Gabriel, aged 10, lives in a comfortable ex-pat neighborhood in Burundi, his ‘small country’. Gabriel is a normal kid, happy, carefree and having adventures with his friends and little sister. Then in 1993, tensions in neighboring Rwanda spill over, threatening his family and his innocence.

Piloten Tuck Pendleton melder sig til et eksperiment, hvor han og et fartøj skal skrumpes til molekylær størrelse og sprøjtes ind i en kanin. Men skumle skurke blander sig og Tuck ender i blodet på nørden Jack Putter. Pludselig er Putters liv alt andet end kedeligt, når han skal undslippe skurkene og redde Tuck ud fra sit indre, hvor det heller ikke går stille af.

Vi følger Jocelyn, der er en forførende kvindebedårer. En dag foregiver han at være lammet og bundet til en kørerstol i forsøget på at forføre en ung kvinde, men da han pludselig og ganske uventet forelsker sig i kvindens søster, der rent faktisk sidder i kørestol, er gode råd dyre. Snart er han fanget i sit eget spind af løgne.

Dobermann – en førsteklasses kriminel der med et arsenal af højteknologiske våben leder den dygtigste og mest brutale bande af bankrøvere i verden. Sammen med sin smukke og livsfarlige partner Nathalie er han nærmest umulig at stoppe. Derfor har politiet ingen anden mulighed end aktiverer Hyænen – en sadistisk, kokainafhængig panser, der ikke skyr noget middel i optrævlingen af banden. Man sætter ikke Hyænen på en sag. Man slipper ham løs - og venter det værste! Snart er jagten i gang, og den kan kun slutte på én måde: i brændende eksplosioner og kaskader af blod!

Ariane Felder is pregnant! This is surprising with her being a young hardened judge with strict morals. But what is more surprising is that, according to paternity testing, the child's father is none other than Bob, a criminal from the prosecution charged with an atrocious attack! Ariane doesn't remember any of what has happened, so she has no idea what to expect...

Kim Baker beslutter sig for at droppe det kedelige, forudsige liv som skrivebordsjournalist og melder sig til at være krigskorrespondent i Afganistan. Kort tid efter ankommer hun til Kabul, lige dele chokeret over den heksekedel hun er havnet i og fascineret af dette mystiske land. Det skulle kun have været et kort ophold, men Kim bliver totalt forelsket i jobbet.

I 1998 venter filmverdenen på Star Wars: Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace, den første nye Star Wars-film i over 15 år. Alle taler om den snarlige premiere, men det er ikke nok for en gruppe unge, passionerede Star Wars-fans, der sætter sig for at rejse tværs over USA til George Lucas´ Skywalker Ranche, hvor de vil bryde ind og se filmen før premieren. Fanboys er en hjertevarm film om en umulig mission - men ligesom deres helte fra Star Wars, har de ikke tænkt sig at give op i kampen mod overmagten.

A family together with their grandpa go on a vacation, when their new car won't stop and it nearly escapes crashing into a hundred cars.

Jean-Luc Lemoine is back for a one-man show full of cynicism and self-mockery.

Josephine doesn't like her job and keeps on having relationships without a future. Her sister and parents keep pushing her to find a good husband. To shut them up, she creates a handsome Brazilian millionaire but her little white lie has a flip side - she loses everything to find the love of her life.

A mild-mannered banker is forced to masquerade as a notorious gangster and pimp.

Paris, the late 1960s. Madame Claude is at the head of a flourishing business dedicated to prostitution that gives her power over both the french political and criminal worlds. But the end of her empire is closer than she thinks.

He’s lived for too long off his parents. It’s time for 40-year-old slacker Jacques to get by on his own. One-time gigolo and a borderline bum, he knows what he wants – to become rich and famous. He even has a business plan: tourism combined with cheap plastic surgery. Jacques moves in with his older sister, Monique, who manages an Emmaus village in the south west of France. And before long, the smooth-talking chancer has convinced a group of workers to pool their meagre funds and set out on a trip to a clinic in Bulgaria, where all their dreams of a brighter and more beautiful future will all come true. If only…

The eruption of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull causes major disruptions to travelers' plans around the world. For Alain and Valérie, it's a catastrophe. Because to make it to the small Greek village in time for their daughter's wedding, this divorced couple, whose mutual hatred knows no bounds, will be obliged to set out on the road together.

Muzafar and Feruz are two easy going shepherds from Taboulistan, a tiny country in Asia that is unknown to the rest of the world. To alert the world to his country’s existence, the son of Taboulistan’s president decides to instigate a program of publicity terrorism. To that end, he recruits our two naive shepherds, their mission: to destroy the Eiffel Tower! But the France that Muzafar and Feruz discover is far from what they had expected...

Ben står for at skulle giftes men har et skæbnesvangert møde med en gudeskøn tidligere klassekammerat, der er ivrig efter at indlede et forhold til ham.

A French tradesman travels in time and liberates an oppressed tribe in another world.

A former footballer living in Brittany enlists his old teammates to help the local fisherman to win some games in order to raise money and save jobs.

Jean-Gabriel intends to spend Christmas in the mountains quietly with his family. Many unforeseen events occur, but Jean-Gabriel will do everything to overcome them...

Pierre has four months left to live if he does not find a new liver. His only hope is a transplant from his brother, Paul. But Pierre hates Paul and has refused to see him for the past ten years. They are different in every aspect : their way of life, their tastes. Nevertheless, Marie, Pierre's fiancee, is determined to reconcile the two men. A love-hate relationship develops, disrupting the trio, recomposing the couples and even going so far as to change their personalities. After a few too many drinks and a bit of fooling around, the settling of scores between the two brothers will come to a surprising end.