In a Danish village in the early 1600s, a young woman named Anne, whose mother was thought to be a witch, develops sympathy toward an old woman, Marte, who is accused of witchcraft. The intervention of Anne's older but kindly husband, Pastor Absalon saved her mother -- but now, urged on by his overbearing mother, he refuses to help Marte. When Absalon's son returns home and is attracted to Anne, it's a matter of time before her family destiny catches up with her.

This parody of film noir and gangster flicks takes us through the dangerous town of Dog City, teeming with colorful Muppet Dog characters. Rowlf the dog is your guide through the underside of canine life during the 1930s in Dog City. Our hero, Ace, enters the world of bulldog gangsters and terrier molls when he inherits a saloon from his late Uncle Harry. Unwilling to pay protection money, Ace finds himself the target of Bugsy, a bulldog bully who owns most of Dog City. Life can be ruff!

American tourists David and Jack are savaged by an unidentified vicious animal whilst hiking on the Yorkshire Moors. Retiring to the home of a beautiful nurse to recuperate, David soon experiences disturbing changes to his mind and body.

L'estat emocional del Dr. Powell està sent desafiat per un dels seus pacients al pavelló de psiquiatria; Prot, qui reclama ser d'un altre planeta, ha anunciat la seva partida de la terra, i la resta dels pacients s'apunten també per anar amb ell. Aquesta situació deixa al Dr. Powell preguntant-se sobre les seves pròpies habilitats per distingir la realitat de la fantasia.

Seymour Krelborn is a nerdy orphan working at Mushnik's, a flower shop in urban Skid Row. He harbors a crush on fellow co-worker Audrey Fulquard, and is berated by Mr. Mushnik daily. One day Seymour finds a very mysterious unidentified plant which he calls Audrey II. The plant seems to have a craving for blood and soon begins to sing for his supper.

People living at a seashore town are frightened by reports of an unknown creature called "the sea devil". Nobody knows what it is, but it's really the son of doctor Salvator. The doctor performed surgery on his son and now young Ichtiander can live under water. This gives him certain advantages, but also creates a lot of problems.

L'exèrcit americà fa unes proves atòmiques en un desert del sud-oest dels Estats Units. Com a resultat de les radiacions, les formigues pateixen una mutació que les fa créixer fins a assolir gegantines dimensions. Mentre el govern nega l'existència de l'amenaça, els insectes mutants van cap a les ciutats més properes. Un grup de científics i militars intentaran impedir el desastre.

In an alternate present-day version of Oakland, black telemarketer Cassius Green discovers a magical key to professional success – which propels him into a macabre universe.

La princesa Vespa (Daphne Zuniga) decideix fugir just abans de les seves noces amb el príncep Valium (JM J. Bullock), per a això es porta al seu robot Dot Matrix (Lorene Yarnell) i una petita nau espacial. Davant això el seu pare, el rei Roland de Druidia (Dick Van Patten) ofereix una recompensa a qui trobi a la seva filla. La recompensa interessa molt a Lone Starr (Bill Pullman) i al seu ajudant Vomito Barf (John Candy) que deuen molts diners a un delinqüent anomenat Pizza el Hutt (Dom DeLuise). En la seva fugida la princesa Vespa és interceptada per la nau del malvat Lord Casc Fosc (Rick Moranis) que treballa per al president del planeta Spaceballs (Mel Brooks), que anhela l'aire pur del planeta Druidia. Lone Starr, amb l'ajuda del mestre Yogurt (Mel Brooks), que li ensenya a usar la sort, ha de rescatar a la princesa i acabar amb els Spaceball

Un metge descobreix que el cos humà, en patir una forta impressió, és capaç de crear una criatura que s'estén al llarg de la columna vertebral. La pitjor ocurrència serà pretendre extreure-la d'un cos.

Many years after a nuclear war, the human survivors have created a new society where much of the work done by androids, referred to derisively by humans as "clickers". A police official who is concerned that his sister has become involved with an android is sent to investigate a larger rumor that the androids are developing reason and emotion.

Guy Carrell viu amb la seva germana Kate a la gran mansió familiar. Després d'esbrinar que el seu pare podria haver estat enterrat viu, Guy viu dominat per l'obsessió que li pugui passar el mateix, és a dir, tem ser víctima de la catalèpsia. Tot i això, decideix casar-se amb la seva promesa Emily, la qual, no podent suportar la fòbia del seu marit, decideix demanar ajuda a Miles Archer, un científic amic seu.

A crack test pilot lands to find the planet has been devastated by unknown forces. There are a few survivors, so he organizes them in a plan to ward off control by a group of killer robots.

His high school teacher issues an ultimatum: turn in a science project or flunk. So Mike Harlan scavenges a military base's junk pile for a suitable gizmo. He finds one... and unwittingly unleashes the awesome power and energy of the unknown. Twisted dimensions. Time warps. A fantastic realm where the past, present, and future collide in a whirling vortex of startling adventure and superlative special effects.

Six children are found spread through out the world that not only have enormous intelligence, but identical intelligence and have a strange bond to each other.

A family moves into a new home in an isolated area, and soon realizes that someone--or something--doesn't want them there.

A group of scientists are sent on a mission to destroy unstable planets. Twenty years into their mission, they have to battle their alien mascot as well as a "sensitive" and intelligent bombing device that starts to question the meaning of its existence.

A random invitation to a Halloween party leads a man into the hands of a rogue collective sparking a bloodbath of mishap, mayhem and hilarity.

Dr. Steven Sorenson plans to tap the geothermal energy of the Earth's interior by means of a thermonuclear device detonated deep within the Earth. This experiment causes a crack to form and grow within the Earth's crust, which threatens to split the earth in two if it is not stopped in time.

Un home es veu en la necessitat de demanar un préstec a un banc i el director de la sucursal l'hi nega, perquè no hi veu garanties de solvència. Davant la impossibilitat d'aconseguir el crèdit de grat, amenaça el bancari de seduir i anar-se'n al llit amb la seva dona, si no accedeix a aprovar l'operació. Basada en l'obra teatral d'èxit de Jordi Galceran, el guió, escrit en clau de comèdia, és de Jordi Galceran i Ramon Paso.