


ある郊外の一軒家で暮らすクロエ (キーラ・アレン) は、生まれつき慢性の病気を患い、車椅子生活を余儀なくされている。しかし地元の大学への進学を望み自立しようとしていた。そんなある日、進学の夢も後押ししてくれている母親ダイアンに不信感を抱き始める。ダイアンが新しい薬と称して差し出す緑色のカプセル。クロエの懸命な調査により、それは決して人間が服用してはならない薬だったのだ。クロエは母親から逃げようとするが、その行く手には想像を絶する試練と新たな衝撃の真実が待ち受けていた…。

Julie finally gets an interview for a job where she can raise her children better only to run into a national transit strike.

In response to a global rise in demonic possessions, the Catholic Church reopens exorcism schools to train priests in the Rite of Exorcism. On this spiritual battlefield, an unlikely warrior rises: a young nun, Sister Ann. Thrust onto the spiritual frontline with fellow student Father Dante, Sister Ann finds herself in a battle for the soul of a young girl and soon realizes the Devil has her right where he wants her.

Detective Sergeant Ma Jun, known for dispensing his own brand of justice during arrests, teams up with an undercover cop, Wilson, to try and bring down three merciless Vietnamese brothers running a smuggling ring in the months before mainland China's takeover of Hong Kong. Jun pursues the gang tirelessly, sometimes ignoring police protocols. A showdown is inevitable!

フランス革命前夜の18世紀フランスを舞台に、世界で初めてレストランを作った男の実話をもとに描いた人間ドラマ。 1789年。宮廷料理人マンスロンは、創作料理「デリシュ」にジャガイモを使用したことで貴族たちの反感を買って解雇され、息子を連れて実家へ帰ることに。ある日、マンスロンのもとに謎めいた女性ルイーズが料理を習いたいと訪ねてくる。彼女の熱意に負けて料理を教えることになったマンスロンは、失っていた料理への情熱を徐々に取り戻していく。やがてマンスロンはルイーズと息子の協力を得て、一般人のために開かれた世界初のレストランを開店する。 マンスロンを「オフィサー・アンド・スパイ」のグレゴリー・ガドゥボワ、ルイーズを「ムースの隠遁」のイザベル・カレが演じる。「ブルー・レクイエム」などの脚本家エリック・ベナールが監督を務めた。



The story of how social networks and instant messengers are changing the life of a modern person. It has been several years since a 16-year-old teenager posted a photo of his girlfriend in the general chat, hoping to boast to friends. Now he has a happy adult life: work, friends, fiance Katya, who is about to become his wife. But the Internet makes you remember teenage love, after which a chain of inexplicable mystical events occurs with the future wife of a young man. The girl receives mysterious messages from her fiance's past. Because of them, her life turns into a nightmare.

The world is a mysterious place when seen through the eyes of an animal. EO, a grey donkey with melancholic eyes, meets good and bad people on his life’s path, experiences joy and pain, endures the wheel of fortune randomly turn his luck into disaster and his despair into unexpected bliss. But not even for a moment does he lose his innocence.

A military contractor hired to seize a weapon that turns people into savage killers seeks revenge when his brother falls victim to the device.


When a master thief is sabotaged during a bank heist and left for dead, he seeks revenge on his former crew one target at a time. Now, with the cops and the mob closing in, he's in the race of his life to reclaim an untold fortune in cryptocurrency from those who double-crossed him.

Summer 2019. Just graduated from Sciences Po, Madeleine leaves to prepare the orals of the ENA in Corsica with Antoine, her lover with whom she shares very left-wing political convictions. On a small deserted road, an unexpected encounter will seal their fate.


第2次世界大戦中の1943年。連合国空軍の女性大尉モード・ギャレットが、フールズ・エランド号と命名され た B-17爆撃機に乗り込んだ。上官からの密命を帯びたモードの任務は、極秘の最高機密をニュージーランド からサモアへ運ぶこと。オール男性の乗組員たちから卑猥な言葉を浴びせられながらも、ひたむきにミッション を遂行しようとするモードだったが、銃座の窓から機の右翼にまとわりつく、謎の生物を目撃する―。そしてある 重大な秘密を隠し持つ彼女が、この爆撃機に乗った本当の理由とは......。

Erstwhile Special Forces operative Doc Alexander is asked to broker a truce with the Mexican drug cartel in secrecy. When Oklahoma Governor Richard Jeffs celebrates the execution of a high-ranking cartel member on TV, his Chief of Staff and Doc inform him about the peace he just ended. But it’s too late, as Cuco, the cartel’s hatchet man, has set his vengeful sights on Doc’s daughter Dixie.

A wealthy teen and his friends attending an elite private school uncover a dark conspiracy while looking into a series of strange supernatural events.