In response to a sudden dismissal of staff, workers at a big retail store begin a protest against their employer's oppressive labor policies.

A documentary about the legendary series of nationally televised debates in 1968 between two great public intellectuals, the liberal Gore Vidal and the conservative William F. Buckley Jr. Intended as commentary on the issues of their day, these vitriolic and explosive encounters came to define the modern era of public discourse in the media, marking the big bang moment of our contemporary media landscape when spectacle trumped content and argument replaced substance. Best of Enemies delves into the entangled biographies of these two great thinkers, and luxuriates in the language and the theater of their debates, begging the question, "What has television done to the way we discuss politics in our democracy today?"

A profoundly personal voyage into the complexity, fragility and wonder of the human brain, after Lotje Sodderland miraculously survives a hemorrhagic stroke and finds herself starting again in an alien world, bereft of language and logic. This feature documentary takes us on a genre-twisting tale that is by turns excruciating and exquisite - from the devastating consequences of a first-time neurological experiment, through to the extraordinary revelations of her altered sensory perception.

A young man of Chinese-Cambodian descent dies, leaving behind his isolated mother and his lover of four years. Though the two don't share a language, they grow close through their grief.

Vi er i 80'erne midt i break-dance bølgen og følger en gruppe venner fra New York Citys fattige kvarterer: DJ'en Kenny, hans yngre bror Lee, graffiti maleren Ramon og den udspekulerede Chollie, der vil være manager for Kenny. Det er et stemningsbillede af en forgangen tid fuld af vilde fester i forladte bygninger, umulig kærlighed og en kamp for at få hverdagen til at hænge sammen.

Convinced that reuniting with his old girlfriend will bring his dreams to fruition, Gabriel risks it all in a desperate and increasingly obsessive pursuit.

Før Elton John, Madonna og Lady Gaga, var der Liberace! Liberace (Michael Douglas) var en virtuos pianist, en flammende entertainer og glitrende stjerne, både på tv og i ekstravagente sceneshows. I sommeren 1977 træder den unge, smukke Scott Thorson (Matt Damon) ind i Liberaces omklædningsrum, og trods aldersforskellen indleder de en kærlighedsaffære, der varer fem år. Scott kommer fra fattige kår og bliver forblændet af Liberaces luksuøse liv, men forholdet bliver med tiden ganske stormfuldt og destruktivt. Filmen er baseret på Scott Thorsons egne beretninger og er en hudløs og universel historie om kærlighed, besættelse, magt og manipulation.

The boys get arrested for robbing an ATM machine and spend 18 months in jail. When the get out, they decide to pull off "The Big Dirty" which is to steal a large amount of coins because they are untraceable and quit their life of crime forever

The daughter of a Scottish farmer comes of age in the early 1900s.

An inside look into one night in the San Francisco underground rave scene.

São Paulo, 2007. Santana works as a dogcatcher, picking up stray animals. He is a friendly guy, averse to trouble, who has always kept violence away from the doorsteps of his home. One day, he catches a very big dog in a school. Some days later, comes the animal's owner: Babyface, a sociopath ex-cop. The man is furious, considering his dog to be "kidnapped", and demands immediate restitution of his pet. But the dog is not coming back: according to the law, the animal was put to sleep. In a misunderstanding, Babyface argue with Santana, blaming him for his pet's death. From this moment on, Santana's life will be completely changed.

Deep in the heart of the English countryside lies the enchanting village of Gladbury. Legend has it every 25 years an angel visits the village candlemaker and touches a single candle. Whoever lights this candle receives a miracle on Christmas Eve. But in 1890, at the dawn of the electric age, this centuries old legend may come to an end.

På en high school i USA er der noget helt galt. Det mener i hvert fald skolens populære pige. Sammen med en reporter fra skolebladet sætter hun sig for at undersøge en sag om stjålne tests. Sporet fører helt op til skole rektor, en desillusioneret krigsveteran - og videre endnu. I takt med at de to unge snushaner afdækker sagens sammenhæng, må de også sande at deres arbejde ikke er helt ufarligt.

After being told by her boss that the company needs to attract more clients, Elizabeth, a skilled executive, meets one of Santa’s helpers, who blesses her with an extraordinary gift allowing Elizabeth to hear everyone’s unspoken thoughts. While first using her new-found power to get ahead at work, she soon learns to become a better person, turning an office rivalry into romance while learning the true meaning of Christmas along the way.

Da lille Mariah (Breanna Yde) ser en lille hundehvalp, ved hun, hvad hun ønsker sig i julegave. Før hendes juleønske kan gå i opfyldelse, må hun bevise, at hun kan passe sin onkels hund Jack; byens værste hund! Det var ikke lige den jul, hun havde håbet på... det var vildere, end kun kunne forestille sig. Filmen er baseret på julesangen og den illustrerede bog af samme navn, Mariah Careys All I Want for Christmas Is You, med fortælling og musik af Mariahs musik – hele familien vil elske den!

Naima er enlig mor og kæmper for at få økonomien til at hænge sammen. Hun beder derfor hans bedsteforældre i New York, pastor Cornell og Aretha Cobbs, om at tage sig af teenagesønnen Langston. I første omgang er han langt fra begejstret for de stramme tøjler, men med hjælp fra nye venner - og lidt guddommelig indgriben - begiver han sig ud på en inspirerende rejse, der samler hele familien.

Women are practically throwing themselves at Rich and he can’t seem to control himself. But he continually blames his penis, which seems to have a mind of its own. After ruining yet another promising relationship with Jamie, Rich has finally had enough and wishes his penis would just leave him alone. The next morning, Rich wakes up to find his wish has come true and his johnson is no longer on his body. Even worse, Rich is shocked to discover that his penis has taken human form...

Alle mændene i byen er forelskede i Lucy. Hun er både rar, forstående, sjov og loyal - den perfekte pige, som ikke kan gøre noget forkert. Midt under en romantisk date med Clint - fodboldholdets gifte træner - åbner der sig pludselig et hul i Lucys stuegulv, som Clint falder ned i. Det viser sig at være et hul mellem dimensioner af uendeligt mørke, hvor Clint nu svæver rundt i en slags tomrum. Nu må Lucy forsøge at redde Clint, samtidig med at hun skal prøve at holde deres affære og den mindre perfekte side af sig selv skjult for hele byen.

Years after a childhood prank goes horribly wrong, a clique of South Central LA teens find themselves terrorized during Homecoming weekend by a killer hell-bent on revenge.