Upon the empire’s fall to invading conquistadors, the 16th-century Incas quickly concealed a sacred manual containing the secrets behind their deadly fighting technique. But after centuries of careful safeguarding, the manual is again at risk of falling into the wrong hands, leaving its rightful guardian to battle the world’s greatest assassins to protect the ancient secrets within.

Set during a long, hot summer on the Thamesmead Estate in Southeast London, three teenagers edge towards adulthood.

El 20 de gener de 1942, líders del partit nazi i oficials del govern alemany van mantenir una reunió secreta als afores de Berlín per planificar l'anomenada “solució final”, és a dir, l'extermini dels jueus. Aquesta pel·lícula és una recreació històrica de la Conferència de Wannsee, presidida per Reinhard Heydrich, general de les S.S. i màxim responsable de la seguretat del Tercer Reich.

After the death of her beloved grandmother, eight-year-old Nelly meets a strangely familiar girl her own age in the woods. Instantly forming a connection with this mysterious new friend, Nelly embarks on a fantastical journey of discovery which helps her come to terms with this newfound loss.

En 1830 multitud de famílies de colons es traslladen a l'Oest a la recerca de noves oportunitats, navegant pel canal Erie cap a les valls d'Ohio i més enllà. Tres generacions de la família Prescott viuran la contínua expansió i colonització de les fronteres a causa de l'annexió de nous territoris i la millora de les vies de comunicació. A poc a poc, malgrat la Guerra de Secessió i els enfrontaments amb els indis, els nous pobladors construiran assentaments que arribaran fins a Califòrnia i la costa del Pacífic.

British documentarian Nick Broomfield creates a follow-up piece to his 1992 documentary of the serial killer Aileen Wuornos, a highway prostitute who was convicted of killing six men in Florida between 1989 and 1990. Interviewing an increasingly mentally unstable Wuornos, Broomfield captures the distorted mind of a murderer whom the state of Florida deems of sound mind -- and therefore fit to execute. Throughout the film, Broomfield includes footage of his testimony at Wuornos' trial.

The newly elected Pope suffers a panic attack just as he is about to greet the faithful who have gathered to see him. His advisors, unable to convince him he is the right man for the job, call on a renowned therapist who also happens to be an atheist. But the Pope's fear of his newfound responsibility is one he must face alone. Winner Best Film at the Italian Golden Globes.

A Catholic school newcomer falls in with a clique of teen witches who wield their powers against all who dare to cross them -- be they teachers, rivals or meddlesome parents.

Els denominats "scanners" són individus superdotats amb poders telepàtics de gran envergadura capaços de causar la destrucció. Quan un d'aquests fenòmens psíquics (Darryl Revok) decideix rebel·lar-se i crear un grup de "scanners" clandestí destinat a dominar el món, una organització dedicada a la seguretat incorpora a les seves files a un poderós telèpata marginal (Cameron Val) per a eliminar al brutal líder enemic. No obstant això, existeix una terrible veritat oculta relacionada amb l'experimentació científica que va originar a aquesta espècie d'escanejadors de ments...

Eccentric 70-year-old widow purchases the Windmill Theatre in London as a post-widowhood hobby. After starting an innovative continuous variety review, which is copied by other theaters, they begin to lose money. Mrs. Henderson suggests they add female nudity similar to the Moulin Rouge in Paris.

Bologna, 1976. The paths of two aimless young friends intertwine with those of Radio Alice, a pirate radio politically aligned with the leftist student movement.

Filmmakers from all over the world provide short films – each of which is eleven minutes, nine seconds, and one frame of film in length – that offer differing perspectives on the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

An unusual explorer named Gum and his kindly niece adopt three orphans -- Pauline, Petrova and Posy -- and raise them as sisters in 1930s London. But the girls must fend for themselves when Gum doesn't return from one of his adventures. Together, they nurture their passions for acting, aviation and ballet in this charming TV adaptation of Noel Streatfield's novel.

Set against the backdrop of the succession of Queen Elizabeth I, and the Essex Rebellion against her, the story advances the theory that it was in fact Edward De Vere, Earl of Oxford who penned Shakespeare's plays.

On a particularly busy day at a suburban Ohio fast food restaurant, manager Sandra receives a phone call from a police officer saying that an employee has stolen money from a customer.

Una dona jove sense creences religioses fortes, Frankie Paige comença a tenir experiències estranyes i violentes, mostrant signes de les ferides que va rebre Jesús quan va ser crucificat. Quan el Vaticà s'assabenta de la situació de Frankie, un cardenal d'alt rang demana que el reverend Andrew Kiernan investigui el seu cas. Aviat, Kiernan s'adona que unes forces molt sinistres estan treballant i intenta rescatar en Frankie de l'entitat que l'està plaent.

Charles Brady and his mother, Mary, are the last of a dying breed whose needs are not of this world. They are Sleepwalkers - able to stay alive only by feeding on the life-force of the innocent, but destined to roam the earth, avoiding discovery while searching for their next victim. That search takes them to the sleepy little town of Travis, Indiana, where beautiful teenager Tanya Robertson is about to become an unwilling pawn in their nightmarish fight for survival.

Amor, sexe, humor i traïcions. Les vides de diversos personatges les passions dels quals, ambicions i angoixes tindran com a conseqüència tot tipus de conflictes que aniran des de la bogeria fins al perill. Aquesta comèdia dramàtica gira entorn de diferents membres d'una família, les seves variades vides amoroses i els seus intents de solucionar els seus complicats romanços.

El propietari d'un castell irlandès, aclaparat pels seus nombrosos deutes, decideix convertir el castell en un hotel. El projecte no qualla, però se li acudeix una idea per atraure els turistes americans: proclamar falsament que el castell està habitat per terribles fantasmes. Els empleats es preparen per actuar com a falsos espectres.

Ten stories, each inspired by one of the ten commandments.