Joseph, favored son of Jacob and great-grandson of Abraham, is sold into slavery by his jealous brothers. Rising to become prime minister of Egypt. Joseph governed the country during a seven year famine, during which his brothers visit Egypt seeking grain, only to encounter their brother, presumed long dead.

A l'Antic Egipte, el faraó Seti tem que un augment dels esclaus hebreus pugui provocar una rebel·lió i ordena als seus guàrdies que matin tots els nounats. Per salvar-lo dels soldats, l'esclava Yocheved posa el seu bebè en un cistell de vímet que lliura a les aigües del Nil. La seva filla Míriam segueix el cistell mentre navega pel riu fins que veu la reina d'Egipte recollir el nadó. Serà adoptat per la família del faraó amb el nom de Moisès i criat com a germà de l'hereu, Ramsès.

Mickey, Minnie, and their famous friends Goofy, Donald, Daisy and Pluto gather together to reminisce about the love, magic and surprises in three wonder-filled stories of Christmas past.

Quan les legions de Roma conquisten Palestina, en un estable d'un poble anomenat Betlem neix un nen que és adorat per pastors i per tres mags d'Orient que hi acudeixen guiats per una estrella. Davant la remor que ha nascut el Messies, el rei Herodes ordena assassinar tots els nounats...

Un ocell criat per ratolins comença a qüestionar-se a on pertany i emprèn un atrevit viatge d'autodescobriment.

Acusat per error d'haver robat el Llibre de la Pau, l'audaç i llegendari Simbad l'haurà de recuperar i restituir si no vol que mori en Proteu, el seu millor amic. L'aventurer rebutja la missió, però la bella promesa d'en Proteu, la Marina, es cola al vaixell d'en Simbad per assegurar-se que acompleix la missió. Eris, la deessa de la discòrdia, enviarà els seus monstres contra en Simbad i farà que esclatin temibles tempestes per impedir que arribi al Tàrtar.

Three suburban English families' lives intertwine with tragic consequences.

As a director and his crew shoot a controversial film about Christopher Columbus in Cochabamba, Bolivia, local people rise up against plans to privatize the water supply.

Four young people escape Athens to a forest where the king and queen of the fairies are quarreling, while meanwhile, a troupe of amateur actors rehearses a play. When the fairy Puck uses a magic flower to make people fall in love, the whole thing becomes a little bit confused...

Aquaman must battle foes in the air, on land and in the depths of the Seven Seas, along with some help from The Justice League, to save the day.

When his girlfriend leaves for New York City on a 3-month-long internship, a strongly opinionated Berkeley arthouse movie theater manager begins exploring life as a bachelor.

After touring the world, Bodi takes some time off and returns to his village. When he learns that the girl group, K-9, doesn't know who rock legend Angus Scattergood is, he is compelled to join the musical competition show, “Battle the Beat,” to inspire a new generation of rock stars. But after joining the show, Bodi quickly realizes he has bitten off more than he can chew when he becomes an overnight TV personality sensation.

Deck the halls with Donkey’s laughter in this all-new holiday collection. Donkey presents his very own carolling stage show featuring his Far Far Away pals in this merry, musical treat with all the trimmings! Join in the fun as they bring their own Shrektacular spirit to festive holiday songs, a fun Donkey Decoration scramble, and a hilarious virtual Yule Log that’s so funny… it’s on fire.

In 2013 a psychiatric clinic which served for more than 50 years caring for patients in Mexico City was demolished. A few months before its demolition, four young men came to investigate the clinic, determined to discover the truth about rumors of strange and paranormal events, recording everything with which they encounter. Today, the whereabouts of these four young men are unknown, remaining only fragments of their recordings.

After a frantic suicide attempt, Veronika awakens inside a mysterious mental asylum. Under the supervision of an unorthodox psychiatrist who specializes in controversial treatment, Veronika learns that she has only weeks to live.

El rei lleó, el gran monarca, ha decidit que ha arribat el dia de la seva jubilació, però no succeirà la corona en el seu fill, sinó que ha decidit... convocar-hi eleccions! Un humil ruc serà el candidat més estimat de tota la selva, però no ho tindrà gens fàcil, perquè tot plegat forma part d’un pla macabre! Tot i així, que comenci la campanya electoral!

Matthew, a college freshman, meets his dream girl in a dorm elevator during a blackout. He never sees her face, but instantly falls in love. In the morning, the power is restored, but the "dream girl" has vanished. All Matthew knows is that she lives in an all-girls dorm. He sets out on a semester-long journey to find his mystery girl among a hundred female suspects. Could it be Wendy? Dora? Arlene? Patty? Cynthia? Or the 95 other girls, any of whom could have been in that elevator with Matthew.

A young guy short on luck, enrolls in a class to build confidence to help win over the girl of his dreams, which becomes complicated when his teacher has the same agenda.

A young writer named Espen Arnakke tells the story of his escape from the small Danish town of Jante. Espen boards a ship headed to Newfoundland, but the harsh conditions on board makes him jump ship, and he ends up in the little town of Misery Harbour. There he meets the girl of his dreams. But his passion shifts to jealousy when one of the men from the ship mysteriously appears in town, and sets out to make Espen's life a misery.