STOP + Cop = "Stop" or "Slow down" ? Make the right choice. An interactice movie by Ken Arsyn.
David, a naive graduate student, has volunteered to work as a 'buddy' for people dying of AIDS. Assigned to the intensely political Robert, a lifelong activist whose friends and family have abandoned him following his diagnosis, the two men, each with notably different world views, soon discover common bonds, as David's inner activist awakens and Robert's need for emotional release is fulfilled.
Trey Parker and Matt Stone celebrate South Park's 25th anniversary with a concert in Colorado, featuring Primus and Ween.
Silvio refuses to fight for the fascists and joins the resistance with Elena. After the war, his vitriolic newspaper articles cause him to be sentenced to imprisonment.
Al començament del seu primer curs universitari, Kyosuke i Madoka caminen junts pel campus de la universitat Waseba. En el seu camí cap a la secretaria, un comentari passatger envia els records de Kyosuke als dies de l'estiu anterior... Aquells dies, on Kyosuke estava immers en els preparatius del seu examen d'ingrés universitari. Aquells dies on ell i Madoka, finalment, van saber mostrar els seus autèntics sentiments. Aquells dies, quan Kyosuke va tractar per tots els mitjans de no trencar el cor de la Hikaru. "Vull tornar a aquell dia", l'agredolç final de l'estupenda sèrie de televisió, explica el desenllaç de el triangle d'amistat i amor protagonitzat pel nostre protagonista, Kyosuke Kasuga, i dues noies, l'alegre i juvenil Hikaru i la reservada i suggerent Madoka.
Basada en fets reals relacionats amb el sacerdot de Lió Bernard Preynat, acusat el 2016 d'abusar sexualment de més de setanta xiquets en aquesta ciutat francesa, ‘Gràcies a Déu’ conta la història d'Alexandre, un home que un dia descobreix que l'home que va abusar d'ell anys arrere encara està treballant amb xiquets.
Durant l'ocupació de París per les tropes alemanyes, un grup d'actors vol muntar una obra de teatre. Ningú sospita que al soterrani de l'edifici s'oculta el director de la companyia, un home d'origen jueu que a l'ombra pretén dirigir la representació a través de les indicacions que proporciona a la seva dona, protagonista de l'obra.
Jacques, a young man with artistic aspirations, spends four nights wandering Paris with a young woman, whom he rescued from suicide.
John Bernard Books, un llegendari pistoler que deu la seva fama a la captura d'uns forjats als quals ningú aconseguia caçar, decideix tornar a la seva ciutat natal per viure en pau el que li quedi de vida. Tot i això, no tindrà més remei que saldar un compte pendent amb tres bandits. Va ser el darrer llargmetratge protagonitzat per John Wayne.
A 36-year-old meek woman realizes that there’s younger people trying to outpace her doing much less, so she makes a risky change by removing her filter.
In an alternate timeline the original Godzilla is never defeated and repeatedly reemerges to feed on Japan's energy sources. A new inter-dimensional weapon called the Dimension Tide is created with the intent of eliminating Godzilla. However, the new weapon might also serve as a gateway to something far more sinister.
Fate plays a vital role in connecting the life of Bantu, a son who seeks validation from his cold-hearted father with the life of Raj, whose millionaire father wishes that he was more assertive.
Eight demon swordsmen and their gang have spread menace across many sword teaching schools. The students seek the help of Fang who alone can combat them. Will Fang take up the challenge.
Un grup de turistes arriba a Costa d'Ivori amb la intenció de passar-s'ho tan bé com sigui possible i oblidar tots els seus problemes.
SUMMARY:- A girl wakes up early in the morning to witness an immense Pain in her groin area & discovers blood on the bedsheet which makes her very uncomfortable to face her father. The next series of events lead her to understand whether she can speak about it or not, moreover, an important incident is highlighted between the use of face mask and sanitary pads as both are used for protection purposes. In this, her father get involved consciously and maintains stability and at the same time respecting her daughter's emotion in order to make her understand about the scenario, makes it even more effective love & affection for the father-daughter duo in facing each other and also towards the society.
The mayor of Sunny Dale see a chance to get rid of the Flodder family: They send the asocial bunch for an international exchange to New York. There they get confused with a Russian delegation of medical doctors while the street worker Werner who accompanies them becomes imprisoned.
Jennifer (Alicia Silverstone) is a lovely teen who has been hired to baby-sit the kids of Harry Tucker (J.T. Walsh) and his wife, Dolly (Lee Garlington). The Tuckers go to a party and proceed to get inebriated, with Mr. Tucker fantasizing about his beautiful baby sitter. Meanwhile, Jack (Jeremy London), her boyfriend, and Mark (Nicky Katt), another guy interested in her, decide to spy on Jennifer at the Tucker house, with each young man also fixated on her.
Man-eating crocodiles return to the lake as two males and one aggressive female crocodile, which is protecting her nest, wreak havoc on the locals.
A half-cast used cars salesman wants anything from the white society and is ready to do anything to get it. But when he is accused of murdering his half-sister who was killed with his rifle, he flees to an indian village. He doesn't feel any more at home there than in the white city. He decides to go back to find and punish the killer.