også lidt af en “cool cat”. Han slår sig løs i nattelivet, drikker whisky, og slipper helst ikke sit elskede cigaretrør. Men en dag indhenter fortiden ham, og ikke mindst hans store kærlighed...

A workman finds a singing frog in the cornerstone of an old building being demolished. But when he tries to cash in on his discovery, he finds the frog will sing only for him, and just croak for the talent agent and the audience in the theater he's spent his life savings on.

Ikaros is an Angeloid and falls out of the sky. Tomoki Sakurai is a boy who believes the most important thing is to live a peaceful life. The two live tougher. Tomoki Sakurai has never seen Ikaros smile. Tomoki Sakurai sees Nymph and Astraea laugh after they got free from the master’s rule. He hopes Ikaros can laugh like an ordinary girl. This movie wraps up the story of Tomoki Sakurai and his relationship with the Angeloid from the sky, Ikaros.

Historien om 27-årige Taeko, der tager på en lille ferie på landet hos en bekendt familie. Her tager hun sit liv op til revision (bl.a. gennem minder fra barndommen), og hun bliver i sidste ende klogere på sig selv som person.

The family of a Parisian shop-owner spends a day in the country. The daughter falls in love with a man at the inn, where they spend the day.

En pige redder en kat fra at blive kørt over og bliver efterfølgende hentet ind i dyrenes verden for at blive belønnet for sin indsats. Det viser sig dog, at kattenes konge har en skrue løs og vil have hende til at gifte sig med hans søn - ægteskab med dyr er ikke tilladt, heller ikke i Japan!

Yoko Asagiri is in love, but is afraid to confess her feelings so she writes a song to express her feelings. Much to her dismay, the love song she wrote acted as a bridge connecting the world in which she lived in to that of Earth's alternate world called "Ashanti." There, the ruler of that world wants her song so that he could use it to open a doorway to Yoko's world and conquer it with his armies. Using the artifacts left behind by the legendary warrior Leda who prophesized her arrival, Yoko and her newfound friends must stop the tyrant's ambition and return both worlds to their proper place and balance.

My Neighbors the Yamadas handler om en Japansk familie og begivenheder i deres hverdag. Der er tale om en række komiske historier og den eneste røde tråd i handlingen er familien Yamadas tilstedeværelse. Karaktererne er ikke tegnet i den typiske Ghibli stil - de ligner mere karakterer fra de japanske avisstriber (yonkoma manga). På trods af gode anmeldelser blev filmen et box office-flop. Det var den første Ghibli film som udelukkende blev animeret og farvelagt på computer.

The Pictorians have arrived from deep in space. They also have dangly glow-balls on their heads, which is kinda cool, but still. The freaky aliens are using use their crazy rainbow-beam-thingy to paint everything on Earth the same color: white! See, now the title of the movie makes more sense, right? Anyway, if the Pictorians are to be stopped, the Allied guys and the Axis boys - plus some new characters, too - must set aside their differences, unite against their common foe, and hopefully get together for a sweaty workout to make sure they're super-ready to save the world!

Sonic's arch nemesis Dr. Robotnik has been banished from the Land of Darkness by an evil Metal Robotnik. The devious doctor tells Sonic that the Robot Generator has been sabotaged and will blow Planet Freedom to kingdom come. But it's not until the President's beautiful daughter Sara turns on the charm that Sonic springs into action.

The Lupin gang is once again dragged onto a wild treasure hunt! This time, the objective is a mysterious, small dragon statue that even Goemon's steel-rendering blade Zantetsuken cannot cut. The artifact, which once eluded even Lupin the Third's esteemed grandfather, rests deep undersea inside the infamous Titanic, and is the key to unlocking the mystery of Zantetsuken's almighty strength. A wealthy gangster, Lupin, and Goemon all want the statue for themselves!

The target of hitgirl Mikura is a wealthy baseball team owner, but he turns out to be a powerful underworld boss. Mikura and her team are beset by countless heavily armed bodyguards and the boss' vicious daughter.

Young Horus lives in a mythical Scandinavia of the Iron Age. Recovering the stolen Sword of the Sun from a rock giant, he learns he must travel to the lands of his ancestors, encountering the beautiful but enigmatic Hilda as his journey leads to a series of adventures.

Natsume Mochizuki works as a teen model in Tokyo, but she learns that she has to move to her father's hometown of Ukigumo. She is in a desperate situation because she can't do the things she wants to do in Ukigumo. One day, she meets Koichiro Hasegawa. He is the successor of the Hasegawa family. His family is wealthy and is respected in the area. Natsume Mochizuki and Koichiro Hasegawa become attracted to each other, but something changes their fate.

Haiti, 1962: A man is brought back from the dead only to be sent to the living hell of the sugarcane fields. In Paris, 55 years later, at the prestigious Légion d’honneur boarding school, a Haitian girl confesses an old family secret to a group of new friends - never imagining that this strange tale will convince a heartbroken classmate to do the unthinkable.

Hr. Tornberg fortæller Gafli om skuespillerens komplekse opgave og kunsten at optræde.

Beatriz, an immigrant from a poor town in Mexico, has drawn on her innate kindness to build a career as a health practitioner. Doug Strutt is a cutthroat, self-satisfied billionaire. When these two opposites meet at a dinner party, their worlds collide, and neither will ever be the same.

Ships disappear on route across the Arctic Sea, and a special submarine is sent to investigate.