It's been six years since Mariano graduated from film school. He's about to turn 30 and he still lives with his mom, spends most of his time watching movies and has never written a single screenplay. His comfortable routine changes when his 15-year-old cousin, Ramiro, moves in with them.

Chris Rock brings his critically acclaimed brand of social commentary-themed humour to this HBO Special, extolling his razor-sharp wit and wisdom on such topics as gun control, President Clinton, homophobia, racism, black leaders and relationships.

A library assistant plods through an ordinary life in LA until a chance meeting opens his eyes to the power of creativity and ultimately, love. When this new life and love begin to fall apart, he discovers he has a lot to give. This short film proves that ordinary is no place to be.

Irreversible. Perquè el temps ho destrueix tot. Perquè alguns actes són irreparables. Perquè l'home és un animal. Perquè el desig de venjança és un impuls natural. Perquè la majoria dels crims queden sense càstig. Perquè la pèrdua de l'estimat destrueix com un llamp. Perquè l'amor és l'origen de la vida. Perquè tota la història s'escriu amb esperma i sang. Perquè les premonicions no modifiquen el curs dels esdeveniments. Perquè el temps ho revela tot: el millor i el pitjor.

A semi-fictionalized documentary about a day in the life of Australian musician Nick Cave's persona.

"Good son" Franck returns to his hometown to do a trainee managerial internship in the Human Resources department of the factory where his anxious, taciturn father has worked for 23 years.

In a world after the nuclear apocalypse a scholar helps a small group of children and adults survive, staying with them in the basement of the former museum of history. In his mind he writes letters to his son — though it is obvious that they will never be read.

After a dreadful incident coupled with an ungovernable paroxysm of violence, a butcher will fall into a downward spiral that will burn to the ground whatever dignity still remained in him.

Three handicapped losers who form a band ask famous writer Dries to be their drummer. He joins the band and starts manipulating them.

At the start of the summer, Bridget has an abortion just as she lands a much-needed job in affluent Evanston, Illinois — nannying a six-year old.

L'ancià senyor Takazawa ha estat reclutat, sense saber-ho, pel Ministeri de Sanitat per prendre part en un experiment que revolucionarà l'atenció als ancians. No més residències, no més infermeres a casa… El Z-001 s'encarregarà de tot. El prototip, un llit mecànic equipat amb l'últim supercomputador del govern, està connectat directament al cervell del senyor Takazawa i dissenyat per proporcionar-li qualsevol cosa que necessiti. Tothom sembla pensar que és una gran idea, excepte Haruko, la jove infermera que atenia a l'ancià…

The line between reality and fiction starts to blur when two best friends start making a movie about getting revenge on bullies.

A biography of the civil-rights activist and labor organizer Cesar Chavez. Chronicling the birth of a modern American labour movement, Cesar Chavez tells the story of the famed civil rights leader and labour organiser torn between his duties as a husband and father and his commitment to securing a living wage for farm workers. Passionate but soft-spoken, Chavez embraced non-violence as he battled greed and prejudice in his struggle to bring dignity to working people.

Two actresses, Béatrice Dalle and Charlotte Gainsbourg, are on a film set telling stories about witches.

Tv play based on Hjalmar Bergmans play Swedenhielms from 1923.

Aniceto is used to being lonely. When Francisca offers him her love, his personal limitations and little miseries arise.

A comedian's relationship with his family crumbles when his career begins to take off.

Una família de la noblesa amb problemes econòmics espera ansiosa l'arribada de Lucy Broadhurst, filla d'un ric burgès. La boda de Lucy amb l'hereu de la família, l'excèntric Mathurin, podria ajudar-los a millorar la seva situació. Quan la noia arriba a la llar dels aristòcrates, s'obsessiona amb la història de Romilda de l'Esperance, una avantpassada del seu futur espòs. Segons les parleries, Romilda havia mantingut relacions sexuals amb una misteriosa bèstia que s'amagava en els boscos pròxims a la mansió.

En un futur llunyà, en un planeta salvatge, la solitària adolescent Roxy allibera una criminal que estava enterrada a la sorra. Un cop lliure, la dona torna a sembrar el terror i la mort. Roxy i la seva mare, Zora, són considerades responsables, se'ls exilia de la seva comunitat i se'ls condemna a localitzar l'assassina. Així, comencen a vagabundejar pels territoris fantàstics i fantasmals del seu brut paradís.

A compilation of erotic films intended to illuminate the points where art meets sexuality.