"Let's Get Loud" was Jennifer Lopez's NBC Special, which premiered on November 20, 2002 and was recorded over 2 nights in Puerto Rico in the fall of 2001. It was Jennifer's first-ever headlining concert appearance, showing off her talents as a vocalist and dancer. The performance features a variety of Spanish and English songs, including: "Love Don't Cost A Thing", "If You Had My Love", "I'm Real", "Plenarriqueña", and many more.

When an overconfident teen alien gets behind the controls of a spaceship, he must attempt to abduct a slumbering farmer under the watchful eye of a critical instructor. But abducting humans requires precision and a gentle touch, and within a few missteps it's painfully clear why more humans don't go missing every year.

Cleo lives in Marseilles and works as a waitress in a waterfront dive. A stranger entices her into coming to Paris to take dancing lessons, but instead she is taken to a baron, who betrays her. In spite of this inauspicious start, Cleo becomes a successful and renowned actress, but her feelings about men have never recovered. She loathes them and uses them only for the money they offer her, which she then hands over to a penniless girl.

初めて“夏”のメインランド(人間の住む世界)を訪れた時、ティンカー・ベルは『妖精さん ようこそ』と書かれた札の書かれた“妖精の家”を見つける。“妖精の家”に入ったティンカー・ベルは、“妖精の家”を作った少女リジー・グリフィスに捕らえられてしまう。忙しくて相手をしてくれない父親に寂しさを感じていたリジーとティンクは次第に心を通わせていく。一方、妖精の仲間たちは、捕らえられたティンクの救助にやってくるが、今度はヴィディアがリジーの父親、グリフィス博士に捕まってしまう。

『ドラゴンボールZ 燃えつきろ!!熱戦・烈戦・超激戦』で新惑星ベジータが崩壊した瞬間、一つの宇宙ポッドが惑星から脱出していた。そこに乗っていたのは伝説の超サイヤ人ブロリー。惑星崩壊の直前まで対決し、自らを打ち破った孫悟空を追い、地球に漂着したブロリーであったが、悟空から受けたダメージは想像以上に大きく、そのまま氷の下に閉じ込められてしまう。 7年後、孫悟天とトランクス、そしてミスター・サタンの娘で孫悟飯のクラスメイトであるビーデルはドラゴンボール探しをしていた。それぞれ子供ながらのかわいらしい願い事や単に神龍を見たいというだけといういたって遊び心にあふれた冒険であったが、その途中、謎の異常気象と、巨大な恐竜に苦しむナタデ村に辿り着き、その解決策として生け贄問題に悩む人々と出会う。村の問題は簡単に解決したものの、その時の悟天の泣き声に感応し、氷壁の中に眠っていたブロリーが覚醒してしまう。 彼が7年前、兄や父達を苦しめた伝説の超サイヤ人などということは知らない悟天やトランクス、ビーデルが闘いを挑む。悟天の顔が悟空にそっくりであったために、ブロリーの怒りと憎しみはさらに暴走。戦いの中、7つ目のドラゴンボールも発見。神龍に願いブロリーを倒してもらおうとするが、ブロリー相手ではそんな隙もなく、大ピンチに陥る。同じ頃、修行中の孫悟飯もただならぬ気を感じ、悟天たちの元へ向かう。トドメを刺される寸前の悟天らを救い、7年ぶりにブロリーと邂逅。父、孫悟空への復讐を遂げに来たのだと理解した悟飯は、父が亡き今、自分が代わってブロリーとの完全なる決着をつけることを決意し一騎打ちを挑むが、以前よりパワーアップしたブロリーに窮地に追い込まれる。だがその時、7つ揃ったドラゴンボールが光を帯びる。

When her nation is invaded, a young princess is taken into the Princess Protection Program. She is relocated to Louisiana, where she stays with a covert agent and his tomboyish daughter, and must learn how to behave like an ordinary teenager.

Puss in Boots is on a mission to recover the Princess' stolen ruby from the notorious French thief, Whisperer. Reluctantly accompanied by three little kittens, Three Diablos, Puss must tame them before they endanger the mission.


In answer to an orphan boy's prayers, the divine Lord Krishna comes to Earth, befriends the boy, and helps him find a loving family.



Best friends Galleria, Chanel, Dorinda, and Aqua, A.K.A. the girl band "The Cheetahs," get the opportunity of a lifetime when they strut their way to Barcelona, Spain, to perform in an international music festival. Along the way, the "amigas Cheetahs" learn that, although their paths are not the same, they are lucky to have one another for the journey.

Lizzie McGuire has graduated from middle school and takes a trip to Rome, Italy with her class. And what was supposed to be only a normal trip, becomes a teenager's dream come true.

After a brush with the law, Maria has returned to her gritty Bronx roots to rebuild her life with nothing but a talent for street dance and a burning ambition to prove herself.

The film tells the story of three best friends named Ako, Aki and Awang, who are well-known in their village for their mischievous and humourous pranks. The trio work for Pak Man. One day, they are assigned to pick up his daughter Misha, who has just returned from overseas and dreams of becoming a doctor. The trio have been in love with her for a long time but she does not pay them any heed. When Misha is robbed by a snatch thief one day, she is rescued by a doctor named Shafiq. Her face reminds the doctor of his late wife, and he begins to pursue her, which annoys the trio.

Cody and Zack are approached to join the Gemini Project, a high-tech research center studying the dynamics between twins. Shockingly, they find themselves interconnected in a whole new way! When one twin experiences something, the other twin feels it too. This newfound revelation helps them see eye to eye for the first time, and it puts them in more danger than they could have imagined.


The royal couple Odette and Derek face yet another evil magician, this time a woman named Zelda. Lusting for the treasure of the Forbidden Arts, which will give her absolute power, Zelda kidnaps Odette as ransom. Derek and several animal friends head off to rescue Odette

Jon and Garfield visit the United Kingdom, where a case of mistaken cat identity finds Garfield ruling over a castle. His reign is soon jeopardized by the nefarious Lord Dargis, who has designs on the estate.
