The film is an allegory in which the attempt is made to show the inner process of movement of the composer's soul at the time of the birth of music.

Two drunk friends accidentally walk into a crime scene.

A three-piece band formed mainly by guitar vocalist Konno. While based on rock and emo, they are overwhelmingly popular in Akita, with their thrilling development and heart-throbbing lyrics.

Wanneer Henry wordt uitgenodigd als gastspreker in een luxe kuuroord, bevindt hij zich al snel in het middelpunt van een nieuwe moord. Met Maggie aan zijn zijde moet ons favoriete duo niet alleen de moordenaar vinden, maar ook oppassen dat ze niet zijn laatste slachtoffer worden.

A group of young Taipei residents is drawn into the city’s underworld through the growing obsession of one, the boyish Ah-feng, for the sexy Cantonese mistress of a gang boss.

The original buxom quartet of female singers, Lisa, Maev, Orla, and Chloe, have duly been joined by Hayley and are, as usual, backed by a full symphony orchestra and choir, plus enough traditional instruments (the house fiddler, Mairead, is a powerhouse) to keep things legit. The material ranges from folkloric, to a standard from another Celtic nation, to classical lite, to movie hits, to homegrown New Age.

A Broadway actress uses her sex appeal to ruin a marriage only to dump her lover for a richer prospect.

With his naïve air, his rangy and reassuring silhouette, James Stewart symbolizes success, someone who everybody wants to look like. Behind his legendary nonchalance, Robert Mitchum is the figure of the bad boy, the kind-hearted hooligan who anyone would like to have for accomplice. What is the legacy left by these two big myths of the Hollywood cinema and in which way they fed the American dream?

A successful and beautiful woman has always said no to marriage. Upon turning 30, she discovers she has a rare disease which will soon cause ovarian failure. How will she find a way to get pregnant before she can no longer have a child?

What do we do when the Federal Government steps outside of its constitutional limits? Do we ask federal judges in black robes to enforce the limits of federal power? Do we "vote the bums out" in the hopes that new bums will surrender their power? Thomas Jefferson and James Madison didn't think so, and neither should we. The rightful remedy to federal tyranny rests in the hands of the people and the States that created the federal government in the first place. It's called nullification, and it's an idea whose time has come.

The Stievenart family decides to spend their vacation far away and puts an ad on the internet. The Mailon family responds by offering to exchange homes. But the Stievenart family has an environmentally friendly house, while the Mailons consume a lot of energy.

Pettson en zijn kat Findus maken een ruimtereis en schrijven een brief aan de koning.

A film about life inside the US Army's Iraq simulation in California's Mojave Desert.

Een donker en sfeervol verhaal over vrouwelijke vriendschap, op de proef gesteld door bedrog, verraad en een angstaanjagend verleden. Susan, uiterlijk zelfverzekerd, en Becky, kwetsbaarder en verlegen, beiden eind twintig, zijn onafscheidelijke vrienden. Maar beide vrouwen hebben geheimen die ze niet hebben gedeeld, sommige recent, andere al lang geleden en diep begraven. Wanneer ze tijdens een weekendtripje naar Dartmoor de charismatische Chris tegenkomen, worden ze meegevoerd in een web van hersenspelletjes, seksueel bedrog en verraad. Wanneer Becky's traumatische betrokkenheid bij Chris' eigen beschadigde verleden aan het licht komt, wordt een psychologische reis al snel een gevecht

Detective Riley Parra grew up in the bad part of town, the crime-ridden No Man's Land. Now, as a cop in a corrupt department, she strives to make sure the rough streets she left behind aren't forgotten. One case leads her to the discovery that No Man's Land is a battleground between angels and demons, a supernatural war that's been waged for centuries. Thrown into a world she never believed could exist and told that she's the only chance of defeating evil.

Verspreid over drie tijdsperioden (zomer 10 jaar geleden/zomer 5 jaar geleden/deze zomer) vertelt Lost Virgin het verhaal van het goede meisje Chisato (Sasaki), hongerig naar nieuwe ervaringen en uiteindelijk op zoek naar emotionele vervulling.

Amusing cake walk of three men and two women (colored) in costume, showing the usual antics that occur in affairs of this kind.

Transformistas follows the original group of Cuban drag queens as they stuff, pad and perform their way into our hearts. But behind the make-up and beneath the wigs, we meet the Cubans who have sacrificed everything for their art, defying the status quo and rewriting LGBT history in the process.