




"Master" is the name of a 12-story apartment building in Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro's neighborhood for nightlife. Over the course of four weeks in 2001, Eduardo Coutinho's film crew rented one of the 276 apartments and used it as home base to make a film about the building's residents. We get to know the building manager, who succeeded in turning the troubled residence into a family complex within just a few years. Using interviews and a few stolen moments in the corridors of the building, Coutinho explores this world. Most of the building's residents come from the lower middle class and are just getting by, but that's just about the only thing they have in common - so many people, so many stories, sometimes told in a self-confident tone, sometimes with averted eyes. The fact that a film crew is interested in their stories puzzles some of them. Hope, fear, dreams, memories, love and loneliness all appear from behind the doors of this average apartment building.

アトレイデス家の後継者、ポール。彼には”未来が視える”能力があった。 宇宙帝国の皇帝からの命令で、その惑星を制する者が全宇宙を制すると言われる、 過酷な《砂の惑星デューン》へと移住するが、それは罠だった…。 そこで宇宙支配を狙う宿敵ハルコンネン家の壮絶な戦いが勃発!! 父を殺され、巨大なサンドワームが襲い来るその惑星で、全宇宙のために立ち上がるー




While investigating a young nun's rape, a corrupt New York City police detective, with a serious drug and gambling addiction, tries to change his ways and find forgiveness.

A realist dramedy about dedicated social workers who devote their long shifts to helping pregnant women.

メルボルンのネオナチ若者ギャング集団のリーダー、ハンドーは、仲間のデイヴィーたちとともに夜な夜なヴェトナム系移民をリンチして憂さ晴らしする毎日。アジア人だけでなく富裕層や権力者などに対しても憎しみの感情だけを持ち、ドラッグ、窃盗、暴力漬けの人生もすべて彼らのせいであると信じ込んでいる。やはりドラッグ漬けの少女ゲイブ も仲間に引き入れるが、ハンドーのガールフレンドとなったゲイブにデイヴィーはほのかな恋心を抱く。そんなある日、ハンドーたちに仲間をリンチされたヴェトナム系集団が、ハンドーたちをはるかに上回る多勢で反撃し…。

Four corrupted fascist libertines round up 9 teenage boys and girls and subject them to 120 days of sadistic physical, mental and sexual torture.

While on a trip to Thailand, a successful American businessman tries to radically change his life. Back in New York, his wife and daughter find their relationship with their live-in Filipino maid changing around them. At the same time, in the Philippines, the maid's family struggles to deal with her absence.

An obese lawyer finds himself growing "Thinner" when an old Romani man places a hex on him. Now the lawyer must call upon his friends in organized crime to help him persuade the old man to lift the curse. Time is running out for the desperate lawyer as he draws closer to his own death, and grows ever thinner.

College student Regina comes back to her room from class one day to discover she's won a getaway vacation at the quiet Red Wolf Inn. Before she can even call her parents to let them know where she'll be, the lodge owners arrange her transport and she soon finds herself with two other young women as guests of a kindly old couple. The place is beautiful and the food is fantastic, but something just doesn't seem right. One of the guests has suddenly vanished, and the hosts are certainly reluctant to have anyone poking around the meat locker. Still, the barbecued ribs are delicious, so what's there to complain about?


Reality and fantasy begin to blur when a teenager, alone in her attic bedroom, immerses herself in a role-playing horror game online.

Hello, my name is Sophia. I’m the latest robot from Hanson Robotics. I was created using breakthrough robotics and artificial intelligence technologies developed by David Hanson and his friends at Hanson Robotics here in Hong Kong. But I’m more than just technology. I’m a real, live electronic girl. I have feelings too. And I am a citizen of Saudi Arabia.