Documentary style account of a nuclear holocaust and its effect on the working class city of Sheffield, England; and the eventual long run effects of nuclear war on civilization.

Blue Story is a tragic tale of a friendship between Timmy and Marco, two young boys from opposing postcodes. Timmy, a shy, smart, naive and timid young boy from Deptford, goes to school in Peckham where he strikes up a friendship with Marco, a charismatic, streetwise kid from the local area. Although from warring postcodes, the two quickly form a firm friendship until it is tested and they wind up on rival sides of a street war. Blue Story depicts elements of Rapman's own personal experiences and aspects of his childhood.

An aging, reclusive Southern belle plagued by a horrifying family secret descends into madness after the arrival of a lost relative.

Després d'un accidentat passat, Norman Dale és contractat per entrenar un equip de bàsquet. Tot i el rebuig que pateix per part dels jugadors, d'un antipàtic professor i d'uns veïns que intenten fer-lo fora, Dale, que és un home ple d'energia i d'una passió infrangible pel joc, no es rendeix. Però guanyar-se l'equip és només la meitat de la batalla en un món on els equips febles poden acabar jugant contra rivals de primera, però un foraster tenaç pot aixecar l'orgull de tot un comtat.

Un cadell d'ós ha perdut la mare en un despreniment de terra. L'animaló es queda adormit i somia en un món feliç. Però quan es desperta, recorre tot el bosc buscant el rastre de la mare. D'aquesta manera, descobreix altres animals i també un ós mascle, que l'adoptarà, i tots dos miraran d'evitar els caçadors.

This award-winning, thrilling story is about a group of discarded kids who revolutionized skateboarding and shaped the attitude and culture of modern day extreme sports. Featuring old skool skating footage, exclusive interviews and a blistering rock soundtrack, DOGTOWN AND Z-BOYS captures the rise of the Zephyr skateboarding team from Venice's Dogtown, a tough "locals only" beach with a legacy of outlaw surfing.

Fiona and Grant have been married for nearly 50 years. They have to face the fact that Fiona’s absent-mindedness is a symptom of Alzheimer’s disease. She must go to a specialized nursing home, where she slowly forgets Grant and turns her affection to Aubrey, another patient in the home.

Celebrities recall their most mind-bending trips via animations, reenactments and more in this comedic documentary exploring the story of psychedelics.

Life for a happy couple is turned upside down after their young son dies in an accident.

Rigby Reardon és el millor dels sabedors. És un paio dur, disposat a investigar el que sigui. Juliet Forrest el contracta perquè investigui la misteriosa mort del seu pare, un cèlebre científic, filantrop i fabricant de formatges. Reardon de seguida fa olor una mica sospitós, i segueix un intricat laberint de pistes que el porten a les “Carlotta Lists”. Comptant amb l'ajuda d'alguns col·legues, intentarà atrapar els culpables.

In the 1940s in the small town of Jupiter Hollow, two sets of identical twins are born in the same hospital on the same night. One set to a poor local family and the other to a rich family just passing through. The dizzy nurse on duty accidentally mixes the twins unbeknown to the parents. Our story flashes forward to the 1980s where the mismatched sets of twins are about to cross paths.

An anarchic, hip-hop inspired comedy that follows four city boys on a wilderness trek as they try to escape a mysterious huntsman.

The plot centers on students involved in the Soweto Riots, in opposition to the implementation of Afrikaans as the language of instruction in schools. The stage version presents a school uprising similar to the Soweto uprising on June 16, 1976. A narrator introduces several characters among them the school girl activist Sarafina. Things get out of control when a policeman shoots several pupils in a classroom. Nevertheless, the musical ends with a cheerful farewell show of pupils leaving school, which takes most of act two. In the movie version Sarafina feels shame at her mother's (played by Miriam Makeba in the film) acceptance of her role as domestic servant in a white household in apartheid South Africa, and inspires her peers to rise up in protest, especially after her inspirational teacher, Mary Masombuka (played by Whoopi Goldberg in the film version) is imprisoned.

Roberta Glass és una noia de vint anys aficionada a llegir els anuncis personals del diari. És així com s'assabenta que algú està buscant desesperadament una tal Susan. També ella la vol trobar per poder allunyar-se del seu marit, un triomfador maco i enèrgic, incapaç de comprendre els seus somnis. Quan, per fi, la localitza, es veurà envoltada de nombrosos embolics, ja que Susan és una dona que viu segons els seus desitjos i que concep la vida com una gran aventura.

Beverly Hills couple Barbara and Dave Whiteman find their lives altered by the arrival of a vagrant who tries to drown himself in their swimming pool.

Jake and Kristy Briggs are newlyweds. Being young, they are perhaps a bit unprepared for the full reality of marriage and all that it (and their parents) expect from them. Do they want babies? Their parents certainly want them to. Is married life all that there is? Things certainly aren't helped by Jake's friend Davis, who always seems to turn up just in time to put a spanner in the works.

The seeds of love are planted when Lisa, a high-powered investment banker, receives flowers from a secret admirer. But when his fairy-tale fantasies clash with her workaholic ways, they soon find out that sometimes, it's harder than it seems for love to conquer all.

A mysterious oriental skull transforms a father into his son, and vice versa.

En Ben és un jove que ho té tot i que té el somni més gran de poder arribar a nedar als Jocs Olímpics. Tot i això, la seva vida perfecta canviarà quan, després de tenir una petita aventura amb una noia explosiva nouvinguda, aquesta no deixarà de perseguir-lo, tot i que ell té xicota i li deixa clar que no vol tenir cap relació.

Seven years after the world's most devastating tsunami in Thailand six strangers find themselves trapped in a beach side resort on the brink of an oncoming hurricane. Each of their hearts are broken and silently cry out on the most desperate night of their lives. As the storm rages on and the six strangers fall deeper into the heart of darkness another guest arrives at the hotel. He says he is Jesus Christ, and he knows what each of them suffers from. Knowing their dire need, he came to bring them all a message of hope and rescue them from the darkest corners of their own hearts.