Et spædbarn findes efterladt på den store Amerikadamper SS Virginian - født til et liv uden nationalitet. Drengen får navnet 1900 og bliver en blændende jazzpianist fastholdt ombord mellem Europa og Amerika

A story about a mentally ill man wrongfully imprisoned for murder and his relationship with his 6 year old daughter.

A young man released from prison visits the widow of the man he killed drunk-driving and becomes infatuated with his cerebral palsy-stricken daughter.

Combining archival footage with rotoscopic animation, Tower reveals the action-packed untold stories of the witnesses, heroes and survivors of America’s first mass school shooting, when the worst in one man brought out the best in so many others.

A terminally ill man tries to find a suitable husband for the friend he has loved since childhood.

A lonely university student develops a romance with a beautiful interesting woman, who turns out to be a cyborg from the future.

The daughter of a poor rancher, Si-eun's only hope is to one day, become a jockey. With her mother passing away at her birth, her favorite horse, Chun-doong, has become not only her friend, but also a soul mate. She is devastated when Chun-doong is sold to another owner, but when they are reunited two years later they have a chance to create a miracle by teaming up in a race.

Song Kang-ho fra The Host spiller en bandit, der tilfældigt kommer i besiddelse af et skattekort. Regionens mest berygtede gangster anmodes om at skaffe det tilbage, men hvad han ikke ved er, at han selv har en dusørjæger i hælene. Snart ved hele Manchuriets underverden, at det værdifulde kort er tilgængeligt, og det varer ikke længe, inden hæren bliver inddraget i jagten!

Den succesrige, midaldrende forretningsmand Richard Forst fortæller en morgen uden varsel sin unge hustru Maria, at han vil skilles. Årsagerne er dunkle, men måske har et møde dagen før med den letlevende Jeannie udløst det brutale udsagn, der får uventede følger

July 1, 2000. British 21-year-old Lucie Blackman goes missing in Tokyo, sparking an international investigation — and an unyielding quest for justice.

Blessed with a keen sense of smell and cursed with a philandering pornographer husband, a parasitic mother, and a pair of delinquent children, the long-suffering Francine Fishpaw turns to the bottle as her life falls apart -- until deliverance appears in the form of a hunk named Todd Tomorrow.

A shady cop finds himself in over his head when he gets caught between Internal Affairs and the city’s corrupt mayor.

Den kyniske skørtejæger grev de Valmont udspekulerer en djævelsk intrige, der skal ødelægge den purunge Cécile, hvis rene væsen er faldet ham for brystet.

Gerrison Keillor er vært og tovholder på det underholdende og populære radiovarieté-show, A Prairie Home Companion, der er blevet transmitteret i tre årtier, live fra Minnesota. Keillor er en levende legende i amerikansk showbizz, og har selv fiktionaliseret og omskrevet radioshowet til et filmmanus, som i Robert Altmans iscenesættelse er blevet en varm og underfundig komedie/musical om livet backstage. Filmens parodiske fremstilling af showet tager sin begyndelse en dag, hvor det annonceres, at F. Scott Fitzgerald-Teatret i Minnesota, hvorfra programmet transmitteres, er blevet opkøbt af en ejendomsspekulant fra Texas (Tommy Lee Jones), og skal lukkes til fordel for en parkeringsplads.

Rumskibet Aniara har kurs mod Mars. Der er tale om et stort rumskib, der mest minder om en luksusliner. Passagererne er helt almindelige, civile mennesker, for hele Jordens befolkning er i gang med at emigrere til den røde planet. Undervejs går noget galt, og Aniara bliver slået ud af kurs og mister evnen til at navigere. Det er ikke det store problem, det betyder bare, at den 3 uger lange rejse bliver lidt længere. Et par år længere. Det er i hvert fald det, kaptajnen påstår.

A young terrorist kills and injures patrons of a Norfolk amusement park by placing homemade explosives on the track of one of its roller coasters. After staging a similar incident in Pittsburgh, he sends a tape to a meeting of major amusement park executives in Chicago, demanding $1 million to make him stop.

Sidney is a warm and deeply quixotic man who sends his lost love a plane ticket to New York along with a letter asking her to meet him at the top of the Empire State Building. With a vintage Polaroid camera in hand, he takes to the New York streets, stopping occasionally at tourist attractions and coffee shops. Along the way, he unexpectedly meets a distraught woman who left her boyfriend that very morning after discovering that he had been unfaithful. Like Sidney, she too is drifting around Manhattan, as she waits for a flight to take her back to San Francisco.

A woman in her 20s, another in her 30s and a third in her 40s must each find a way to navigate the challenges they face in life and love.

A dirty bomb goes off in Los Angeles, jamming freeways and spreading a toxic cloud.

After the unusual attack on a school 'flower boy', Sung-min, on February 14, the same attacks begin to happen at different high schools on every month of the same day. Rumors say that the next victims will be at Neulparan High School.