Betty Elms (Naomi Watts), una jove aspirant a actriu, arriba a Los Angeles per convertir-se en estrella de cinema i s'allotja a l'apartament de la seva tia. Allí coneix l'enigmàtica Rita (Laura Harring), una dona que pateix amnèsia a causa d'un accident patit a Mulholland Drive. Les dues juntes decideixen investigar qui és la Rita i com va arribar-hi.
Dos joves enllustradors volen fer realitat el seu somni de tenir un cavall blanc, costi el que costi.
Betty, una jove aspirant a actriu, arriba a Los Angeles per convertir-se en estrella de cinema i s'allotja a l'apartament de la seva tia. Allà coneix la Rita, una dona que pateix amnèsia a causa d'un accident a Mulholland Drive. Les dues juntes decideixen investigar qui és la Rita i com va arribar-hi.
The lives of five prostitutes employed at a Japanese brothel while the nation is debating the passage of an anti-prostitution law.
Fred Madison, un músic de Jazz, rep una sèrie de misterioses cintes de vídeo en què apareix amb la seva dona Renée dins de casa seva. A l'última, que Fred veu tot sol, al costat d'ell apareix la seva dona morta.
A bad day gets worse for young detective Murakami when a pickpocket steals his gun on a hot, crowded bus. Desperate to right the wrong, he goes undercover, scavenging Tokyo’s sweltering streets for the stray dog whose desperation has led him to a life of crime. With each step, cop and criminal’s lives become more intertwined and the investigation becomes an examination of Murakami’s own dark side.
This movie chronicles the life and times of R. Crumb. Robert Crumb is the cartoonist/artist who drew Keep On Truckin', Fritz the Cat, and played a major pioneering role in the genesis of underground comix. Through interviews with his mother, two brothers, wife, and ex-girlfriends, as well as selections from his vast quantity of graphic art, we are treated to a darkly comic ride through one man's subconscious mind.
In the questionable town of Deer Meadow, Washington, FBI Agent Desmond inexplicably disappears while hunting for the man who murdered a teen girl. The killer is never apprehended, and, after experiencing dark visions and supernatural encounters, Agent Dale Cooper chillingly predicts that the culprit will claim another life. Meanwhile, in the more cozy town of Twin Peaks, hedonistic beauty Laura Palmer hangs with lowlifes and seems destined for a grisly fate.
Hopeless romantic Gertrud inhabits a turn-of-the-century milieu of artists and musicians, where she pursues an idealized notion of love that will always elude her. She abandons her distinguished husband and embraces an affair with a young concert pianist, who falls short of her desire for lasting affection. When an old lover returns to her life, fresh disappointments follow, and Gertrud must try to come to terms with reality.
In the Swedish city of Lethe, people from different walks of life take part in a series of short, deadpan vignettes that rush past. Some are just seconds long, none longer than a couple of minutes. A young woman remembers a fantasy honeymoon with a rock guitarist. A man awakes from a dream about bomber planes. A businessman boasts about success while being robbed by a pickpocket, and so on. The absurdist collection is accompanied by Dixieland jazz and similar music.
London. A mysterious serial killer brutally murders young blond women by stalking them in the night fog. One foggy, sinister night, a young man who claims his name is Jonathan Drew arrives at the guest house run by the Bunting family and rents a room.
71 scenes revolving around multiple Viennese residents who are by chance involved with a senseless gun slaughter on Christmas Eve.
Sherlock Holmes i el doctor Watson parteixen cap a Escòcia per investigar la desaparició del marit d'una bella dona belga. Un cop allà, descobreixen que en el cas està involucrada una societat que pertany a el Servei Secret de Sa Majestat. Però, abans que pugui aplicar els seus extraordinaris dots de deducció per resoldre el cas, en Sherlock comet un error que, a més d'arruïnar la seva reputació, podria també posar en perill la seguretat de Gran Bretanya.
Hong Kong action diva Maggie Cheung (playing herself) comes to France when a past-his-prime director casts her in a remake of the silent classic Les Vampires. Clad in a rubber catsuit and unable to speak a word of French, Cheung finds herself adrift in the insanity of the film industry…
Karl Anton Verloc and his wife own a small cinema in a quiet London suburb where they live seemingly happily. But Mrs. Verloc does not know that her husband has a secret that will affect their relationship and threaten her teenage brother's life.
Ana is confronted with body and desire at three key moments of her life. As a young girl, she brings her dead grandpa back to life. In her puberty, she discovers the power of decay and sexuality. Finally, she wrestles with loss and loneliness when she returns to her parental home, now derelict.
La Grace i l'Edward viuen una vida aparentment idíl·lica en un pintoresc poble al costat dels penya-segats de Dover. A primera vista són un matrimoni feliç i consolidat, tot i que en realitat són persones molt diferents. L'Edward és professor d'història en un institut de secundària, i la Grace és una apassionada de la poesia i està treballant en una antologia. Tenen un fill, el Jamie, que viu a Londres i rarament els visita. Aviat farà 29 anys que es van casar. Ara, l'Edward ha pres una decisió: per fi ha arribat el moment de dir-li a la Grace que la deixa per una altra dona. Ha convidat el Jamie a baixar a casa perquè l'ajudi a amortir el cop i doni suport a la seva mare. Quan rep la notícia, la Grace queda en estat de xoc.
Olle moves to Stockholm to start a new job as a printer. He rents a room by his colleague-to-be, Victor. He shares the apartment with Roffe who has a serious alcohol problem - and a very flirtatious wife, Irma. He falls in love with Irma's sister, Barbro.
A militant revolutionary group is torn apart by betrayal as its members descend into paranoia and sexual decadence.
La vida de Sam, un novaiorquès normal i corrent, canvia de la nit al dia quan la seva nòvia és assassinada per la màfia búlgara. Després de fugir a París durant tres anys per evitar córrer la seva mateixa sort, un dia creu reconèixer-la en una pel·lícula de Hollywood. L'obsessió el porta a viatjar a Los Angeles a la recerca de respostes, cosa que el torna a col·locar al punt de mira dels búlgars.