Gupi (Prosenjit Chatterjee) is a small-time conman in love with Madhu (Richa Gangopadhyay), a pretty woman whom he met at a wedding he wasn't invited to. Into this picture, the world enters six-year-old Osmita (Baby Titli), who inexplicably believes Gupi to be her dad. And if this wasn't bad enough, Gupi becomes the object of a series of life-threatening attacks by a gang of criminals who seem to know something he doesn't. While trying desperately to save his life and love, Gupi stumbles upon a deadly secret. A secret that will take him to a small town named Debgarh: A town terrorized by its ruthless MLA and the mafia he controls; a town whose inhabitants' only hope for redemption is Gupi. Later, he learns that ACP Bikram Singha Roy (Prosenjit Chatterjee), his look alike, is in danger from criminals.

Hugo Barrett is a servant in the Chelsea home of indolent aristocrat Tony. All seems to go well until the playboy’s girlfriend Susan takes a dislike to the efficient employee. Then Barrett persuades Tony to hire his sister Vera as a live-in maid, and matters take another turn for the worse…

A screenwriter with a violent temper is a murder suspect until his lovely neighbor clears him. However, she soon starts to have her doubts.

A Nova York, Felix, un neuròtic redactor de notícies que acaba de trencar amb la seva dona, és instat pel seu caòtic amic Oscar, un periodista esportiu, a mudar-se amb ell; però els seus estils de vida són tan diferents com ho són la nit i el dia, de manera que molt aviat les estrictes idees de Felix sobre com mantenir net una llar comencen a irritar Oscar.

When Letty Mason relocates to West Texas, she finds herself unsettled by the ever-present wind and sand. Arriving at her new home at the ranch of her cousin, Beverly, she receives a surprisingly cold welcome from his wife, Cora. Soon tensions in the family and unwanted attention from a trio of suitors leave Letty increasingly disturbed.

Anglaterra, 1529. El matrimoni entre Enric VIII i Caterina d'Aragó no ha pogut engendrar un hereu i la dinastia perilla. Per posar-hi remei el rei es proposa repudiar la reina i casar-se amb Anna Bolena, encara que sigui sense consentiment del Papa. A aquesta decisió s'oposa Sir Thomas More, eminent humanista aleshores membre del Consell Reial. Quan el monarca decideix tirar pel dret, trencar amb l'església catòlica i erigir-se en cap de l'església d'Anglaterra, Sir Thomas es trobarà en un greu dilema entre la seva fidelitat al rei i els seus principis morals i religiosos. A diferència d'una cort d'intrigants i llagoters, Sir Thomas triarà actuar d'acord amb la seva consciència.

Julie Kohler, whose husband was inexplicably shot dead on the church steps after their wedding, is prevented from suicide by her mother. She leaves the town to track down, charm and kill five men who do not know her.

Una modesta pel·lícula personal, de sensibilitat europea, centrada més en els personatges que en la trama i que gira entorn d’un pianista que, sentint-se perdut en una societat fal·laç, abandona la seva carrera musical per treballar en una refineria.

A greedy man tries to get rid of his mother by putting her in an old folks home until he discovers she has a fortune in stock certificates.

Quan Don Diego Vega torna a casa seva, descobreix que el seu pare, l'alcalde del poble de Los Angeles, ha estat destituït pel capità Esteban Pasquale. Ocultant la seva identitat sota una màscara, es converteix en l'abanderat de la justícia social; i intentarà que Don Luis Quintero abandoni el lloc usurpat. Obra mestra que narra les aventures de El Zorro, el famós espadatxí. Tyrone Power tenia el difícil repte de fer oblidar Fairbanks, però la decisió encertada d'accentuar el costat romàntic del personatge -en contraposició a la seva faceta atlètica- va ajudar a aconseguir una versió a l'altura de les seves predecessores.

After being discredited as a coward, a 19th century seaman lives for only one purpose: to redeem himself. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in partnership with Sony Pictures Entertainment in 2000.

After years of inactivity, the DigiDestined regroup with their Digimon to save their world, but have the years changed their characters too much?

Academy Award-honoree Peter O'Toole stars in this musical classic about a prim English schoolmaster who learns to show his compassion through the help of an outgoing showgirl. O'Toole, who received his fourth Oscar-nomination for this performance, is joined by '60s pop star Petula Clark and fellow Oscar-nominee Michael Redgrave.

An American woman falls in love with a romantic Parisian head waiter who tries to save her from her possessive wealthy ex-husband who wants to keep her under his control.

A fugitive stumbles onto a movie set just when they need a new stunt man, takes the job as a way to hide out and falls for the leading lady while facing off with his manipulative director.

La cantant d'òpera Mary Blake fuig de la misèria i busca recer a Blackie Norton, un empresari de San Francisco que li proporciona feina. Inevitablement, sorgeix una estreta relació entre tots dos que és desaprovada pel sacerdot Mullin. Mentrestant, ens vam aproximar a la fatídica data del 18 d'abril del 1906, quan un terratrèmol va arrasar la ciutat i va provocar més de 3.000 morts.

A principis del segle XX, el cap dels berbers, El Raisuni, segresta a Tànger una bella vídua nord-americana i els seus fills per demanar un fort rescat. Aquest fet desencadena un conflicte diplomàtic en què es veuran involucrats el govern americà (Theodore Roosevelt: 1901-1909), tropes alemanyes i diverses faccions del sultanat del Marroc.

Brave new steps put Scott's career in jeopardy. With a new partner and determination, can he still succeed?

Based on a true story, this film depicts the life of Ted Bundy, the serial killer. In 1974, after having murdered several young women, he leaves Seattle for Utah, where he is a law student and where other girls disappear. It takes the cooperation of a number of police forces to work efficiently on this case. Soon, but not soon enough, the police eliminate endless possibilities and close in on him. Bundy is tried in the media and his good-boy attitude brings him sympathy but also the hatred of many.

The Hollywood version of the popular video game series "Wing Commander". Unlike other video games to feature film transitions, series creator Chris Roberts was heavily involved in the film's creation. This is the story of Christopher Blair and Todd "Maniac" Marshall as they arrive at the Tiger Claw and are soon forced to stop a Kilrathi fleet heading towards Earth.