10-year-old Pixote endures torture, degradation, and corruption at a local youth detention center where two of its members are murdered by policemen who frame Lilica, a 17-year-old trans hustler. Pixote helps Lilica and three other boys escape and they start to make their living by a life of crime which only escalates to more violence and death.

Offbeat documentarian Chris Smith provides a behind-the-scenes look at how Jim Carrey adopted the persona of idiosyncratic comedian Andy Kaufman on the set of Man on the Moon.

Kevin és un policia de Hong Kong que s'enfronta a una difícil missió: ha d'atrapar el capo de la droga del país. Però per condemnar el criminal només hi ha una testimoni que el pot incriminar i Kevin és l'únic que la pot protegir. Evidentment tots els criminals a les ordres del capo intentaran matar la testimoni i el seu guardaespatlles.

After being punished for getting into trouble, a mischievous young man is sent to train under a brutal, but slovenly old beggar, who teaches him the secret of the Drunken Fist.

Un jove, expert en arts marcials, és reclutat pel servei d'intel·ligència anglès. La seva missió és viatjar a Hong Kong i desemmascarar les activitats fraudulentes d'un home de negocis.

Two psychotic young men take a mother, father, and son hostage in their vacation cabin and force them to play sadistic "games" with one another for their own amusement.

Jackie és un advocat brillant encarregat de defensar una planta química d'una acusació judicial, per contaminar amb els abocaments una zona pesquera de Hong Kong. Però la seva atracció per la principal testimoni de l'acusació el portarà a prendre una decisió important: el seu paper està equivocat, ell ha d'estar a l'oposició acusant el seu client! Amb l'ajuda d'un esbojarrat escalador i un traficant d'armes descobrirà que, en realitat, la fàbrica és una tapadora per al tràfic de drogues. Units pretendran desmantellar la banda i destruir la fàbrica.

The story of three Korean outlaws in 1930s Manchuria and their dealings with the Japanese army and Chinese and Russian bandits. The Good (a bounty hunter), the Bad (a hitman), and the Weird (a thief) battle the army and the bandits in a race to use a treasure map to uncover the riches of legend.

A rich man's son believes himself to be the best kung fu fighter in Canton. Unfortunately, his father, anxious for his son's safety, bribes all his opponents to lose. After a humiliating defeat at the hands of an actor in a traveling theatre company, the son resolves to find a better teacher.

Kao has purchased a new wife, but an enemy has paid her more money to kill him. Kao must recruit a pair of swordsmen to help defend himself and his family from his ruthless enemy. But Kao has his dark side as well.

Youthful martial arts master Lung is searching for his missing brother, when he is mistaken for a criminal on the run. He must prove his innocence by solving the case himself, while local lawmen and merciless mercenaries are hot on his trail.

Twins, separated at birth, end up as a Hong Kong gangster and a New York concert pianist. When the pianist travels to Hong Kong for a concert, the two inevitably get mistaken for each other.

C.N. Chan és un important home de negocis de mitjana edat tan obsessionat per la seva feina que no té temps ni interès per enamorar-se. La bella Bu, nascuda en un petit poble de pescadors, és com un be solitari i sense rumb, però ple de somnis, d'energia i d'imaginació. Quan troba una ampolla buida flotant a l'aigua amb un missatge dins parteix cap a Hong Kong amb l'esperança de trobar el príncep dels seus somnis. A partir de llavors, amb el hilarant dissenyador Albert exercint d'intermediari al romanç, C.N. i Bu es coneixeran i s'enamoraran. Per a Chan serà especialment emotiva la manera com ella amb prou feines mostra interès pels seus diners i la seva fama, demostrant-li un amor sincer i ingenu. A poc a poc, i amb l'ajuda inesperada de dos dofins superdotats, tots dos amants superaran les diferències d'edat, origen i cultura que els separa.

A young daydreamer assumes the identity of a dead martial arts hero and quickly finds himself caught up in a plot by several clans to steal famous martial arts artifacts being transported by an escort company.

A brother and sister escape from Japanese-occupied Shanghai to Japanese-occupied Taiwan, to stay with their grandfather who runs a Kung-Fu school there. However, the master of a Japanese Kung- Fu school in Taiwan has plans to bringing all other schools on the island under his domination, and part of his plan involves the murder of the grandfather.

Broke, with nothing but her cat to her name and doors closing in her face, Paula is back in Paris after a long absence. As she meets different people along the way, there is one thing she knows for sure: she's determined to make a new start and she'll do it with style and panache.

Jackie Chan plays the part of the class clown in a shaolin temple whose deadliest secret is stolen. All is lost until Jackie's character discovers dancing blue ghosts with bright red hair who haunt the library.

China's first President Sun Yat-Sen and military commander Huang Xing lead the revolutionary Wuchang Uprising in a bid to put an end to the reign of the Qing Dynasty.

Rain falls and reflects the light.

Madame Géquil és una excèntrica professora que és menyspreada tant pels seus companys de feina com pels seus alumnes. Una nit de tempesta, un llamp l'assoleix i perd el coneixement; quan recobra el sentit, Madame Géquil se sent completament canviada... Però, podrà controlar la poderosa i amenaçadora Madame Hyde que habita al seu interior?