The three sons of devout Danish farmer Morten have widely disparate religious beliefs. Youngest son Anders shares his father's religion, but eldest son Mikkel has lost his faith, while middle child Johannes has become delusional and proclaims that he is Jesus Christ himself. When Mikkel's wife, Inger goes into a difficult childbirth, everyone's beliefs are put to the test.

In the 19th century, a drunken applejack salesman must go from zero to hero and become North America's greatest fur trapper by defeating hundreds of beavers.


An unemployed Brit vents his rage on unsuspecting strangers as he embarks on a nocturnal London odyssey.


On December 12, 1969, a bomb kills 17 people at the Piazza Fontana national bank in Milan, Italy, marking the beginning of the Years of Lead. Local anarchists are scapegoated for the massacre by police and the media, but a lone prosecutor uncovers a conspiracy of far-right groups, corrupt secret services, and other interests that seek to undermine democracy.


David Sumner, a mild-mannered academic from the United States, marries Amy, an Englishwoman. In order to escape a hectic stateside lifestyle, David and his wife relocate to the small town in rural Cornwall where Amy was raised. There, David is ostracized by the brutish men of the village, including Amy's old flame, Charlie. Eventually the taunts escalate, and two of the locals rape Amy. This sexual assault awakes a shockingly violent side of David.

While attending a retrospect of his work, a filmmaker recalls his life and his loves: the inspirations for his films.

German-Jewish cabaret singer Nelly survived Auschwitz but had to undergo reconstructive surgery as her face was disfigured. Without recognizing Nelly, her former husband Johnny asks her to help him claim his wife’s inheritance. To see if he betrayed her, she agrees, becoming her own doppelganger.


A police officer faces a personal meltdown following a divorce and the death of his mother.

Unable to find her runaway son, a woman deceives two of her ex-lovers from her youth, a mild-mannered teacher and a tough journalist, that each is the real father in order to obtain their help.

An honest marshal in a corrupt mining colony on Io, Jupiter's sunless third moon, is determined to confront a violent drug ring even though it may cost him his life. After his wife angrily deserts him, he waits alone for the arrival of killers hired by the company to eliminate him.

A crew of young environmental activists execute a daring mission to sabotage an oil pipeline.

名匠アラン・パーカーによる青春映画。ニューヨーク・マンハッタンの芸能学校を舞台に、一流のアーティストを目指して奮闘するさまざまな若者たちの姿をドキュメンタリータッチで描いた青春群像ドラマ。アカデミー作曲賞、歌曲賞受賞。 音楽・ダンス・演劇の世界に若き才能を輩出するニューヨークの公立芸能学校に、期待に胸膨らませてやってきた若者たち。才能に満ちあふれた者や、挫折し別の道を歩む者、それぞれがさまざまな出会いを通して新しい日々をむかえる。

Meet Adrien! He's 35. He's stuck in a mid-life crisis. He's neurotic and hypochondriac. Tonight he's stuck in an endless family dinner and his girlfriend is not answering his texts. On top of that, his dumb brother-in-law asks him to prepare a speech for his wedding. Could it get even worse?

“FEAR AND DESIRE”(52)に続くスタンリー・キューブリックの長編第2作で、商業映画としてはデビュー作にあたる。うらぶれたボクサーが、向かいのアパートに住む女を情夫の手から救い出そうとするというだけの物語だが、低予算の中で凝りまくった映像と、しがない男女のふれあいが切なく描かれている小品である。

A well-to-do French family living in Calais deal with a series of setbacks and crises while paying little attention to the grim conditions in the refugee camps within a few miles of their home.

Pauline has her own way of doing road safety: as a trainer in a point recovery center during the day, she becomes a serial killer of drivers at night.