A Romanian short experimental film about the rebuilding of a lost relationship.

Video installation showing the film "A Clockwork Orange", reduced to its colour.

スタンリー・キューブリックがA・C・クラークのアイディアを基に製作したSF映画の金字塔。 月に人が住むようになった時代。月のティコクレーターの地中からの謎の石碑「モノリス」が発掘され、合衆国宇宙評議会のフロイド博士が調査に向かう。それから18カ月後、最新型人工知能「HAL 9000型コンピュータ」を搭載した宇宙船ディスカバリー号は、デビッド・ボウマン船長、フランク・プールら5人のクルーを乗せて木星探査に向けて航行していた。しかし、その途上でHALが探査計画に対して疑問を抱いていることを打ち明ける。ボウマンとプールはHALの不調を疑い、いざというときはHALの回路を切断することを決めるが、それを知ったHALは反乱を起こす。

A corrupt lawyer hires a killer to murder his client's divorced ex-wife. The start of a true love story.

自称平凡な小学3年生、高町なのはは助けを求める声に導かれ、不思議なフェレットが負傷し倒れているところを発見、保護する。その夜、再び声が響きフェレットを預かっている動物病院に向かうとそこで異形の怪物がフェレットと対峙する場面に出くわす。彼の正体は異世界ミッドチルダからやってきた少年ユーノ・スクライアだった。 彼がこの世界に来た理由。それは彼が発掘したロストロギア(異世界に存在した高度な魔法技術の遺産)「ジュエルシード」が散らばってしまったためであった。成り行きから事情を知ったなのはは、ユーノと共にジュエルシードを集め、封印する手伝いをすることになる。そして次第になのははユーノだけではなく、自分のために魔法の世界に関わっていく決意を固め、その秘めた力を開花させていく。

Keka is a beautiful young woman working in a call center. Wanting to hunt down the killers and avenge her boyfriend's death, she undergoes rigid training. Everything has been going well until she meets the guy who makes her fall in love again.

Matthew McConaughey narrates a fascinating look at Christopher Nolan's sci-fi film, 'Interstellar', including scientific foundations, the work of consulting Scientist Kip Thorne, basic film themes, the science behind the search for planets capable of hosting life, space-time and the theory of relativity, the science of wormholes and black holes, crafting the film's visuals based on real scientific observation, the birth of the universe, the Dust Bowl and the evolution of dust as a toxin, the likelihood of future dust storms, the prospects of escaping a dying or doomed planet and the possibilities of colonizing Mars.

The last 7 hours of former President of Chile Salvador Allende, and his closest collaborators inside the Palace of La Moneda, during the brutal military coup d'etat on Sept. 11, 1973, the day democracy in Chile ended. Based on true events.

Pee-Wee is excited when Jambi the genie grants him a wish. He wishes to fly but gets upset when he sees Captain Carl and Miss Yvonne on a romantic date with each other.

Adam wants to prove that he can succeed alone, falls victim to a sting and loses all his money. He is too proud to ask his friends for help and pushes them away. Only after tracing the sources of the sting and discovering that the gang is planning a similar fate for his two friends, he joins forces with Shahar and Pita and together they fight back.

In 1970s London, Scotland Yard orchestrates the downfall of mob boss Vic Dakin after he crosses the line by blackmailing Members of Parliament.

The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..

This Our Gang short has the group playing pirates and building a ship to sail in. Once the ship hits water it sinks but they end up on another boat when the dog unties the rope and the kids head off to sea where they must be rescued by the Navy.

Paris, France. Commissaire Wens is put in charge of the investigation into the murder of one of six friends who, in the past, made a very profitable promise.


TRON: The Next Day is a 10-minute short film, released on the Blu-ray edition of TRON: Legacy in April 2011, that fills in the backstory between TRON and TRON: Legacy. It features scenes from the real-world Flynn Lives ARG as well as purely in-universe content. The short film also reveals the full chronology of the Flynn Lives Organization, naming Roy Kleinberg as the secret figure heading up the operation and Alan Bradley as its financial backer. Some scenes in the short also set up the story for a potential third film.

Aranmanai is about a family that wants to sell their ancestral home. The supernatural elements they discover there in the aranmanai (palace) lead to some bone-chilling moments.

When a young journalist suspects the disappearance of a beautiful artist is connected to murders that took place 20 years earlier, she uncovers a reality she never could have imagined. Inspired by true events.