El comte Dràcula decideix abandonar el seu castell dels Carpats i establir-se a Occident. Aviat coneix una noia de qui s'enamora i que visita a les nits. Aquesta situació alarmant fa que la família de la noia busqui l'ajuda del doctor Van Helsing.

Baggage handlers Bud and Lou accidentally stumble upon Frankenstein's Monster, Dracula and the Wolf Man.

A razor-wielding serial killer is on the loose, murdering those around Peter Neal, an American mystery author in Italy to promote his newest novel.

The "Bulldozer", a former football star, is now working as a fisherman. As a group of street-people arranges a football match against the local Armybase, he is asked to be their trainer. His boat was damaged by a submarine and he currently has no work, so he agrees.

A les ombres del seu Castell, el Comte Dràcula ressuscita gràcies a la sang que cau d'una ferida que té al cap un sacerdot inconscient, que estava intentant practicar un exorcisme. Un cop més, el terror s'estén per Transilvània.

Dos arqueòlegs, pare i fill, dirigeixen una expedició que està estudiant a Egipte la tomba de la reina Anaka. El pare comet l'immens error de llegir en veu alta un conjur que torna la vida a Kharis, el guardià de la reina, que, a partir d'aquell moment, no té cap objectiu més que eliminar els que han torbat el repòs d'Anaka.

A team consisting of a physicist, his wife, a young female psychic and the only survivor of the previous visit are sent to the notorious Hell House to prove/disprove survival after death. Previous visitors have either been killed or gone mad, and it is up to the team to survive a full week in isolation, and solve the mystery of the Hell House.

A mysterious artifact unearthed below a London subway station proves to have powerful psychic effects on the people around.

Quan Simon no acudeix a la reunió anual amb els seus amics, el Duc de Richleau i Rex Van Ryn comencen a preocupar-se. Aviat descobreixen que ha ingressat en una secta satànica, el líder de la qual és el Duc Mocata, que utilitza innocents, que renten el cervell per mitjà d'hipnosi, i després sacrifiquen en honor al diable. Tot i que Richleau està disposat a evitar que morin més innocents, la tasca a què s'haurà d'enfrontar no serà senzilla.

After landing on a mysterious planet, a team of astronauts begin to turn on each other, swayed by the uncertain influence of the planet and its strange inhabitants.

Mysterious and unearthly deaths start to occur while Professor Saxton is transporting the frozen remains of a primitive humanoid creature he found in Manchuria back to Europe.

A lonely 'Stay-at-Home' Housewife is being watched every night through the bathroom window by a 'Peeping Tom', who is being put up to it by his friend. She eventually finds out and gets her revenge on them.

The wicked Alain plots an elaborate revenge against his younger brother Edmund, leading to a deadly confrontation in his dungeon deathtrap.

A kindly English botanist and a gruff American promoter lead an expedition to the Himalayas in search of the legendary Yeti.

Honeymooning in Bavaria, a young couple becomes stranded and is forced to stay the night in the area. Doctor Ravna, owner of the impressive chateau that sits imposingly above the village, invites them to dinner that evening. Their association with Ravna and his charming, beautiful family is to prove disastrous.

Three elderly distinguished gentlemen are searching for some excitement in their boring borgoueis lives and gets in contact with one of count Dracula's servants. In a nightly ceremony they restore the count back to life. The three men killed Dracula's servant and as a revenge, the count makes sure that the gentlemen are killed one by one by their own sons.

To the Los Angeles elite, Ford Fairlane is known as "Mr. Rock 'n' Roll Detective." This loudmouthed ladies' man serves an exclusive rock star clientele, who depend on his keen eye and smug discretion. So when a heavy-metal musician dies mid-concert, Fairlane is on the case before the lights come up. But things turn shocking when radio personality Johnny Crunch hires Fairlane to find a missing groupie mere hours before he is electrocuted live on air.

Londres, anys 70. Johnny Alucard, un deixeble de Dràcula, organitza una cerimònia de màgia negra en un desolat cementiri per ressuscitar el sinistre Conde. Entre les víctimes que Alucard atrau el cementiri hi ha Jessica Van Helsing, néta del més famós caçador de vampirs de tots els temps. El seu avi intentarà salvar-la utilitzant tots els recursos necessaris per atrapar i destruir Dràcula.

Jess Franco's version of the Bram Stoker classic has Count Dracula as an old man who grows younger whenever he dines on the blood of young maidens.

Londres, anys 70. L'inspector Murray de Scotland Yard, investigant unes morts estranyes, arriba a la conclusió que s'enfronta a un cas de vampirisme. Aleshores decideix demanar ajuda al professor Van Helsing, famós investigador expert en la matèria i descendent d'un famós caçador de vampirs. Pel que sembla, els assassinats estan relacionats amb una secta satànica de la qual formen part destacats membres del govern de Sa Majestat.