Najnovejši film kultnega Christopherja Nolana z Matthewom McConaugheyjem v vlogi vodje skupine Nasinih raziskovalcev, ki se podajo na najpomembnejšo odpravo v zgodovini človeštva. V času, ko se zaradi onesnaženja in prevladujočih peščenih viharjev, ki uničujejo floro in favno, naš čas na Zemlji bliža koncu, se skupina Nasinih raziskovalcev poda na najpomembnejšo odpravo v zgodovini človeštva: v največji tajnosti potujejo onkraj meja dojemljivega, da bi z raziskovanjem neznanih planetov dognali, ali ima človeštvo prihodnost kje onkraj našega ozvezdja.

Delia je žena in mati treh otrok v povojnem Rimu. Ko ne gospodinji nasilnemu možu in ne skrbi za sitnega tasta, hiti med priložnostnimi deli. Edino uteho ji prinašata klepet s prijateljico in hčerina zaroka s prijetnim mladeničem iz premožne družine. Svojo usodo sprejema brez pritoževanja – dokler nekega dne ne prispe skrivnostno pismo...

Z oskarjem nagrajeni režiser mojstrovin Taksist, Pobesneli bik in Dobri fantje predstavlja resnično zgodbo predrznega borznega posrednika Jordana Belforta (DiCaprio), ki želi na vsak način čim hitreje obogateti. Z ambicioznimi prijatelji si izmišljujejo vedno nove in vedno bolj inovativne načine preprodaje delnic. S polnimi žepi denarja se predajajo neumornemu veseljačenju in razuzdanim zabavam, toda življenje na veliki nogi jih potiska v vedno temačnejše vode denarnih prevar, zlonamernih poneverb in neizprosne zlorabe zaupnih informacij.

Benjamin se rodi kot star gospod in skozi svoje življenje postaja vedno mlajši, tako telesno kot osebnostno. Ljudje se do njega obnašajo telesni starosti primerno, ne glede na njegove življenjske izkušnje. Benjamin doživi veliko dogodivščin, se zaljubi v življenje in se hkrati počuti osamljenega, saj nihče ne ve za njegov specifičen način odraščanja.

In Ancient Polynesia, when a terrible curse incurred by Maui reaches an impetuous Chieftain's daughter's island, she answers the Ocean's call to seek out the demigod to set things right.

Iztrebljevalec 2049 je nadaljevanje legendarnega filma iz leta 1982, ki je za ljubitelje znanstvenofantastičnih filmov vedno na seznamu najboljših. Presežke tokrat obljublja odlična igralska zasedba, v kateri najdemo Ryana Goslinga, Harrisona Forda, Robina Wrighta, Davea Bautista in Jareda Leta. Trideset let po dogodkih iz prvega filma novi iztrebljevalec, policist K iz Los Angelesa (Gosling), razkrije dolgo zakopano skrivnost, ki bi utegnila pahniti delček družbe, ki še ostaja, v popoln kaos. To odkritje ga prisili na lov za Rickom Deckardom (Ford), nekdanjim iztrebljevalcem, za katerim so se pred 30 leti izgubile vse sledi.

Though Kevin has evidenced 23 personalities to his trusted psychiatrist, Dr. Fletcher, there remains one still submerged who is set to materialize and dominate all the others. Compelled to abduct three teenage girls led by the willful, observant Casey, Kevin reaches a war for survival among all of those contained within him — as well as everyone around him — as the walls between his compartments shatter apart.

When 4 year old Amanda McCready disappears from her home and the police make little headway in solving the case, the girl's aunt, Beatrice McCready hires two private detectives, Patrick Kenzie and Angie Gennaro. The detectives freely admit that they have little experience with this type of case, but the family wants them for two reasons—they're not cops and they know the tough neighborhood in which they all live.

In Babel, a tragic incident involving an American couple in Morocco sparks a chain of events for four families in different countries throughout the world.

Several friends travel to Sweden to study as anthropologists a summer festival that is held every ninety years in the remote hometown of one of them. What begins as a dream vacation in a place where the sun never sets, gradually turns into a dark nightmare as the mysterious inhabitants invite them to participate in their disturbing festive activities.

Freed after a lengthy term in a juvenile detention center, convicted child killer Jack Burridge finds work as a deliveryman and begins dating co-worker Michelle. While out on the road one day, Jack notices a distressed child, and, after reuniting the girl with her family, becomes a local celebrity. But when a local newspaper unearths his past, Jack must cope with the anger of citizens who fear for the safety of their children.

Two former geeks become 1980s punks, then party and go to concerts while deciding what to do with their lives.

An American-born Chinese economics professor accompanies her boyfriend to Singapore for his best friend's wedding, only to get thrust into the lives of Asia's rich and famous.

Freshman high-school student Melinda has refused to speak ever since she called the cops on a popular summer party. With her old friends snubbing her for being a rat, and her parents too busy to notice her troubles, she folds into herself, trying to hide her secret: that star senior Andy raped her at the party. But Melinda does manage to find solace in her art class headed by Mr. Freeman.

Tom and Dan's one-night stand turns into an intense power-play between captor and captive.

When Hollywood superstar George Reeves dies in his home, private detective Louis Simo is hired to investigate his death and gets caught in a web of lies involving a big studio executive's wife.

A massage therapist looking to overcome her addictions and reconnect with her son, whose father is an anthropologist in South America studying the Yanomani people, moves in with a wealthy ex-client in New Jersey.

In a sleepy little mill town in North Carolina, Paul is the town Romeo. But when his best friend's sister returns home from boarding school, he finds himself falling for her innocent charm. In spite of her lack of experience and the violent protests of her brother, the two find themselves in a sweet, dreamy and all-consuming love.

A 1920s mail pilot and a rich man's daughter crash-land on a mountain full of hungry wolves.

In the 1880s western "Traded", a father must leave his ranch for Dodge City to save his daughter from an old enemy, putting his reputation as the fastest draw in the west to the test.