Noves aventures de l'inspector francès Jacques Clouseau, inepte detectiu que en aquesta ocasió intentarà resoldre un cas en què una donzella és acusada d'assassinar la seva amant.

A love story about two step-siblings, Yota and Kaoru. Long ago, Yota's mother married Kaoru's jazz-playing father, effectively merging the two families. Unfortunately, Kaoru's father skipped town, and Yota's mother passed away, but not before imparting a dying wish to her young son to take care of Kaoru.

Després de la mort de la seva mare, amb qui amb prou feines tenia relació, la Purslane, una noia solitària i fastiguejada, torna a la seva ciutat natal, Nova Orleans. Quan hi arriba, comprova amb sorpresa que a la casa materna hi viuen des de fa anys dos amics de la seva mare: en Bobby Long, un antic professor de literatura, i en Lawson Pines, un noi que escriu la biografia d’en Bobby. El problema és que ells no tenen cap intenció d’anar-se’n.

Early 20th century England: while toasting his daughter Catherine's engagement, Arthur Winslow learns the royal naval academy expelled his 14-year-old son, Ronnie, for stealing five shillings. Father asks son if it is true; when the lad denies it, Arthur risks fortune, health, domestic peace, and Catherine's prospects to pursue justice.

Joe és un jugador de rugbi que pararà al cel, ja que algú comet l'error de creure que ha mort en un accident de trànsit. Quan l'error es descobreix, decideixen enviar-lo una altra vegada a la Terra, però el seu cos ja ha estat incinerat, per la qual cosa el seu esperit ha d'ocupar el d'un milionari assassinat.

In 1932, a cop is killed and Frank Wiecek sentenced to life. Eleven years later, a newspaper ad by Frank's mother leads Chicago reporter P.J. O'Neal to look into the case. For some time, O'Neal continues to believe Frank guilty. But when he starts to change his mind, he meets increased resistance from authorities unwilling to be proved wrong.

Aproximació biogràfica al mite del rock and roll Jerry Lee Lewis. Es narren els seus començaments com a cantant, els seus grans èxits –amb les seves espectaculars actuacions on cremava el piano– i com va caure en desgràcia quan es va casar amb una cosina seva de només tretze anys.

Álvaro, a man obsessed with the idea of writing what he brands as “high literature,” manipulates the lives and feelings of the people around him to write about the consequences caused by his devious acts.

Història mig real mig ficció de Danielle Delpeuch, qui va ser la cuinera personal del president François Miterrand. Relat d'una emoció culinària i també una relació d'afecte respecta i comunicació intel·lectual entre el President i la seva cuinera personal. És també una història d'enveges, gelosia i rivalitat professional del staff de la cuina oficial del President que la veuen com una intrusa i desconfien de la seva professionalitat. Sedueix al President quan porta a la seva taula els plats de les grands-mères. Viu la seva professió amb autèntica passió i a l’hora tindrà el coratge per saber decidir en favor de la seva llibertat personal

Una jove funcionària apareix assassinada a la Casa Blanca. Harlan Regis és el detectiu d'homicidis a qui encarreguen la investigació. El cas no li resultarà fàcil perquè els membres del servei secret no estan disposats a col·laborar-hi. Només l'agent Nina Chance es decideix a ajudar-lo.

Nothing gets between Anne Marie and her board. Living in a beach shack with three roommates, she is up before dawn every morning to conquer the waves and count the days until the Pipe Masters competition. Having transplanted herself to Hawaii with no one's blessing but her own, Anne Marie finds all she needs in the adrenaline-charged surf scene - until pro quarterback Matt Tollman comes along...

Nico is a famous actor in Argentina, but in New York, nobody takes notice. He needs to juggle bartending, babysitting and odd jobs to keep himself afloat. But when old friends from Buenos Aires come to visit, he needs to juggle the image of his old life with the reality of the struggling actor in New York City.

In the hazy aftermath of an unimaginable loss, Sarah and Phil come unhinged, recklessly ignoring the repercussions. Phil starts to lose sight of his morals as Sarah puts herself in increasingly dangerous situations, falling deeper into her own fever dream.

A killer is on the loose, and an FBI agent sifts through clues and learns that the bloodthirsty felon's victims of choice are other serial killers.

A schizophrenic romantic tracks down her college sweetheart to help her find their son she gave up for adoption sixteen years ago to the dismay of his new wife.

1 bank. 5 people. 2 guns. The story is about a not usual bank robbery.

Disenchanted with the movie industry, Chili Palmer tries the music industry, meeting and romancing a widow of a music executive along the way.

It is love at first sight: elderly secretary Luzi and young, unemployed Dietmar find each other by accident in Rosa von Praunheim’s outrageous genre, social satire.

Mia is dreaming of one day being the youngest driver in the Dakar Rally. She's pretty and loves the challenge. One day she gets to know the driving instructor Sherin, an exotic beauty of mid-twenties. She takes Mia to a secret car race out of town.

The new season of "American Dreamz," the wildly popular television singing contest, has captured the country's attention, as the competition looks to be between a young Midwestern gal and a showtunes-loving young man from Orange County. Recently awakened President Staton even wants in on the craze, as he signs up for the potential explosive season finale.