Tant Gi Taek com la seva família estan sense feina. Quan el seu fill gran, Gi Woo, comença a rebre classes particulars a casa de Park, les dues famílies, que tenen molt en comú malgrat pertànyer a dos mons totalment diferents, comencen una interrelació de resultats imprevisibles.

Jojo Rabbit és un nen vivint en plena 2a Guerra Mundial. La seva única via d'escapament és el seu amic imaginari, una versió de Hitler ètnicament incorrecta que incita els cecs ideals patriòtics del nen. Tot això canvia quan descobreix que la seva mare Rosie està amagant una jove jueva al seu àtic.

Kathleen Madigan drops in on Detroit to deliver material derived from time spent with her Irish Catholic Midwest family, eating random pills out of her mother's purse, touring Afghanistan, and her love of John Denver and the Lunesta butterfly.

Upon realizing the extent to which women are affected by their menses, a man sets out to create a sanitary pad machine and to provide inexpensive sanitary pads to the women of rural India.

Does infinity exist? Can we experience the Infinite? In an animated film (created by artists from 10 countries) the world's most cutting-edge scientists and mathematicians go in search of the infinite and its mind-bending implications for the universe. Eminent mathematicians, particle physicists and cosmologists dive into infinity and its mind-bending implications for the universe.

Armat només amb una paraula, Tenet, el protagonista haurà de lluitar per la supervivència del món sencer i evitar la Tercera Guerra Mundial, en una història d'espionatge internacional. La missió es desplegarà més enllà del temps real. No són viatges en el temps, és inversió.

The sinister ghost of the Queen of Spades is out for blood, her victims the students of an old boarding school shrouded in gloomy rumors. Exploring the school’s abandoned wing, the teenagers discover a mirror covered in mysterious drawings. Facing it, they playfully recite an incantation which renders their innermost desires a reality - at the expense of nothing less than their souls.

Narra la història d'amor a Anglaterra del 1840 entre la paleontòloga Mary Anning i Charlotte Murchinson, una dona casada. A la conservadora societat britànica del segle XIX, l'aclamada però desconeguda cercadora de fòssils Mary Anning treballa sola al sud del país. Quan tota la seva fama ja ha passat, es dedica a vendre fòssils als turistes per tirar endavant, fins que un visitant ric vol que Mary tingui cura de la seva dona. La relació entre totes dues s'anirà desenvolupant i prendrà un camí inesperat.

A young girl is raised as a killer in the Yanbian province of China. She hides her identity and travels to South Korea where she hopes to lead a quiet life but becomes involved with two mysterious men.

After sparing a girl's life during a massacre, an elite Triad assassin is targeted by an onslaught of murderous gangsters.

8mm work directed by Norihiko Morinaga.

A US soldier suffers a traumatic brain injury while fighting in Afghanistan and struggles to adjust to life back home in New Orleans. When she meets local mechanic James, the pair begin to forge an unexpected bond.

In a life full of triumph and failure, "National Lampoon" co-founder Doug Kenney built a comedy empire, molding pop culture in the 1970s.

Rumb a un remot planeta a l'altra banda de la galàxia, la tripulació de la nau colonial Covenant descobreix el que creuen que és un paradís inexplorat, però resulta tractar-se d'un món fosc i hostil l'únic habitant del qual és un "sintètic" anomenat David (Michael Fassbender), supervivent de la malaguanyada expedició Prometheus. Seqüela de "Prometheus" (2012), alhora preqüela d'"Alien, el vuitè passatger" (1979).

When her idyllic vacation takes an unthinkable turn, Ellen Martin begins investigating a fake insurance policy, only to find herself down a rabbit hole of questionable dealings that can be linked to a Panama City law firm and its vested interest in helping the world's wealthiest citizens amass larger fortunes.

Unveiled through a made-for-TV documentary, five chilling tales of found footage horror emerge to take viewers on a gore-filled journey through the grim underbelly of the forgotten 1980s.

Two sisters are trapped under the fiberglass cover of an Olympic sized public pool and must brave the cold and each other to survive the harrowing night.

Four friends visit a rural locality of Chile, are brutally attacked by a man and his son. After not finding help in the town, they decide to confront these men with the help of a pair of policemen. But in this way, they will discover that their attackers have in their blood the direct legacy of the darkest period of Chilean history and will have to face the most brutal enemy.

Dealing with a girlfriend suddenly leaving is tough enough. But for Hank, heartbreak couldn’t have come at a worse time. There’s also a monster trying to break through his front door every night.