En un futur no gaire llunyà, Alex J. Murphy, agent de policia de Detroit, és assassinat en acte de servei. Per tal de frenar la delinqüència a la ciutat, les autoritats aproven la creació d'una màquina letal meitat robot, meitat home, a qui anomenen Robocop. Per a la seva fabricació, utilitzen el que queda del cos del Murphy. L'experiment sembla un èxit, però la memòria del policia no està del tot destruïda i inicia una cruel venjança dels paios que el van assassinar.
Anglaterra 1554. Després de la mort de la reina Maria Tudor, que ha deixat el país sumit en un estat d'inestabilitat financera i crisi religiosa, puja al tron Isabel I (Cate Blanchett). Popularment se la coneix com "La Reina Verge", encara que per la seva participació en el repartiment del botí obtingut després dels atacs de Drake a les costes espanyoles, tant peninsulars com a colonials, és també coneguda com "La Reina Pirata".
Superman i el seu gos, Krypto, comparteixen els mateixos superpoders i lluiten colze a colze contra el crim a Metròpolis. Quan segresten Superman i la resta de la Lliga de la Justícia, Krypto ha de convèncer unes mascotes del carrer perquè dominin els seus propis poders que acaben de descobrir i rescatin els superherois.
Degut a un abocament químic incontrolat al riu Han, de Seul, un peix muta fins a extrems increïbles convertint-se en una bèstia enorme que terroritza la població. Algunes de les seves víctimes se les emporta a un lloc desconegut.
A melon farmer battles organized crime and a hit man who wants to kill him.
Having recently witnessed the horrific results of a top secret project to bring the dead back to life, a distraught teenager performs the operation on his girlfriend after she's killed in a motorcycle accident.
El F.B.I. contracta un expert en efectes especials per simular la mort d'un mafiós Però la pistola que utilitzarà a la farsa és manipulada i la suposada víctima mor de veritat. A partir d'aquell moment, l'especialista en patirà les conseqüències.
La mort d'una persona durant un rescat, li produeix una depressió tan profunda a un experimentat alpinista d'un equip de salvament, que decideix retirar-se. Però l'accident d'un avió en plena muntanya, segrestat per una banda criminal, l'obligarà a realitzar la missió més difícil i perillosa de la seva vida.
Per al supergos Bolt, protagonista d’un famós programa de televisió, cada dia és ple d’aventures, perill i intriga, com a mínim fins que les càmeres paren de rodar. Però quan l’estrella de la televisió és accidentalment transportada del seu Hollywood fins a Nova York, comença la seva més gran aventura: la descoberta del món real. Armat només amb les desil·lusions, sense poders reals i amb l’única ajuda de dos companys de viatge (un gat domèstic abandonat i un hàmster obsessionat per la televisió), en Bolt descobrirà que no necessita tenir superpoders per ser un heroi.
A girl falls for the "perfect" guy, who happens to have a very fatal flaw: he's a hitman on the run from the crime cartels who employ him.
Després del casament de la seva estimada filla Anne, George Banks sent que un període de calma i gaudi s'obre davant seu. Podreu complir el vostre somni de vendre la vostra casa i viure al costat de la platja. Però primer els recent casats, anunciant la seva propera paternitat, i després la seva dona Nina, comunicant-li que també està embarassada, semblen estar disposats a no deixar-lo gaudir del seu ben guanyat descans.
A student gets his senses enhanced by an experimental drug. But abuse is not an option.
A television news chief courts his anchorwoman ex-wife with an eleventh-hour story.
Private-school student Christine loves Jim. But her classmate, Jordan, is also vying for Jim's attention and trying to end his relationship with Christine. Meanwhile, Jim's friend Bubba embarks on a series of sexual escapades, including dressing up as a woman to access the girls' locker room. Despite Jim and Christine's efforts to spend some time alone, various shenanigans and schemes interfere.
A pair of aliens arrive on Earth to prepare for invasion, but crash instead. With enormous cone-shaped heads, robotlike walks and an appetite for toilet paper, aliens Beldar and Prymatt don't exactly blend in with the population of Paramus, N.J. But for some reason, everyone believes them when they say they're from France.
High-schooler Grover Beindorf and his younger sister Stacy decide that their parents, Janet and Ned, are acting childishly when they decide to divorce after 18 years of marriage, so they lock them up in the basement until they'll sort out their problems.
Medical researcher Frank, his fiancee Zoe and their team have achieved the impossible: they have found a way to revive the dead. After a successful, but unsanctioned, experiment on a lifeless animal, they are ready to make their work public. However, when their dean learns what they've done, he shuts them down. Zoe is killed during an attempt to recreate the experiment, leading Frank to test the process on her. Zoe is revived -- but something evil is within her.
On a flight transporting dangerous convicts, murderer Ryan Weaver manages to break free and cause complete chaos throughout the plane. As various people on board fall victim to Weaver, it is ultimately down to flight attendant Teri Halloran to keep the aircraft from crashing, with on-ground support from an air traffic controller. While Halloran struggles to pilot the plane, Weaver continues to terrorize the surviving members of the crew.
World famous pop group the Spice Girls zip around London in their luxurious double decker tour bus having various adventures and performing for their fans.
Penurious but muscle-bound Blake Thorne has made a vast fortune marketing health food and health supplements. He once was a nice fellow, but as his wealth increases, he becomes increasingly self-centered and decadent. One day, he gets in a great paint-gun fight that goes too far. Blake escapes the cops by running into a shopping mall, quickly donning a Santa Suit and pretending to be St. Nick. A head injury causes Blake to suffer amnesia, and an opportunistic "elf" decides to convince Blake that he is indeed Santa. This leads "Santa" to help save an orphanage, filled with adorable moppets, from the machinations of a greedy, insane doctor.