Short film animated with the "scratch on film" technique, scratched directly on 16mm film and then toned with solvent inks. The soundtrack belongs to the Bongo Band.

What if the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs struck again today? Would humans survive? Or would we go the way of the dinosaurs? Join me on a wild tour through a hypothetical apocalypse — and see what it would take for humanity to cling on through the worst disaster in the last 250 million years.

Jurassic Fight Club, a paleontology-based miniseries that ran for 12 episodes, depicts how prehistoric beasts hunted their prey, dissecting these battles and uncovering a predatory world far more calculated and complex than originally thought. It was hosted by George Blasing, a self-taught paleontologist.

The Russian version of the movie "Fight Club" is not just a Russian version of a well-known cult film, it is the result and of the hard work of two young men and their love for cinema, Alexander Kukhar (GOLOBON-TV) and Dmitry Ivanov (GRIZLIK FILM) , who are responsible for this project, from the development of its idea and the selection of the cast, to the organization of filming and financial support. Filming lasted a whole year. Everyday work, constant trips, searching for suitable film sets and an exhausting schedule - all this was not in vain and resulted in an unusually amazing and original project - the film "Fight Club", created in the very heart of southern Russia, in the city of Krasnodar, by two young people

America has been fighting the war on terrorism for two decades, and there are more terrorists today, not fewer. The day after 9/11, experts estimated there were around 400 members of al-Qaida. Today, those same experts put that number at over 100,000, including affiliate groups. The question we must now ask ourselves is not only how to prevent more men from joining these groups, but can we deradicalize those who already have?

Nathias Frederick vs Matthew Bonner (middleweight title fight) Christian Duncan vs Will Currie (middleweight fight) Sam Creasey vs Aaron Aby (flyweight fight) Liam Gittins vs Emrah Sonmez (bantamweight fight) George Smith vs Mick Stanton (middleweight fight)

Gdańsk, Poland, September 1980. Lech Wałęsa and other Lenin shipyard workers found Solidarność (Solidarity), the first independent trade union behind the Iron Curtain. The long and hard battle to bring down communist dictatorship has begun.

Raymond is living alone and trying to write; Michael is stuck at home with parents; Barry is successful in London. They reunite.

Ji-seok's libido wanes whenever he stands in front of a woman. One day, while sleeping alone in his friend's house, drunk Hye-eun mistook Ji-seok for Dong-cheol and then ran off. Ji-seok spent the hot night first, and Dong-cheol directed and watched it. Hye-eun later became angry after learning that she was with Ji-seok, but she happened to know his problem. In the end, she continues the relationship to help Ji-seok.

Four friends head off to Bombay and get involved in the mother and father of all gang wars.

Voor ze koningin werd, leefde Uberta een bescheiden leven tot ze plotseling de troon diende te bestijgen. Door schade en schande leert ze de lessen die nodig zijn om een geliefde koningin te worden, terwijl ze tegelijkertijd de volgende generatie heersers op moet voeden. Wanneer het tijd is dat Uberta de koninklijke scepter door te geven, heeft de rivaliserende koningin Wixom haar eigen plannen gesmeed om de grootste kroning van het koninkrijk in het honderd te sturen...

An opera singer hides an American soldier in his house in Nazi-occupied Rome.

At the end of September 1941, Soviet artillery troops in besieged Leningrad realize that pretty soon they will fire their last shot, and after that the defense of the city will be doomed. The film is based on a true event: a small group of fearless soldiers transported a large supply of gunpowder through enemy lines to Leningrad.

Drie ontsnapte veroordeelden beroven een wapenwinkel en komen een afgelegen huis tegen waar een gezin van vier met hun dienstmeisje woont. Maar de criminelen zijn niet voorbereid op de seksuele lust van de inwoners.

This lavishly spectacular film focuses on the character of Lorinc Parcen Nagy from the 1200-page Tibor Déry novel interwoven with numerous autobiographical elements. Lorinc Parcen Nagy is the offspring of an upper middle class family, whose life is marked by two violent deaths: the suicide of his father and the slaughter of an innocent worker. He breaks with his family and his mother in disgust; she is of weak character, a person who abandoned her own husband. He is also unable to discover the right tone with his colleagues and his lover who is an illegal party worker.

Soon after their engagement, Bill goes to sea, and Emily vows to stay true until his return. Unknown to her, Bill marries another woman from a different port. Emily waits faithfully for six years, finally becoming dangerously ill. When Bill suddenly appears in town with his family, Joe, who has loved Emily all along, forces Bill to make Emily's final moments happy by pretending he has returned to marry her.

Grizel is the daughter of the Painted Lady, who believes that her lover will one day return. Grizel is ostracized by the other children of the town. Tommy and his sister come to the town. Tommy is friendly, but Elspeth keeps her distance. When the Painted Lady dies, Dr. Gemmell makes Grizel his housekeeper. Time passes and after the doctor dies, Grizel, who is now twenty-one years old, loves Tommy, who is an author in London. Tommy visits the town but cannot decide whether he loves Grizel. Grizel knows that Tommy does not love her, and after he returns to London her unhappiness leads to insanity. Tommy returns and marries Grizel, although he believes that she will hate him when she gets better. After two years under Tommy's care, she regains her sanity. After Tommy lets her know that he cared for her out of his love for her; not for pity, Grizel is happy.

Driven by dedication, sacrifice and raw talent, 30 elite cheerleading teams compete to become the sport's ultimate champion.

Korte film: Priti, een in Groot-Brittannië geboren Indiase vrouw in de West Midlands, maakt melding van een gewelddadig incident op straat.