
What do we talk about when we talk about socialism in the US? The Big Scary “S” Word explores the rich history of the American socialist movement and the people striving to build a socialist future today.


Crime strikes the vegetable world when Mrs. Mama Carrot awakens and finds her children have been carrot-napped. She summons the Irish-Potato Police and they are soon on the trail of the culprit. But the various suspects they round up, and grill, aren't the criminals. They finally track down the guilty parties, who turn out to be a gang of mice in disguise. Thrown into a third-degree mousetrap, the mice soon confess. Bleeding Heart Warning: This cartoon contains racial stereotypes (an Irish potato), and cruelty to vegetables...and mice.

「ほのぼのカラオケ大会」に出場する約束をした咲と舞だったが、寝坊した咲が大遅刻し、舞が待ち合わせ場所をいったん離れたことで、二人の気持ちがギクシャクしてしまう。 何とかのど自慢大会への出場受付を認められたものの、咲のマイペースさや、舞の生真面目さから亀裂は深まるばかり。気まずい雰囲気の中、お互い謝る様子もなく時は過ぎる。そんな不安定な状態でステージに上がった2人は大勢の観客の前で緊張してしまい、ついには「時間よ止まれ!」と心の中で願う。すると、本当に町中の時間が止まってしまった。 咲と舞は、時計の郷から突然飛ばされてきたアワーズとミニッツという精霊の後をついて行き、その原因となっているという「時計の郷」へと引きこまれてしまった。 時計の郷ではダークフォールの住人であるサーロインという男が、時間を止めて世界を征服しようと企んでいた。プリキュアに変身して戦う二人であったが、心の噛み合わない2人はサーロインに手も足も出せず、永遠の迷宮に閉じ込められ、ムープとフープとも離れ離れになってしまう。 出口の見えない迷宮と、ムープとフープの身を案じるが故の焦燥感から、すれ違いはピークに達する。そして、最初に目指す目標の相違から2人はついに別行動をとろうとするが、その最中突如出現したウザイナーにより、2人は本当に離れ離れになってしまった。 お互いの安否すらわからなくなり、それぞれ意地の張り合いを後悔する2人だったが、その心の迷いからついに変身すらも解けてしまう。 「もう絆を取り戻すことは無理」と絶望する2人だったが、妖精達は2人を励まして説得し、もう一度互いを信じる気持ちを取り戻させる。ウザイナーの追撃もかわして時計の郷に戻る咲達だったが、再びサーロインによって封じ込められてしまう。しかし2人は自分の悪かったところを反省し、お互いに「ずっと共に過ごしたい」という気持ちを明かし、もう一度プリキュアに変身した。 絆を取り戻した2人の猛攻にサーロインは逆に追い込まれ、ついに巨大な猛牛の姿となる。しかし時計の郷の精霊の力と、絆を取り戻したプリキュアの前に敵わず、その力の前にサーロインは完全消滅した。全てが終わり、咲と舞はのど自慢大会の会場に戻り、もう一度挑戦し直すのであった。

TV special about the making of "X-Men: First Class".

Bruno is a young film editor who has just broke up his marriage with Regina, and returned living in his mother's house. Drowned in deep sorrow, something very weird happens in his life: people around him are gradually disappearing. But only for him. Some kind of blindness.

Static images of an old country house are combined with voices of the past to evocative effect. Haunting and nostalgic, 'Return' conveys the life that exists in old, abandoned places.

A girl is at school. Suddenly it's as if she can't breathe. As she runs down the stairs we follow her into her mind. It takes us deep into dark woods.

A female boxer 10 minutes before her final match gets into an emotional crisis and has to fight it. A fight before a fight.

The untold and ultimately inspiring story of legendary singer, Teddy Pendergrass, the man poised to be the biggest R&B artist of all time until the tragic accident that changed his life forever at the age of only 31.

After reading an article about hypnotic regression, a woman whose maternal grandfather died when she was only three years old contacts the hypnotic subject named in the article believing that he is the reincarnation of her grandfather, and hoping that she can learn the truth about how he died.

Playful portrait of a group of men trying to build an impossible object.

An unsupervised junior soccer team loses its ace player to the leader of a rival gang. Since only an entire team can win, they must have her back to be able to win the game against the national team. The existence of The Wild Soccer Bunch is at stake ...

Antonio and Beba are a pair of panda bears besieged by the classic obstacles of a young couple. Their life together is defined by routine, until one day they are forced to live with their favorite singer.

A journalist is assigned to interview an eccentric anthropologist who has exhumed the skeleton of Jörg Jenatsch, a revered freedom fighter who was mysteriously murdered in 1639. Initially disinterested, the journalist begins to uncover unflattering truths about the national hero and experiences visions in which he seems to be witnessing events that transpired over 300 years ago. As he obsessively pursues the investigation, his personal life and his grip on reality disintegrate, drawing him relentlessly toward the fatal carnival at which Jenatsch was killed.

Seventeen-year-old Jesse has been hearing terrifying sounds coming from his neighbor’s apartment, but when he turns on his camera and sets out to uncover their source, he encounters an ancient evil that won’t rest until it’s claimed his very soul.

2010年3月28日。湾岸署は3日後の新湾岸署の開署にむけて、刑事課強行犯係の係長・警部補となった青島俊作の指揮の下、引越しの準備で騒然となっていた。 引っ越し作業の最中、管内でバスジャック事件とネットワークで管理された金庫がクラッキングでこじ開けられた銀行強盗事件が立て続けに発生。青島やすみれがそれぞれ現場に急行するが、どちらも「何も盗られていない」という妙な共通点があった。

A lawyer in his 30s named Danny still dreams about becoming a cowboy when his fiancée leaves him on the eve of their wedding ceremony. Fortunately, for him, not one, but two contrasting girls appear on his life to take her place: the bubbly Jo Jo and the more traditional Candice. But who will win out?