Teenager Zhora lives with her grandmother and only occasionally sees her parents. The fact is that he is autistic, and his parents are very busy people. Zhorik's mother, Kira, is passionate about her success as a plastic surgeon. Father - Yasha - real estate sales. However, they are not so busy that they do not take a friend to the holy springs to establish love karma. Will the holy water help reunite their family as well?

Tant Gi Taek com la seva família estan sense feina. Quan el seu fill gran, Gi Woo, comença a rebre classes particulars a casa de Park, les dues famílies, que tenen molt en comú malgrat pertànyer a dos mons totalment diferents, comencen una interrelació de resultats imprevisibles.

Hirayama sembla totalment satisfet amb la seva senzilla vida de netejador de vàters a Tòquio. Fora de la seva estructurada rutina diària, gaudeix de la passió per la música i els llibres. Li encanten els arbres i els fa fotos. Una sèrie de trobades inesperades revelen a poc a poc més del passat.

American expat Mickey Pearson has built a highly profitable marijuana empire in London. When word gets out that he’s looking to cash out of the business forever it triggers plots, schemes, bribery and blackmail in an attempt to steal his domain out from under him.

Georgian bush pilot Valentin (Valiko) Mizandari a.k.a. Mimino works at small local airlines, flying helicopters between small villages. But he dreams of piloting large international airlines aircrafts, so he goes to Moscow for refresher courses. There in a hotel he meets truck driver Robik who is given a place in that hotel by mistake, and they have a lot of adventures in Moscow. Always amicable and open to people, Mimino does not feel at home in the big city. Nevertheless, he becomes a pilot of a supersonic jet liner, the Tupolev Tu-144, flying all over the world. But feeling homesick, he finally comes back to his native town of Telavi in Georgia, to his family and friends.

John Wick (Keanu Reeves) torna a l'acció, però aquesta vegada amb una recompensa de 14 milions de dòlars sobre el seu cap i amb un exèrcit de mercenaris intentant caçar-lo. Després d'assassinar un dels membres del gremi d'assassins a què pertanyia, Wick és expulsat de l'organització, passant a convertir-se en el centre d'atenció de multitud d'assassins a sou que esperen darrere de cada cantonada per intentar desfer-se'n.

Between the events of 'Saw' and 'Saw II', a sick and desperate John Kramer travels to Mexico for a risky and experimental medical procedure in hopes of a miracle cure for his cancer, only to discover the entire operation is a scam to defraud the most vulnerable. Armed with a newfound purpose, the infamous serial killer returns to his work, turning the tables on the con artists in his signature visceral way through devious, deranged, and ingenious traps.

Does infinity exist? Can we experience the Infinite? In an animated film (created by artists from 10 countries) the world's most cutting-edge scientists and mathematicians go in search of the infinite and its mind-bending implications for the universe. Eminent mathematicians, particle physicists and cosmologists dive into infinity and its mind-bending implications for the universe.

Armat només amb una paraula, Tenet, el protagonista haurà de lluitar per la supervivència del món sencer i evitar la Tercera Guerra Mundial, en una història d'espionatge internacional. La missió es desplegarà més enllà del temps real. No són viatges en el temps, és inversió.

Una noia amb esquizofrènia comença a tenir al·lucinacions quan creu que el seu veí ha segrestat un nen. L'única persona que el creu és Caleb, un noi que ni tan sols sap si existeix de debò.

Having recently found God, self-effacing young nurse Maud arrives at a plush home to care for Amanda, a hedonistic dancer left frail from a chronic illness. When a chance encounter with a former colleague throws up hints of a dark past, it becomes clear there is more to sweet Maud than meets the eye.

Una solitària novel·lista romàntica de gira amb el model de la portada del seu últim llibre es veu embolicada en un intent de segrest que portarà tots dos a una ferotge aventura a la jungla.

Victor Barinov at the personal request of the Russian President will go to Sochi at the world championship for professional chefs and to prove that he and his team are the best in the world! The hard struggle for the title of winner of Operations will help "dark horse" - his own son Ivan, which he suddenly found out on the eve of the championship.

The plot follows the events surrounding Vladimir from childhood and into adulthood. In the beginning of the film, being under the influence of the high priest Krivzha, the Prince is a young, impulsive and cruel pagan. Fighting for supreme power, Vladimir wins a battle that kills his brother. Regretting what he has done, Vladimir does not suspect a conspiracy between the priest and the Pechenegs. Vladimir is concerned about gathering the Slavic tribes into one united state. Solving this major task, he faces obstacles, which Vladimir overcomes in the end, defeating Krivzha and winning the battle against Kurya, a Pecheneg chief.

Bruce Cogburn, autor controversial i solitari, surt del seu amagatall en rebre nombroses cartes d'un fanàtic obsessiu. Només es tracta del començament d'una espiral de perill i misteri.

Chanticleer is a foolhardy farm rooster who believes his crows can actually make the sun come up and shine. When the sun rises one morning without Chanticleer's crow, he leaves the farm in disgrace and runs off to become a rock 'n' roll singer. But in his absence, a sinister, sunshine-hating owl prepares to take over.

Una famosa escriptora de terror troba la inspiració per al seu següent llibre després que ella i el seu marit acullin a una jove parella.

Dealing with a girlfriend suddenly leaving is tough enough. But for Hank, heartbreak couldn’t have come at a worse time. There’s also a monster trying to break through his front door every night.

Old skipper travels with his old ship called "Fortune" on the Russian river.