Després de travessar mig desert, Trinitat, un paio molt destre amb el revòlver, descobreix que el seu germà gran, un altre granuja com ell, és ara el xèrif d'un petit poble. Com que no té res urgent a fer, decideix quedar-se a menjar i descansar per algun temps.

Manhattan drag queens Vida Boheme and Noxeema Jackson impress regional judges in competition, securing berths in the Nationals in Los Angeles. When the two meet pathetic drag novice Chi-Chi Rodriguez — one of the losers that evening — the charmed Vida and Noxeema agree to take the hopeless youngster under their joined wing. Soon the three set off on a madcap road trip across America and struggle to make it to Los Angeles in time.

Cuba, finals dels anys quaranta. Chico i la Rita inicien una apassionada història d'amor. Chico és un jove pianista enamorat del jazz i la Rita somia ser una gran cantant. Des de la nit que el destí els uneix en un ball en un club de l'Havana, la vida va reunint-los i separant-los, com als personatges d'un "bolero".

The drama tells the story of John Lennon's teenage years in Liverpool and the start of his journey to becoming a successful musician. The story also examines the impact on his early life and personality of the two dominant females in his childhood.

The true story of Kurt Warner, who went from a stockboy at a grocery store to a two-time NFL MVP, Super Bowl champion, and Hall of Fame quarterback.

Two-and-a-half decades ago, a man from Milwaukee named Jeffrey Dahmer was tried and convicted of 17 gruesome murders that occurred between 1978 and 1991. Dahmer was convicted of luring young men into his home, where he then drugged, sexually violated, killed and finally consumed them. Investigative journalist Nancy Glass secured exclusive access and the first televised interview with the famous serial killer. Dahmer on Dahmer: A Serial Killer Speaks catapults viewers into Jeffrey Dahmer's psyche, providing a unique look at the life of a serial killer that shook the nation.

An American Army Major goes AWOL to Hong Kong for an outlawed martial arts contest called the Kumite.

El 1847, el soldat Feeney abandona l'exèrcit britànic per tornar a casa seva a Irlanda on trobarà un país que devastat per la fam. La seva mare ha mort de fam i que el seu germà ha estat penjat pels britànics.

Advertising executive Nick Beame learns that his wife is sleeping with his employer. In a state of despair, he encounters a bumbling thief whose attempted carjacking goes awry when Nick takes him on an involuntary joyride. Soon the betrayed businessman and the incompetent crook strike up a partnership and develop a robbery-revenge scheme. But it turns out that some other criminals in the area don't appreciate the competition.

Quan un asteroide gairebé destrueix el Planeta Terra, una nau espacial surt de l'asteroide i aterra a la Terra. El nou terror és diu ara Lord Slug, un alienígena nòmada que planeja destruir tota la vida a la Terra, i l'únic que el pot aturar és Goku!

Vanguard, una companyia de guardaespatlles, és la darrera esperança de supervivència per a un comptable que és perseguit per l'organització de mercenaris més perillosa del planeta.

Després de la guerra, l'any 2013, els que han sobreviscut miren de portar una vida tranquil·la en petits grups que s'organitzen i s'autoprotegeixen. Un d'aquests grups, més gran que els altres, està liderat pel general Bethlehem, d'ideologia feixista. El grup de Bethlehem captura un viatger solitari però l'home aconsegueix fugir. Més endavant, l'home troba un esquelet vestit amb uniforme de carter i una bossa plena de cartes. L'home es posa l'uniforme i va viatjant de ciutat en ciutat, explicant que és un carter, representant dels Estats Units. Poc a poc va tenint seguidors, i aviat iniciaran una revolta per derrocar el general Bethlehem.

Rebels seize control of the hotel where a Marine sniper and his wife are staying. Can he save the day?

When her husband goes missing during their Caribbean vacation, a woman sets off on her own to take down the men she thinks are responsible.

FBI agent Malcolm Turner goes back undercover as Big Momma, a slick-talking, slam-dunking Southern granny with attitude to spare! Now this granny must play nanny to three dysfunctional upper class kids in order to spy on their computer hacked dad.

Paralyzed by his fear of dying, Miles Grissom takes out an advert offering 30000 dollars in reward money to the first person who can show him evidence of an angel, a demon, or prove that ghosts exist - anything to prove to him that we go on after our deaths. He narrows the responses down to three viable candidates - a scientist, a medium, and a worldly entrepreneur. Along with his protective mother, he embarks on an adventure through Los Angeles that will spiral into an unthinkable nightmare.

Ambientada al Nova York dels anys cinquanta, narra la història d'una colla de joves del barri de Brooklyn les vides buides del qual i amb poc futur són brou de cultiu per caure en la delinqüència.

As a deadly virus ravages the world, Dr. Martin Lowery embarks on a mission to reach test site ATU327A, a research hub deep in the Arboreal Forest. The arduous journey, guided by park scout Alma, is set back by a nighttime attack that leaves the two bruised and shoeless. When they run into Zach, a man living off the grid, they gratefully accept his help. Zach’s intentions aren’t exactly what they seem, however, and a path out of the forest and into safety quickly fades as the line between myth and science blurs.

Eddie Hawkins, més conegut com “el gran falcó”, és un lladre de guant blanc que, després de complir una condemna de deu anys de presó, ha decidit viure com una persona honrada. Però el boig Mayflower amenaça de matar el seu amic Tommy, si no roba unes obres de Leonardo Da Vinci.

Two hapless explorers lead an ill-fated 1804 expedition through the Pacific Northwest in a hopeless, doomed effort to reach the Pacific Ocean before Lewis and Clark.