The Fool is a movie about a simple plumber. An honest man, he is up against an entire system of corrupted bureaucrats. At stake are the lives of 800 inhabitants of an old dorm that is at risk of collapsing within the span of the night.

En Grey Trace és un mecànic que intenta adaptar-se a un món massa futurista per a ell, molt al contrari que la seva dona Asha, addicta a la feina i apassionada de les noves tecnologies. Una nit tots dos pateixen un accident de cotxe i, lluny de ser ajudats, són abordats per una perillosa colla de pinxos.

A wizard invents characters who all come to life and start to arrive at his house: a King, his servants, a princes, a bear trapped in a man's body - the usual lot. The Plot mainly rotates around the bear, who the wizard had turned into a man. The Bear, who wishes to be a bear once again, can turn into his old self if he were to kiss a princess. It gets complicated when he falls in love with that princess, that arrived at the wizard's house. For how can they be together, if a single kiss will destroy their love?

ASSA is set in Crimea during the winter in the mid eighties. A young musician (Bananan) falls for mobster's (Krymov) young mistress (Alika). The parallel story line involves an 18th century assassination plot.

A closed room mystery begins when an infamous tycoon is found dead in his bath tub. The famous police lieutenant Palmu is summoned to investigate.

Company commander Claus Michael Pedersen and his men are stationed in Helmand, Afghanistan. Meanwhile back in Denmark, with a husband at war and three children missing their father, everyday life is a struggle for Claus' wife Maria. During a routine mission, the soldiers are caught in heavy Taliban crossfire. In order to save his men, Claus makes a decision that ultimately sees him return to Denmark accused of a war crime.

Early autumn, godforsaken Russian countryside. A local hunter Michail witnesses a skirmish in the middle of the forest - three men want to kill the forth, Andrey. Kind-hearted Michail helps Andrey escape and together they run from the villains who chase them. Thus, two totally different men start a long and dangerous journey together, constantly arguing with each other regarding their ideology, morals and opinions about life. But life will put everything on its place and make the men understand who they really are.

Prince Akeem Joffer is set to become King of Zamunda when he discovers he has a son he never knew about in America – a street savvy Queens native named Lavelle. Honoring his royal father's dying wish to groom this son as the crown prince, Akeem and Semmi set off to America once again.

Detroit, any 1954. Uns delinqüents de són contractats per robar el que ells creuen que és un simple document i serà una feina fàcil. Quan el seu pla no surt com ells esperaven, emprenen la recerca de qui els va contractar i del propòsit real per al qual van ser contractats.

When a factory is bound to close, a group of workers decides to take action against the owner.

Cansats de les constants entremaliadures dels indisciplinats nens que no accepten cap autoritat, els adults de Timpelbach decideixen abandonar la ciutat per donar-los una lliçó. Una ciutat sense pares! No és una mala notícia per a tot el món. Un vegada sols, sense adults, les dues bandes intentaran fer-se amb el control de l'aldea, però s'adonaran que no tot és tan fàcil com creien, i que cuidar-se a si mateixos és més dur del que pensaven.

December, 31st. Impossible Moscow traffic, an endless rush leading to nothing, people trying to help but not making things any better. Small talk… about small things that fill one’s life — and make it pass us by too quickly. About Dad, who’s only got a few weeks left to live — and there’s nothing you can do to help... About plans for life of a 15-year-old girl — should she become a cancer specialist or a food designer?

Jon tendeix a deshumanitzar tot el que li passa a la seva vida: el seu apartament, el seu cotxe, la seva família, la seva església i, per descomptat, les seves dones. Els seus amics li diuen Don Jon per l'habilitat que té per aconseguir una dona diferent cada cap de setmana. Tantmateix, ni els «ligues» més sofisticats no poden comparar-se amb la felicitat que aconsegueix Jon veient po*nografia davant del seu ordinador. Insatisfet, s'embarcarà en una aventura a la cerca d'una vida se*ual més gratificant i acabarà aprenent les grans lliçons de la vida i de l'amor a través de la seva relació amb dues dones molt diferents: la Barbara i l'Esther.

Ken Park focuses on several teenagers and their tormented home lives. Shawn seems to be the most conventional. Tate is brimming with psychotic rage; Claude is habitually harassed by his brutish father and coddled, rather uncomfortably, by his enormously pregnant mother. Peaches looks after her devoutly religious father, but yearns for freedom. They're all rather tight, or so they claim.

Head of company security, Harry Webb, fears that a diamond theft is about to take place at their major mining complex deep in the desert. He quickly manages to become very unpopular, particularly with Claire Chambers, a celebrated cover girl, daughter of the mine administrator. She is visiting the man she loves, Mike Bradley, who is responsible for security at the mine. Nelson, the mine administrator, gives Bradley a curious mission - to steal a diamond. He wants to implicate Bradley in order to bring him into contact with a certain Lewis who is preparing to rob the mine with the aid of a group of mercanaries and a local accessory known as Father Christmas. Webb, not being informed of the deceit, relentlessly pursues Bradley, who is contacted by Lewis. With the mercanaries in the process of penetrating the mine. Bradley reveals himself to be Father Christmas, the organiser of the entire operation...

Twenty five years old Kolya starts to work as a cemetery night guard after moving to Moscow from province.

Three officers are tasked with escorting an illegal immigrant to Charles de Gaulle airport, where he will be forced onto a plane and sent back to his homeland. But when they find out about the truth, they have to make a difficult choice.

A drama about the group of young people starting their adult lives.

Four young men have won a trip with their favorite social network. On board the private plane that took him to New York, they are invited to participate in an in-flight entertainment: a new online gaming experience. But this is no ordinary Thurs Trapped at 30,000 feet, they will play for their lives and those of their families. They will discover the hard way that put his life online can have dire consequences ...

Robert Eastwood is an innocent, brought up in a world of Born Again Christianity that's taught him to look for signs and to believe evil in waiting just outside the front door. When he goes to school he's shocked to discover that no one else thinks the world was made in 7 days or that Jesus will be returning. Caught between his Mother, who's determined to bring Jesus' love to a dead mining town, and his best friend Marcus who's introduced him to teenage rebellion Robert becomes the centre of a spiritual tug of war as he tries to escape his religious beliefs. It's then that he discovers a dead body in the woods and realises God has sent him a sign. The Devil Outside is a story of everyday madness.