Jessica knows exactly what her life is supposed to look like and where it takes her. But then she meets Danny. He has a complicated past and could confuse all their plans. Jessica has to decide.

With commentary from Hollywood stars, outtakes from his movies and footage from his youth, this documentary looks at Stanley Kubrick's life and films. Director Jan Harlan, Kubrick's brother-in-law and sometime collaborator, interviews heavyweights like Jack Nicholson, Woody Allen and Sydney Pollack, who explain the influence of Kubrick classics like "Dr. Strangelove" and "2001: A Space Odyssey," and how he absorbed visual clues from disposable culture such as television commercials.

Lucía and Nico, the couple of the century, are about to say yes... although not with each other. It turns out that they both decided to get married on the same day and in the same place, but with other people.

New York, 1980. Three complete strangers accidentally discover that they're identical triplets, separated at birth. The 19-year-olds' joyous reunion catapults them to international fame, but also unlocks an extraordinary and disturbing secret that goes beyond their own lives – and could transform our understanding of human nature forever.

In the emotionally charged, wild and humorous world of sixteen year old James Whitman, his struggle to overcome anxiety and depression involve seeking advice from Dr. Bird - a giant imaginary pigeon therapist.

1945, Leningrad. World War II has devastated the city, demolishing its buildings and leaving its citizens in tatters, physically and mentally. Two young women, Iya and Masha, search for meaning and hope in the struggle to rebuild their lives amongst the ruins.

Jade Butterfield er en smuk, intelligent, priviligeret 17-årig pige, der netop har bestået high school. En fornem fremtid venter hende, igennem medicinstudiet og videre. David Elliot er hendes følsomme klassekammerat, der aldrig har turdet nærme sig, men nu ser han sin chance. De to finder sammen og langsomt, men sikkert, bliver de opslugt af kærlighed for hinanden - i så høj grad, at Jade sætter sin fremtid over styr. Endless Love er baseret på romanen af samme navn, der allerede har været filmatiseret en gang før, i 1981, med bl.a. Brooke Shields.

For at højne moralen blandt tropperne beslutter nazimajor Karl von Steiner at arrangere en fodbold kamp mellem et sejrssikkert tysk hold og en gruppe krigsfanger. Kampen skal spilles i Berlin og være et eksempel på den tyske overlegenhed. Fangerne siger ja, men planlægger at undslippe. De skal bare lige vinde kampen først.

A thirteen-year-old French girl deals with moving to a new city and school in Paris, while at the same time her parents are getting a divorce.

The friendship of a group of young friends struggling with teen sex, drugs, and work is jeopardized by a romantic interest which may turn pals into bitter rivals.

Prodded by the rebellious Brisa, puberty is awakening in twelve-year-old Celia. Quickly, the two become allies against the rigid rules of authority in the Catholic girls’ school. However, questions about the right bra, cool bands and sexy clothing cannot hide the urgent search for their own identity.

Da Alice er i 12-års alderen, føler hun sig tilsidesat og bliver meget jaloux på sin søster Karen (Brooke Shields). Alice bliver noget af et problembarn, fordi hun altid holder sig isoleret. Da hendes søster bliver fundet myrdet i en kirke, begynder man at spørge sig selv, om hun også er i stand til at slå ihjel? Nye mord indtræffer og mistanken på Alice forstærkes - kan et lille barn virkelig være en koldblodig morder?

De var blevet advaret... Netop som man troede, at det nu var sikkert at vende tilbage til lejren, kommer der nu endnu mere hjertebankende terror. 5 år efter det frygtelige blodbad på Camp Crystal Lake er alt, hvad der er tilbage, legenden om Jason Voorhees og hans forrykte mor, som myrdede 7 lejrledere. På en sommerlejr i nærheden tager de nye ledere sig ikke af advarslerne om at holde sig væk fra det berygtede sted. Sorgløse gennem strejfer de unge området uden at fornemme den uheldsvangre fare, der lurer. En efter en bliver de angrebet og brutalt myrdet.

A small team of scientists must race against time to stop what seems to be a cascade of global disasters signaling the possible apocalypse and end of days.

Efter at være blevet alvorligt såret får en mand en hjertetransplantation og begynder at udvise samme moderlige følelser som donoren.

In the American Southwest of the 1950s, middle-aged vagabond Beaudray Demerille survives as a cardsharp who moves from town to town. But his latest victory brings him unwanted spoils in the form of Wanda Nevada, a fiery 13-year-old. At first Beaudray does everything he can to ditch Wanda -- until the girl chances upon a treasure map. But Wanda and Beaudray aren't the only ones after the loot, and they must contend with a ruthless pair of crooks.

I Holy Smoke er Ruth blevet fascineret af en indisk guru. Hendes familie søger hjælp fra P.J. Waters, som har tre dage til at 'afkode' hende. Men P.J. bliver selv fascineret af Ruth og de indleder et erotisk og skæbnesvangert forhold.

Filmen følger historien om en bohemekoloni af kunstnere, som trivedes i Cornwalls vilde kystområde i årene op til Første Verdenskrig. Mens landets fremtid hænger i en tynd tråd, fanges tre venner i et tumultagtigt trekantsdrama i denne opsigtsvækkende, sande historie.

Sam and Lucie Bell are a married couple who seem to have it all: good looks, successful careers, matching motorbikes, and an enthusiastic love life. The only thing they lack is the one thing they want more—a baby.

Two girls go away to a holiday resort looking for a change of pace, hoping to meet some nice men for a change. They discover that they can't find the perfect man, and this forces them to reconsider their attitudes to men in general.