Anglaterra, 1974. L'activitat de l'IRA viu un moment àlgid amb disturbis i atemptats continus. Gerry Conlon, un jove nord-irlandès sense feina ni ideals polítics, és injustament acusat de l'atemptat contra un pub de Guilford freqüentat per soldats britànics. Després d'una setmana sotmesos a tortures i coerció psicològica per la policia, ell i tres amics confessen un crim que no han comès. Per aplacar l'opinió pública, són jutjats i condemnats a cadena perpètua. Igualment, condemnen per complicitat la família de Gerry, el seu pare inclòs, a llargues penes de presó. Els Conlon passaran anys engarjolats, lluitant per provar la seva innocència.
El doctor Malcolm Sayer, un neuròleg novaiorquès decideix, a mitjans dels anys seixanta, aplicar un tractament innovador als seus pacients d'encefalitis, malaltia que priva de les facultats motores les persones que la pateixen fins a reduir-les a un estat vegetatiu. A poc a poc es començarà a manifestar certa millora en els pacients, especialment a Leonard Lowe.
L'Evelyn, una dona madura que viu frustrada per la seva obesitat i per la insensibilitat i poca esma del seu marit, coneix casualment en un asil a la Ninny, una anciana que li va explicant a poc a poc una dramàtica història que va succeir en un petit poble d'Alabama. El relat es fa cada vegada més fascinant: gira entorn de la gran amistat entre dues dones i al misteriós assassinat del marit d'una d'elles.
El cadàver d'una dona desapareix misteriosament del dipòsit de cadàvers sense deixar cap rastre. L'inspector Jaime Peña investiga l'estrany succés amb l'ajuda d'Àlex Ulloa, el vidu de la dona desapareguda.
You know the feeling. It feels like time slows down as your eyes meet a stranger’s. Then you walk pass each other, neither of you looking back. That’s what happened with Pelin and Engin. Lo and behold, they open their eyes in the same bed. And you may want to brace yourself for this one, as a two-year married couple! It must be a dream. No, a nightmare. But now, to wake up they must fall in love.
A girl. A boy. A love story. But also about dreams, fears, life, true love, friendship and how we deal with it. And a secret between them...
In the 1800s frontier, Missie Davis is a bright and beautiful schoolteacher whose love for the prairie is matched only by her passion for books. When Missie encounters Grant, a handsome New England railroad executive, she feels as though she's met a hero from one of her novels.
Centers on Missy's adopted daughter Belinda Tyler as she follows her dream. Belinda wants to be a doctor, but this time period does not look kindly on women with careers, especially one in the medical field. But Belinda is a strong-minded woman and deeply wants a career as a doctor. She manages to prove her abilities while assisting the local doctor and caring for an old woman who recently experienced a stroke. Belinda nurses her back to health and helps her regain the use of her arm again. Belinda also meets the nephew of their deceased neighbor. Drew comes to town to get his uncle's farm in shape to sell. After that he intends on returning to New York to join his father's law practice. He has no desire to stay in this small, unsophisticated town. But after meeting Belinda he has second thoughts. Belinda also feels something for Drew, but she is conflicted because she wants to be a doctor...
Clark Davis struggles to maintain his land and support his family during a long drought. With a bank loan to repay, his wife, Ellen, takes a job in town as a seamstress, but soon becomes ill with scarlet fever. Devastated to lose his beloved wife, Clark and his young daughter Missie turn to his parents Irene and Lloyd for support. Clark must find a way to save his farm and survive Ellen's death without losing the person he loves most: his daughter.
When the Postables discover an antique vase, they trace it back to three girls who attempted to sell it in to save their family farm. With the farm again facing hardship, the Postables must choose between doing what's legal and what's moral.
Kathleen Kelly és la propietària d'una llibreria infantil, un veritable tresor cultural d'un dels barris més exclusius de Nova York, i passa llargues nits avorrides amb el seu xicot Frank , un escriptor frustrat que escriu columnes al diari. L'únic que apassiona Kathleen és intercanviar missatges de correu electrònic amb un home del qual només coneix el seu pseudònim.
It's the true-life story of legendary track star Steve Prefontaine, the exciting and sometimes controversial "James Dean of Track," whose spirit captured the heart of the nation! Cocky, charismatic, and tough, "Pre" was a running rebel who defied rules, pushed limits ... and smashed records ...
After befriending a patient and then losing her to cancer, Dr. Sydney Ludwick decides to take some much needed time off to attend the 20th anniversary of her high school reunion and confront some deep seated resentments from the past.
Alice follows a white rabbit down a rabbit-hole into a whimsical Wonderland, where she meets characters like the delightful Cheshire Cat, the clumsy White Knight, a rude caterpillar, and the hot-tempered Queen of Hearts and can grow ten feet tall or shrink to three inches. But will she ever be able to return home?
Jodi, the tallest girl in her high school, has always felt uncomfortable in her own skin. But after years of slouching, being made fun of, and avoiding attention at all costs, Jodi finally decides to find the confidence to stand tall.
Éder is arrested after confessing the murder of a man. Duca, his nephew, is sure that his uncle confessed the crime to protect his girlfriend, Soraya, ex-wife of the deceased, so he enlists two of his friends to help prove his theory.
Masha is in an overwhelming relationship with Luuk, father of two and separated. Nothing seems to stand in their way until Luuk turns incurably ill, leaving Masha without status.
A freelance writer looking for romance sells a story to Cosmopolitan magazine about finding love in the workplace and goes undercover at a Finance Company.
Eddie Yang (Jackie Chan), un simpàtic detectiu de Hong-Kong, pateix un accident gairebé mortal mentre investiga un cas que involucra un misteriós medalló amb poders de talismà. Eddie descobreix que amb el talismà adquireix els poders d'un guerrer immortal, que li confereixen una velocitat, una força i una habilitat increïbles. Amb l'ajuda de la guapa agent anglesa de la Interpol Nicole James (Claire Forlani), Eddie intentarà descobrir el secret del talismà i aturar una operació secreta de tracta d'esclaus organitzada pel diabòlic Snakehead, que pretén utilitzar els poders per als seus plans terribles.
On another planet which resembles the Old West, a die-hard pacifist is forced to re-examine his ways after an evil alien bandit and his gang murder his estranged sheriff father, take over his home town, and threaten his friends.