A sprawling drama centered on five key days in a family's life.

French military man Adrien Dufourquet gets an eight-day furlough to visit his fiancée, Agnès. But when he arrives in Paris, he learns that her late father's partner, museum curator Professor Catalan, has just been kidnapped by a group of Amazon tribesmen who have also stolen a priceless statue from the museum. Adrien and Agnès pursue the kidnappers to Brazil, where they learn that the statue is the key to a hidden Amazon treasure.

The hidden memoir of an elderly woman confined to a mental hospital reveals the history of her passionate yet tortured life, and of the religious and political upheavals in Ireland during the 1920s and 30s.

Ray and Sal, two orphaned sisters, adopt and hide a Great Dane puppy from their two adopted parents living in a luxury downtown New York apartment that expressely forbids dogs.

"Notorious" is the story of Christopher Wallace. Through raw talent and sheer determination, Wallace transforms himself from Brooklyn street hustler (once selling crack to pregnant women) to one of the greatest rappers of all time: The Notorious B.I.G. Follow his meteoric rise to fame and his refusal to succumb to expectations - redefining our notion of "The American Dream."

A young woman from the American Midwest, Loïe Fuller became the toast of the Folies Bergère at the turn of the 20th century and an icon of the Belle Epoque. Inventor of the breathtaking Serpentine Dance, she was a pioneer of modern dance and lighting techniques. It was her complicated relationship to her protégé - Isadora Duncan – that precipitated the downfall of this early 20th century icon.

Beaumarchais the Scoundrel is a biopic film based on the life of the French playwright, financier and spy Pierre Beaumarchais depicting his activities during the American War of Independence and his authorship of the Figaro trilogy of plays.

1920. Jean Rezeau and his elder brother were living happily in their family estate in Brittany, until the death of their grandmother. The return of their mother, a worthy descendant of fairytales' witches, brings an all new atmosphere to their home.

An Islamic terror attack at a school in Brussels.

Ellias Barnès, de 30 anys, acaba de ser nomenat nou director artístic d'una famosa casa de moda parisenca. Però quan les expectatives són altes, comença a sentir dolors al pit. De sobte, li reclamen a Mont-real per a organitzar el funeral del seu pare, del qual està distanciat, i descobreix que pot haver heretat alguna cosa molt pitjor que el seu feble cor.

Two rival "brothers-in-law" make a bet that they can stop smoking for 2 weeks. But, it's just not that easy...

Join Timon and Pumbaa, your favourite friends from The Lion King, for outrageous laughs and high-spirited, globe-trotting adventures. Set sail for France in 'French Fried' as the evil chef, Quint, tries to turn their snail friend into a tasty entree of escargot. It's on with the show and the dance tights when Pumba has to perform with the 'Boarshoi' ballet in 'Russia Hour'. Then, it's off 'To Killimanjaro Bird' where the feathers fly when Timon and Pumbaa baby-sit a little eagle. Last stop, the U.S.A. in 'Rocky Mountain Lie'. Pumbaa makes friends with a stinkbug... that is, until Timon mistakes it for a grub and eats it!

1967-1976. As one of history's greatest fashion designers entered a decade of freedom, neither came out of it in one piece.

Shirley Lyner és una jove estudiant que treballa com a mainadera per a guanyar uns diners extres. Però, després de tenir una relació amb un dels pares, comença a convertir-se en dama de companyia d'homes casats.

A man investigating his son's death learns some horrific truths about the pharmaceutical industry.

Under the pressure of his boss, a music producer decides to set up a group consisting of a rabbi, a priest and an imam to make them sing the living together. But the religious he recruits are far from being saints ...

Something has gone wrong with the landing gear of a plane en route from Madrid to Mexico City. The group of eccentric travelers on the flight, defenseless in the face of danger, indulge in colourful confessionals, while the outlandish crew attempts to find ways to entertain them.

Un lladre londinenc, que ha participat al robatori del tren de Glasgow, s'ha instal·lat a Acapulco amb el botí aconseguit. Poc després, es planteja tornar a Londres per estar amb la seva dona.

Polo is 16 and has all the worries of a teenager his age. Between a bedridden mother and a sister who dreams of being a Miss, the only one he can look up to is his father. Unfortunately, he works as a maid ...

The Malakian clan, a family of ruthless gangsters, controls the underworld of Southern France. At its head, the violent godfather Milo Malakian rules his world with an iron fist. His son and heir, Anton, dreams of breaking free and making his own choices. But the gang's inner circle is engraved in blood. To escape, not only does Anton have to counter his own destiny, but also the man who has sworn to bring his father down.