L'epidèmia que fa ressuscitar els morts convertits en éssers àvids de carn humana s'ha estès, arribant al punt en què diverses ciutats han quedat pràcticament desertes. Els supervivents han de refugiar-se en zones militars ja que els zombies no dubten a acabar amb els seus familiars... Continuació del clàssic d'horror de George A. Romero "La nit dels morts vivents" (Night of the Living Dead, 1968).

The life of a married Munich technical draftsman with a son.

En Bilbo Saquet s’embarca en la recuperació del tresor i del regne nan de Erèbor arrabassats pel terrible drac Smaug. Amb en Bilbo hi aniran tretze nans dirigits pel llegendari guerrer Thorin Escut-de-roure i el màgic Gàndalf el Gris. El seu viatge els farà endinsar-se en el bosc creuant terres perilloses, on es trobaran un munt de criatures salvatges, orcs, aranyes gegants i bruixots.

Durant l'ocupació de París per les tropes alemanyes, un grup d'actors vol muntar una obra de teatre. Ningú sospita que al soterrani de l'edifici s'oculta el director de la companyia, un home d'origen jueu que a l'ombra pretén dirigir la representació a través de les indicacions que proporciona a la seva dona, protagonista de l'obra.

A group of people are standing along the platform of a railway station in La Ciotat, waiting for a train. One is seen coming, at some distance, and eventually stops at the platform. Doors of the railway-cars open and attendants help passengers off and on. Popular legend has it that, when this film was shown, the first-night audience fled the café in terror, fearing being run over by the "approaching" train. This legend has since been identified as promotional embellishment, though there is evidence to suggest that people were astounded at the capabilities of the Lumières' cinématographe.

Twin zoologists lose their wives in a car accident and become obsessed with decomposing animals.

Third film of the Mardock Scramble series. Rune Balot goes to a casino connected to the October corporation to try to wrap up her case once and for all.

In answer to an orphan boy's prayers, the divine Lord Krishna comes to Earth, befriends the boy, and helps him find a loving family.

With gun-toting rivals on his tail, a daring bank robber takes refuge in the quiet residential street here he grew up and where his mother, Maniette, still lives. An unscrupulous property developer, Korazy, is buying up the neighborhood to turn it into a gleaming new banking district, but to her son's disgust Maniette leads the inhabitants resistance. Her ingenious methods provoke her boy's admiration, but he fights back with sneaky traps and underhand tricks when Maniette tries to force him to do the right thing just once in his life.

In celebration of Asian Heritage Month, HBO presents a collection of perspectives from a diverse group of Asian Americans.

A surreal triptych adapted by "Trainspotting" author Irvine Welsh from his acclaimed collection of short stories. Combining a vicious sense of humor with hard-talking drama, the film reaches into the hearts and minds of the chemical generation, casting a dark and unholy light into the hidden corners of the human psyche.

A small town in Spain, October 1955. Isabel, a 35-year-old dreamer who feels like a failure because she is not married yet, becomes the new target of a group of soulless pranksters.

Alice owns a network of sex shops and workaholic who, in trying to reconcile the harsh routine of work and family life, suffers nervous breakdown, she is forced by her husband to go to spa. Precisely at this time, appears unique opportunity to expand its business in New York. Using fun gimmicks, risks his health, leaves spa party there with family to ride, but actually in order to facilitate their professional interests. In trying to reconcile the agendas, engage in hilarious situations and mistakes that culminate in the possible separation of the couple.

This five part epic war drama gives a dramatized detailed account of Soviet Union's war against Nazi Germany during world war two. Each of the five parts represents a separate major eastern front campaign.

An engaged, spoiled hotel heiress finds herself in the care of a handsome, blue-collar lodge owner and his precocious daughter after getting amnesia in a skiing accident.

El petit llogaret gal rep a Gudúrix, el nebot del cap, que ha encomanat a Astérix i Obélix la missió de convertir-ho en un home fet i dret. Però, malgrat els seus aires de superioritat, aquest adolescent de Lutecia no és més que un covard empedreït, i l'entrenament de xoc al que el sotmetran no sembla que vagi a canviar molt les coses. Mentre, els víkings desembarquen en la Gàl·lia disposats a trobar a un «campió de la por» que, tal com els ha promès el seu mag, sigui capaç d'ensenyar-los a volar, ja que, segons ell, «la por dóna ales». Quan els víkings rapten a Gudúrix es flaira la catàstrofe. Astérix i Obélix hauran de fer l'impossible per trobar-lo. Mentre es llancen cap al Gran Nord a la recerca del seu jove protegit, aquest, que s'ha vist implicat contra la seva voluntat en un infame complot, coneix a la bella i intrèpida Abba i s'adona que l'amor pot tenir el mateix efecte que un cop de puny. Tot un xoc de cultures!

"Maine-Ocean" is the name of a train that rides from Paris to Saint-Nazaire (near the ocean). In that train, Dejanira, a Brazilian, has a brush with the two ticket inspectors. Mimi, another traveler and also a lawyer, helps her. The four of them will meet together later and live a few shifted adventures with a strange-speaking sailor (Mimi's client).

A married doctor lands in trouble when his flirtatious ways lead a woman to fall for him.

Damien Thorn is dead, but his prophecy is reborn in a mysterious girl named Delia, who is adopted by two attorneys.

A teenage boy befriends a starlet who is having an affair with an ambitious mayor. As the elections are coming up, the mayor's wife wants him to get rid of his mistress. The starlet agrees to stop the affair on condition that the mayor help release her boyfriend from jail. The mayor does so, but wants the former jail-bird to kill his political rival.