The story of a father's tireless love for his autistic son. A terminally ill father's attempt to teach his autistic son the necessary life skills to survive on his own before he passes away. It is also a poignant tribute to the infinite love that parents have for their children and their unending desire to take care and look after them to their best abilities, no matter the struggle, no matter the effort.

An inexperienced, sickly priest shows up in the rural French community of Ambricourt, where he joins the community's clergy. But the locals don't take kindly to the priest, and his ascetic ways and unsociable demeanor make him an outcast. During Bible studies at the nearby girls school, he is continually mocked by his students. Then his attempt to intervene in a family feud backfires into a scandal. His failures, compounded with his declining health, begin to erode his faith.

Colin MacLeod hunts for the man responsible for the death of his love. He chases the immortal Marcus Octavius across centuries as his quest threatens to take over his life and heart. In his quest, he meets a woman who reminds him of his slain beauty. But it's his final battle with Marcus that will decide not only his fate, but also the fate of everyone in the world.

Upon hearing about the story of Treasure Island, Nobita dreams of discovering and exploring his own treasure island, despite the fact all of the Earth has been mapped already.

Commentator-comic Bill Maher plays devil's advocate with religion as he talks to believers about their faith. Traveling around the world, Maher examines the tenets of Christianity, Judaism and Islam and raises questions about homosexuality, proof of Christ's existence, Jewish Sabbath laws, violent Muslim extremists.

El 1787, el Bounty salpa del port de Portsmouth amb destinació a Tahití per carregar el fruit de l'arbre del pa. El capità Bligh, que vol arribar com més aviat millor a l'illa, imposa una fèrria disciplina a bord. Quan arriben, la tripulació es troba amb un autèntic paradís que no té res a veure amb l'infern viscut durant el viatge.

The story of a farmer forced into conscription, who has been looking to get out of the army ever since. His great chance arrives when he stumbles upon a wounded general from an enemy state, and he kidnaps him, intending to claim credit for the capture, which includes five acres of land, and most importantly, honorable discharge from the army.

Arrancat dels braços de la seva mare per Bart, Danny només coneix el món que aquest li ha mostrat: l'habitació on viu i els actes de violència que es veu obligat a cometre quan les persones a qui Bart presta diners s'endarrereixen a el pagament. Danny és, doncs, un home ensinistrat com un gos per obeir les ordres del seu amo sense dir ni piu. Però, un dia, Bart cau a l'emboscada que li tendeix un deutor venjatiu.

Ted, un entregat agent de policia de Hong Kong que somia casar-se amb la seva núvia i convertir-se en mariner per navegar arreu del món. Tot i això, ha de deixar de banda els seus somnis per fer-se càrrec del seu germà Danny, un endarrerit mental que s'està ficant constantment en embolics. Les coses es compliquen quan Danny roba accidentalment un home mentre juga a policies i lladres amb els amics. Quan comença a ser perseguit per la policia com a sospitós de robatori, Ted jura netejar el nom del seu germà i portar els veritables criminals davant la justícia encara que per fer-ho hagi d'actuar al marge de la llei.

A simple Chinese immigrant wages a perilous war against one of the most powerful criminal organizations on the planet.

Bai Qian, a goddess and monarch from the Heavenly Realms, is sent to the mortal world to undergo a trial to become a High Goddess. There, she meets Ye Hua, with whom she falls in love and marries. When an old enemy reappears in her life, everything she holds dear is threatened.

Un escriptor de ciència-ficció, que va perdre a la seva esposa uns mesos enrere, entra en una depressió en esvair-se les seves esperances de formar una família. Gràcies a la intervenció de la seva germana, es posarà en contacte amb una assistenta social que li oferirà adoptar a un nen de sis anys amb trastorns psiquiàtrics, perquè creu que és un habitant de Mart arribat a la Terra. La seva vida girarà llavors entorn del noi, sense oblidar a la millor amiga de la seva esposa i al seu preocupat editor, perquè el seu autor està poc interessat a escriure.

A wild and rollicking martial arts fantasy extravaganza that features prized swords and swordsmen, a crazy monk attached to a rolling boulder, serious clan and cult rivalries, and lots of magic and flying.

Narra la història d'una dona, una professora de gran talent, amb una profunda depressió, que després d'anys de cura comença a intentar valdre's per si mateixa a casa de la família d'una adolescent desapareguda.

When a gym trainer is murdered at an elite Delhi club, a wily investigator unravels the sordid secrets of its ultrarich members to find the killer.

An unhinged office worker who planned to go on a shooting spree at his workplace struggles with his newfound status as a hero after he ends up stopping a shooting spree instead.

Cabbie-turned-chauffeur Jimmy Tong learns there is really only one rule when you work for playboy millionaire Clark Devlin : Never touch Devlin's prized tuxedo. But when Devlin is temporarily put out of commission in an explosive accident, Jimmy puts on the tux and soon discovers that this extraordinary suit may be more black belt than black tie. Paired with a partner as inexperienced as he is, Jimmy becomes an unwitting secret agent.

Pu Songling, a legendary demon hunter, is asked to investigate the mysterious disappearances of young girls from a small village. When he discovers evil forces are kidnapping the girls to feast on their souls, he sets out to save humanity from the inhuman invasion journeying through hidden worlds and colorful dimensions.

Al jove agent federal Henry se li assigna un nou cas: seguir els passos d'en Tommy, un refinat lladre d'art buscat internacionalment que està planejant un nou robatori. Les coses es compliquen quan en Henry descobreix que en Tommy és el nou nòvio de la seva eixelebrada mare Marty.

The tale of one man who fought against the tyranny of a ruler and led his people in battle in the ultimate sacrifice for his country.