La història real de l'editor de la revista 'Elle France', Jean-Dominique Bauby, que l'any 1995, quan tenia 43 anys, va patir un ictus que li va paralitzar tot el cos, excepte l'ull esquerre. Utilitzant l'ull per parpellejar, Bauby descriu eloqüentment els aspectes del seu món interior, des del turment psicològic de quedar atrapat dins del cos fins a les històries imaginades de terres que només ha visitat mentalment.

In a small town in occupied France in 1941, the German officer, Werner Von Ebrennac is billeted in the house of the uncle and his niece. The uncle and niece refuse to speak to him, but each evening the officer warms himself by the fire and talks of his country, his music, and his idealistic views of the relationship between France and Germany. That is, until he visits Paris and discovers what is really going on...

Katya and her 6-year-old son Sanya, who, in 1952, meet a veteran Soviet officer named Tolyan. Katya falls in love with Tolyan, who turns out to be a small time criminal, but who also becomes a father figure to Sanya ...

On the last day of summer in a small seaside resort town, an older woman named Louise realizes that the last train has departed without her. She finds herself alone in the town, abandoned by everyone. As the weather turns for the worse and with no one to keep her company, louise must rely on her past to help her survive the present.

THE YES MEN FIX THE WORLD is a screwball true story about two gonzo political activists who, posing as top executives of giant corporations, lie their way into big business conferences and pull off the world's most outrageous pranks.

Thomas Seyr és un jove de 28 anys dotat per a la música que va deixar les aspiracions musicals de banda amb la mort de sa mare, pianista professional. De llavors ençà, en Tom es guanya la vida executant la feina bruta que li encarrega el seu pare, mafiós involucrat en tèrbols tripijocs immobiliaris. Un retrobament casual fa renéixer en Tom l’oblidada passió per la música. Fastiguejat del món degradant i violent del pare, decideix reprendre les classes de piano per seguir els passos de la seva difunta mare. Aquest canvi de vida sobtat no li serà una tasca fàcil...

Three war-torn strangers posing as a family flee Sri Lanka’s civil war to start over in a troubled Paris suburb, but their past traumas resurface as they struggle to survive in their new environment.

Lorna is a young Albanian woman in a marriage of convenience with Claudy, a heroin addict. Just as Lorna is about to be granted Belgian citizenship, Claudy finds the strength to detox; this presents a problem not only for Lorna, but for the criminal who brokered the deal.

Two young men seek the solitude of the country; their peace is disturbed when a set of random occurrences suggest to their susceptible minds a pattern with sinister meanings.

D’una manera tragicòmica, explica la història de la batalla entre dos mons en la societat sèrbia contemporània de la postguerra: la majoria tradicional, opressora, homòfoba i una minoria liberal, moderna i de mentalitat oberta ... La pel·lícula, que tracta amb problemes de drets dels gais a Sèrbia, inclou imatges de la desfilada de l’orgull gai de Belgrad del 2010. La pel·lícula presenta a un grup d’activistes gais que intenten organitzar una desfilada de l’orgull a Belgrad.

The story is set at the beginning of the 20th century in Sicily. Salvatore, a very poor farmer, and a widower, decides to emigrate to the US with all his family, including his old mother. Before they embark, they meet Lucy. She is supposed to be a British lady and wants to come back to the States. Lucy, or Luce as Salvatore calls her, for unknown reasons wants to marry someone before to arrive to Ellis Island in New York. Salvatore accepts the proposal. Once they arrive in Ellis Island they spend the quarantine period trying to pass the examinations to be admitted to the States. Tests are not so simple for poor farmers coming from Sicily. Their destiny is in the hands of the custom officers.

On the coast of Cork, Syracuse is a divorced fisherman who has stopped drinking. His precocious daughter Annie has failing kidneys. One day, he finds a nearly-drowned young woman in his net; she calls herself Ondine and wants no one to see her. He puts her up in an isolated cottage that was his mother's. Annie discovers Ondine's presence and believes she is a selkie, a seal that turns human while on land. Syracuse is afraid to hope again.

Jerry, a misfit Mafia henchman, is assigned the low-level job of keeping an eye on Gino, a shoe repairman fingered by the Mob to confess to a murder he didn't commit. But Gino's mistaken for a Mafia boss, and the two are suddenly catapulted to the highest levels of mobster status. Only friendship will see them through this dangerous adventure alive!

Biopic about 1970s Welsh marijuana trafficker Howard Marks, whose inventive smuggling schemes made him a huge success in the drug trade, as well as leading to dealings with both the IRA and British Intelligence. Based on Marks' biography with the same title.

Un home misteriós, desconfiat i solitari que viu al marge de la llei i porta sempre un violí sota el braç, arriba a Espanya amb la intenció d'acabar una feina. Pel seu camí es creuaran els personatges més peculiars.

El 1952, en Bill Rohan ha d'abandonar l'illa del Tàmesi on viu amb la família per començar dos anys de servei militar. Es fa amic d'un altre cinèfil com ell, en Percy Hapgood, al costat del qual s'enfronta a l'avorriment de la vida militar, el sadisme d'un sergent major que segueix les normes al peu de la lletra i la tasca d'ensenyar mecanografia als soldats destinats a la guerra de Corea. En un permís a la ciutat, en Percy atreu l'atenció de dues alumnes d'infermeria, mentre que en Bill queda fascinat per la mirada dolorosa d'una elegant desconeguda. En aquest període de la postguerra britànica, i coincidint amb la coronació d'Elisabet II, els dos amics viuran els canvis d'una nova època a la seva vida i al seu país.

Nancy becomes increasingly convinced she was kidnapped as a child. When she meets a couple whose daughter went missing thirty years ago, reasonable doubts give way to willful belief.

Carré is the boss of the BRB (Brigade for the Repression of Banditry). 3 years earlier, he arrested a big mobster, Kancel. Today, thanks to an extraction, Kancel kidnaps the cop. He has 96 hours to elicit a single information: know who gave him.

A group of martial arts students are enjoying a reunion party when a bomb goes off in the building. When they wake up, some of their friends have been kidnapped and they soon find a group of assassins coming after them. The only way to survive is to fight their way out.

Face à l'incompréhension de la population française quant au montant des crédits alloués à la recherche spatiale, le gouvernement lance une vaste opération de communication. En partenariat avec le Centre spatial français, un grand jeu est organisé. "Le ticket pour l'espace", un jeu à gratter, va permettre à deux civils de séjourner dans la station orbitale européenne.