Randy Rhoads’ guitar riffs re-shaped rock ‘n roll and raised the stakes for guitarists around the world. Known primarily as the lead guitarist for Ozzy Osbourne and for his groundbreaking guitar work on the albums “Blizzard of Ozz” and “Diary of a Madman”, Randy spent most of his life playing in a small band known at the time, Quiet Riot. After leaving Quiet Riot to play, record and tour with Ozzy, Randy died at the young age of 25 in a tragic plane crash in Florida. His body died that day, but his soul and music live on forever.
Shaggy and Scooby-Doo quit their Saturday morning TV series in pursuit of Hollywood stardom.
A pirate radio, the girl next door, and a test of friendship.
En fer un reportatge rutinari sobre el funcionament d'una central nuclear, una reportera de televisió i el seu fotògraf descobreixen un possible accident que pot posar en perill la seguretat de la planta i de la ciutat de Los Angeles.
Officer Shivani Shivaji Roy is stationed at Kota where she goes against a ferocious serial killer who rapes and murders women.
Trevor Noah gets out from behind the "Daily Show" desk and takes the stage for a stand-up special that touches on racism, immigration, camping and more.
Although to the outside world he seems like the a perfectly normal insurance broker, Michael secretly keeps a 10-year-old boy, Wolfgang locked in a room in his soundproof basement.
A 10 minute featurette that details thoughts from the cast and crew about the reality of the battles shown in the film and also, how these scenes were filmed. It makes for moderately interesting viewing, especially hearing about some of the details, such as the massive amount of extras and equipment needed.
Tom Mullen és el multimilionari propietari d'una empresa aèria. La seva plàcida i envejable vida s'enfonsa quan segresten el seu fill. A punt de fer efectiu el rescat per la llibertat del noi, una circumstància inesperada el farà canviar d'estratègia: decidirà fer servir en la negociació uns mètodes poc ortodoxos, malgrat l'oposició de l'FBI i de la seva dona. Remake de la pel·lícula "Rapto" de 1956, dirigida per Alex Segal i protagonitzada per Glenn Ford.
Jerry Fletcher és un taxista de Nova York que s'imagina conspiracions recargolades que publica a Internet. Comença a enamorar-se obsessivament d'una dona que contempla des de lluny, sense arribar a donar-s'hi a conèixer. Es tracta d'una funcionària governamental i ell és un crític compulsiu d'aquest govern. Curiosament una de les seves teories conspiratives es converteix en realitat i ell en resulta la víctima. Aleshores necessitarà més que mai la dona de qui s'ha enamorat.
La parella de policies formada per Martin Riggs i Roger Murtaugh torna a enfrontar-se amb una perillosa missió contra el món del crim organitzat. Aquest cop es tracta de la màfia asiàtica establerta a Los Angeles. Un policia jove, Lee Butters, ajudarà els dos companys en la investigació i, a més, embolicarà la troca ja que surt amb la filla de Murtaugh i la deixa embarassada. Per la seva banda, Riggs i la seva companya Lorna també esperen un fill.
College student Jake Lo is pursued by smugglers, mobsters and crooked federal agents after he witnesses a murder by a Mafia kingpin.
Un assassí sense escrúpols, al qual només se'l coneix pel pseudònim de Xacal, és contractat per un cap de la màfia russa per eliminar un alt mandatari de govern dels Estats Units com a represàlia per la mort del seu germà. El director de l'FBI, Preston s'enfronta al repte més gran de la seva carrera: amb l'ajuda de Valentina Koslova, una oficial de la intel·ligència russa, haurà de desemmascarar el Xacal, descobrir qui és el seu objectiu i evitar el desenllaç fatal. L'única manera d'aconseguir-ho és trobar algú que pensi com ell: Declan, antic activista de l'IRA.
This gripping and wrenching thriller tells the story of Ilan Halimi who was kidnapped for ransom in a Paris suburb. His captors, who dub themselves The Gang of Barbarians, operate under the assumption that his Jewish heritage means he is worth a lot of money. Taking the audience through the harrowing experience of the Halimi family and sharing a searing insight into Ilan's vicious ordeal, the story tracks the massive but futile investigation doomed by near-misses and tragedy that triggered a national outcry. For 24 days the police, insistent upon handling the case as a normal for-ransom kidnapping, failed to recognize the anti-Semitic overtones of the abduction. Faithfully reenacting events from the view of the various characters, Tout, tout de suite raises troubling questions about the state of anti-Semitism and race relations in contemporary France.
Oulage has it all planned: New Year's eve, at the stroke of midnight, he'll finally kiss Brigitte, the girl he's madly in love with. That'll be the moment, because Brigitte is having a costume party. Oulage has it all planned—except for the fact that Brigitte has also invited a gang of truly parasitical friends: an old girl friend who never leaves Brigitte's side, a manic-depressive police officer, a paranoid psychopath, a cannabis-addict suffering withdrawal pains, a stunning Cuban woman on the prowl for immigration papers, and many others who do everything to ruin Oulage's life.
An ex-con's attempts to live a quiet life are derailed when the daughter of the woman sheltering him is the victim of a vicious attack.
In 1604, Miyamoto Musashi attacked the Yoshioka family at their dojo and defeated master Seijūrō and his younger brother Denshichirō in two duels. To save their reputation, the Yoshioka family decides to fight back with all 100 family members and hire an additional 300 samurai. Now Musashi sets out to defeat all 400 enemies in his most famous battle.
Una banda de marginats i inadaptats viu en un miserable antre de Los Angeles, l’“Hotel del Milió de Dòlars”. Tom, el protagonista, s’enamora bojament d’Eloise. La mort d’Izzi farà que el seu pare, un important personatge de la televisió, posi en marxa una investigació per fer callar els rumors de suïcidi que podrien fer malbé la seva reputació.
A secret cabal, The Shadow, works to bring about the return of Goth Azul - the Undead God - in the rich world of SAGA, populated by elves, orcs, dwarves and dragons. A ruthless elven bounty huntress (Nemyt) shoots down the dragon ridden by the fugitive orc shaman, Fangtor Bloodmoon. When Fangtor refuses to surrender quietly, the huntress must battle for her own life against the dangerous villain, and comes away with more than just his head.
The Forest of the Lost Souls is a dense and remote forest, Portugal's most popular place for suicide. In a summer morning, two strangers meet within the woods.