After 23 years on Death Row a convicted murderer petitions the court asking to be executed, but as his story unfolds, it becomes clear that nothing is what it seems.

Haunted by his dark past, a man takes a job as a fire warden in a remote tower in the wilderness, and is inexorably drawn towards a young woman with a terrible secret of her own.

Meeting People Is Easy takes place during the promotion of Radiohead's 1997 release OK Computer, containing a collage of video clips, sound bites, and dialogue going behind the scenes with the band on their world tour, showing the eventual burn-out of the group as the world tour progresses. The inaugural show of the OK Computer tour began on 22 May 1997 in Barcelona, Spain.

A study on a small Pentecostal congregation in Scrabble Creek, West Virginia. Explores the individual experiences of Pentecostal Christians at the Scrabble Creek Holiness Church, in Scrabble Creek, West Virginia. The documentary includes faith healing, snake handling, speaking in tongues, preaching, gospels and singing. Pentecostal Christians may also be described as "Charismatic." Pentecostals include Protestant Christians who believe that the "manifestations of the Holy Spirit" are alive, available, and experienced by modern day Christians.

In a small English village everyone suddenly falls unconscious. When they awake every woman of child bearing age is pregnant. The resulting children have the same strange blond hair, eyes and a strong connection to each other.

Sarah Tobias és una jove solitària i inestable, els fracassos sentimentals de la qual l'empenyen a la beguda. Un dia, coneix en un tuguri uns nois que l'assalten i la violen repetidament. Desesperada per l'ultratge, recorre a la policia, però ningú no la creu; pensen que ha estat ella qui ha provocat la violació.

John Bernard Books, un llegendari pistoler que deu la seva fama a la captura d'uns forjats als quals ningú aconseguia caçar, decideix tornar a la seva ciutat natal per viure en pau el que li quedi de vida. Tot i això, no tindrà més remei que saldar un compte pendent amb tres bandits. Va ser el darrer llargmetratge protagonitzat per John Wayne.

James Parker i Harry Holt organitzen una expedició a l'Àfrica per trobar un cementiri d'elefants que els proporcioni prou ivori per fer-se rics. La bella filla de Parker, Jane, s'hi uneix de forma inesperada i desperta una atracció immediata a Harry. Però un home mico anomenat Tarzan i els seus amics simis segresten la noia.

Vídua des de fa anys, l'Anne Osborne i el seu fill Jonathan viuen en una petita ciutat costanera anglesa. Tots dos troben a faltar el patriarca. Quan el vaixell mercant nord-americà Belle atraca al port, l'Anne i en Jonathan coneixen el segon oficial el Jim Cameron. Jonathan, que està fascinat pel mar, s'enamora del que en Jim representa per a ell. L'Anne s’involucra sentimentalment amb el Jim mentre és a la ciutat. El Jonathan arriba a la conclusió que és el seu deure corregir això per qualsevol mitjà necessari.

Pel·lícula de gàngsters protagonitzada enterament per nens. La història explica com el jove Bugsy Malone acabarà sent un gran capo de la Màfia al Nova York dels anys 20. En aquesta divertida pel·lícula les pistoles no disparen bales sinó nata.

After her lousy stepfather steals her savings to buy a vicious tiger, Kelly loses all hope of going to college. But Kelly's situation worsens when a hurricane leaves her and her autistic brother boarded up in their house with the man-eating beast. This edge-of-your-seat thriller follows the gutsy heroine and her younger sibling as they struggle to outwit the ravenous predator and find a way to survive.

Doris es queixa al propietari perquè Fèlix, un aspirant a novel·lista, no la deixa dormir amb el tecleig de la màquina d'escriure. Félix, alhora, l'acusa de rebre visites masculines a altes hores de la nit. Quan el propietari la fa fora, ella va a l'apartament de Fèlix i li exigeix ​​que la deixi passar allà la nit. Arman tal enrenou que el casolà els posa als dos de potetes al carrer. Junts li preguen a Barney, un amic de Fèlix, que els permeti passar la nit al seu apartament, però també hi organitzen tal escàndol que Barney i la seva núvia decideixen anar-se'n de la casa i deixar-los sols. Després d'una nit tan agitada, se separen amb la intenció de no tornar-se a veure mai més.

Corrine Burns retreats far into plans for her band, The Fabulous Stains, after her mother's death.

School girl Annabel is hassled by her mother, and Mrs. Andrews is annoyed with her daughter, Annabel. They both think that the other has an easy life. On a normal Friday morning, both complain about each other and wish they could have the easy life of their daughter/mother for just one day and their wishes come true as a bit of magic puts Annabel in Mrs. Andrews' body and vice versa. They both have a Freaky Friday.

A telekinetic psychopath lures a group of young people to his ramshackle roadside attraction, unleashing an army of psychically controlled mannequins and other monstrosities upon them.

Ten years ago, over forty people were brutally torn to pieces in Louisiana’s Honey Island Swamp. Over the past decade, lone survivor Andrew’s claims that local legend Victor Crowley was responsible for the horrific massacre have been met with great controversy. But when a twist of fate puts him back at the scene of the tragedy, Crowley is mistakenly resurrected and Andrew must face the bloodthirsty ghost from his past.

Jack is a children's author turned crime novelist whose detailed research into the lives of Victorian serial killers has turned him into a paranoid wreck, persecuted by the irrational fear of being murdered. When Jack is thrown a life-line by his long-suffering agent and a mysterious Hollywood executive takes a sudden and inexplicable interest in his script, what should be his big break rapidly turns into his big breakdown, as Jack is forced to confront his worst demons; among them his love life, his laundry and the origin of all fear.

Abraham, an old man, has a fruit garden in Jerusalem that is threatened by a number of people who want to buy him out or chase him off. One day, the old man finds a mute young woman (Melanie Griffith), confused after being attacked by thugs, wandering in his garden and he thinks she is actually an angel.

The alleys of downtown Manhattan become a modern killing field when corpses begin turning up, disfigured and gruesomely posed to appear as pieces of art.In the frightening climate of the "Art Killer", Peter Sherwood, a struggling musician, is hired to compose for a patron of the arts, and thinks his dreams are coming true. But as the body count continues to rise, the clues surrounding the murders oddly begin to lead police closer and closer to Peter and his new job. Suddenly, all eyes are on Peter and he must scramble to find the real killer - before he becomes his next masterpiece.

After his money is stolen at a bar, a drunk man chases after the thief and assaults him. The next morning he wakes up to find that a murder was committed in the same spot and that he might be responsible.