What would you do to save someone you love? All brothers Shoma and Kanba know is that, after collapsing in an aquarium and apparently dying, their terminally ill sister Himari was somehow revived by a Penguin hat that she had wished for. Now they're on an impossible mission, because the price of keeping Himari alive is to find a mysterious object called the Penguindrum, and they'll do anything to save their sister. Anything. As they travel separate paths in their search, they'll have to unravel complex riddles, make alliances with strangers they know they shouldn't trust, and question the very fabrics of time and destiny.

One hot summer day a little girl gets lost in an enchanted forest of the mountain god where spirits reside. A young boy appears before her, but she cannot touch him for fear of making him disappear. And so a wondrous adventure awaits...

The story of a virtuoso piano player who lives his entire life aboard an ocean liner. Born and raised on the ship, 1900 (Tim Roth) learned about the outside world through interactions with passengers, never setting foot on land, even for the love of his life. Years later, the ship may be destroyed, and a former band member fears that 1900 may still be aboard, willing to go down with the ship.

Seoul, South Korea, 1997. When the young but extremely anxious student Jin-seok, his parents and his successful older brother Yoo-seok move to a new home, mysterious and frightening events begin to happen around them, unexplained events that threaten to ruin their seemingly happy lives. Unable to understand what is happening, Jin-seok wonders if he is losing his mind.

L'Anna Sasaki és una nena de dotze anys molt tímida que no té amics. La seva mare adoptiva l'envia a passar les vacances d'estiu a casa d'uns coneguts en un poble de la costa perquè millori de l'asma que pateix. Allà, coneix una misteriosa nena, la Marnie, que viu en una enorme mansió davant del mar. Entre totes dues creixerà una forta amistat que, en certs moments, sembla irreal.

L'Hisako perd la seva casa a Tòquio a causa del bombardeig aliat. Amb el seu marit lluitant en algun lloc d'Àsia, ella i els seus dos fills evacuen a un suburbi de Kobe, on comparteixen casa amb el cosí de Hisako, Kyoko. Kobe és bombardejat i Kyoko és assassinat. Hisako es veu obligada a tenir cura dels dos fills de Kyoko a més dels seus, però no hi ha prou menjar per a tothom.

A swarm of slaves in ancient Egypt moves massive boulders to erect a statue of Re, the god of the sun. Erecting impressive structures required knowledge and exact measurements. However, the statue's massive hand falls down and crushes the builders. The statue has been awe-inspiring for many centuries. Meditations on the religious nature of man.

En Paul, un nen que viu en un orfenat d'un barri pobre del París del 1927, és adoptat per la Celestine, la minyona d'un aristòcrata, i el seu marit, un guardabosc treballador de la gran finca de Sologne, propietat del comte de La Fresnaye. Acostumat a la ciutat, el nen descobreix un món misteriós i inquietant ple de natura, estanys i conreus, on coneixerà altres persones com en Totoche, qui li farà descobrir tots els secrets del bosc.

A shy 11-year-old's life takes a strange turn when she discovers three hungry goblins living in the attic of her new house. She misses her old life. She misses her father so very much. Until she makes some new ghoulish friends.

Quan la I Guerra Mundial (1914-1918) s'acosta al final, per a una jove francesa està a punt de començar la més cruel de les batalles. Mathilde ha rebut la notícia que el seu promès Manech és un dels cinc soldats ferits que, després d'haver estat sotmesos a un consell de guerra, han estat enviats a la terra de ningú que hi ha entre l'exèrcit francès i l'alemany, cosa que suposa una mort gairebé segura. Mathilde, que es nega a acceptar aquesta situació, emprèn un viatge extraordinari per conèixer el destí del seu promès. Les notícies que va rebent sobre Manech són descoratjadores. Tot i així, animada per una fe i una esperança infrangibles i també per un gran optimisme, segueix la seva investigació fins al final. A mesura que s'acosta a la veritat sobre els desafortunats soldats i el seu càstig brutal, es veu més embolicada en els horrors de la guerra i en les marques indelebles que deixa en els qui l'han viscuda.

In the midst of the wedding princess Miroslava is kidnapped by a dragon and carried away into his castle on the remote island. Mira left everything behind in the past - family, friends and groom. Now the only things she had were a stone cage and a mysterious young man named Arman ... but who is he and what is he doing on that island? Miroslava will know the truth too late: loving a dragon will reveal the bitter truth - love is scary.

Amamiya Shu transfers to Moriwaki elementary filled with hope and ambition. But it doesn't take long before he gets picked on by the class bullies, and gets involved in a dare to play the mysterious piano in the forest.

En Bob i el seu amic Patrick s'embarquen en una odissea que els porta a descobrir nous mons i perillosos monstres, però pel camí descobreixen també que ser un nen no està tan malament al capdavall...

Un nen molt imaginatiu s’enfronta a les seves pors en un viatge inoblidable a la nit amb el seu nou amic Foscor, un ésser enorme i somrient.

En un campus universitari, un professor de filosofia en plena crisi existencial, dóna un nou propòsit a la seva vida quan es relaciona sentimentalment amb una de les seves alumnes.

After learning that the art thief she has been chasing is her ex-lover, an officer working for Interpol concocts a plan to catch him red-handed.

"Superbrother" tells the story of Anton, a 10 year old boy desperate for, he says, an older and true brother as Buller, his brother, is autistic. Always distracted looking at the sky, Anton receives an unexpected visit from some stranger who comes from space and Buller becomes a superhero. Unfortunately, these powers do not last forever. Will they be able to learn to use them?

In a time when dinosaurs rule the Earth, the smallest dinosaur of the herd, a playful Pachyrhinosaurus named Patchi, embarks on the biggest adventure of his life. As he tries to find his place in a spectacular world filled with fun-loving friends and a few dangerous foes, Patchi will discover the courage he needs to become the leader of the herd and a hero for the ages.

An American village is visited by some unknown life form which leaves the women of the village pregnant. Nine months later, the babies are born, and they all look normal, but it doesn't take the "parents" long to realize that the kids are not human or humane.

When a struggling writer meets a superstitious Portuguese beauty, he has no idea that his life and luck are both about to change. A romantic comedy about cross-cultural relationships.