A young woman leaves the city to return to her hometown in the countryside. Seeking to escape the hustle and bustle of the city, she becomes self-sufficient in a bid to reconnect with nature.
In a post-apocalyptic world, the residents of an apartment above the butcher shop receive an occasional delicacy of meat, something that is in low supply. A young man new in town falls in love with the butcher's daughter, which causes conflicts in her family, who need the young man for other business-related purposes.
Desenganyat de la civilització, Jeremiah Johnson se'n va a viure a les muntanyes de l'oest. El primer hivern que hi passa, després d'haver estat a punt de morir, coneix Bear Claw, un vell que li deixa compartir la seva cabana i que li ensenya tot el que sap sobre la vida a la natura. Arribat l'estiu se separen. Jeremiah troba un colonitzador i els seus dos nens, tots morts a mans dels indis. Només n'han sobreviscut la dona i el nen petit, que s'ha quedat mut de la impressió. Jeremiah recull el nen, a qui posa el nom de Caleb. Després de recòrrer diversos territoris dels indis, Jeremiah rep com a regal d'un cap de tribu la seva fill, Swan. Ell, la noia i el nen s'instal·len en una cabana per viure junts. Un dia Jeremiah troba que els indis han matat i torturat la seva dona i Caleb. Aleshores comença la venjança de Jeremiah Johnson, que el va convertir en una llegenda vivent.
Truck driver Jack Burton gets embroiled in a supernatural battle when his best friend Wang Chi's green-eyed fiancée is kidnapped by henchmen of the sorcerer Lo Pan, who must marry a girl with green eyes in order to return to the human realm.
La famosa estrella del rock americà Nick Rivers arriba a l'Alemanya Oriental dels nostres dies, per presentar-se a un festival cultural important. Però aquest fet forma part d'un pla per distreure l'atenció del món exterior sobre allò que està passant realment. L'alt comandament d'Alemanya Oriental, encapçalat pel general Streck, es proposa reunir novament les dues Alemanyes sota un sol govern, el d'Alemanya Oriental.
Quan el Kenneth Waters és condemnat a cadena perpètua per l'assassinat d'una dona a Massachusetts, la seva germana, Betty Anne, empleada a una cafeteria, casada i amb dos fills, decideix lluitar per demostrar que és innocent. Sense estudis, un dels seus majors obstacles serà llicenciar-se en Dret per poder reobrir el cas i defensar-lo ella mateixa davant un tribunal. No serà fàcil, doncs també significarà deixar de costat la seva vida per centrar-se en el procés. A més, la lluita promet ser duríssima, doncs l'Estat no admetrà fàcilment que va cometre un error amb el Kenneth.
When Rachel Phelps inherits the Cleveland Indians from her deceased husband, she's determined to move the team to a warmer climate—but only a losing season will make that possible, which should be easy given the misfits she's hired. Rachel is sure her dream will come true, but she underestimates their will to succeed.
Una mare jove de dos nens descobreix que el marit li fa el salt i decideix anar-se'n a viure a Nova York amb els fills. Allà agafarà de cangur l'Aram, un noi quinze anys més jove que ella que tot just es recupera d'un desengany amorós i no sap gaire què fer a la vida.
A frustrated, unemployed teacher joins forces with a scammer and his girlfriend in a blackmailing scheme.
After an attack leaves him in limbo -- invisible to the living and also near death -- a teenager discovers the only person who might be able help him is his attacker.
A female attorney learns that her husband is really a marine officer awol for fifteen years and accused of murdering fifteen civilians in El Salvador. Believing her husband when he tells her that he's being framed as part of a U.S. Military cover-up, the attorney defends him in a military court.
Jess Bhamra, the daughter of a strict Indian couple in London, is not permitted to play organized soccer, even though she is 18. When Jess is playing for fun one day, her impressive skills are seen by Jules Paxton, who then convinces Jess to play for her semi-pro team. Jess uses elaborate excuses to hide her matches from her family while also dealing with her romantic feelings for her coach, Joe.
Mann is a gunman informed by a childhood friend that his father was murdered years earlier by his mother and her lover. To make matters worse, Mann's sister, who is in love with his friend, is held under the thumb of his murderous mom. The two gunmen ride off to have a reckoning with her.
A redneck with an uncanny knack for getting arrested becomes the star of his own reality program.
Dealing with a sociopathic school bully, three high school freshmen hire a low-budget bodyguard to protect them, not realizing he is just a homeless beggar and petty thief looking for some easy cash.
Mary and Ben are the star-crossed black sheep of two powerful families engaged in a centuries-long feud. When the pair reignite a romance after many years apart, their forbidden love draws a motley assortment of schemers and killers into their orbit, and as fists and bullets fly, it becomes clear that violent delights will have violent ends.
With Tragically, I Need You, Lewis Black brings his inimitable insights to the post-Pandemic state of the world. Picking up where he left off with the Grammy-nominated Thanks For Risking Your Life. This time Lewis has the view of someone who spent entirely too much time in isolation during the Pandemic, where the irksome details of life drew his acute attention. As the world shut down in the spring of 2020, Lewis went on a quarantine-tinged journey of self-discovery which led him to many personal revelations, including that he is old, that solitary confinement is a punishment, and that all recipes are made for a happy family of four, and most importantly, never look directly in a cat’s eyes.
A star of hunting videos strives to bond with his 12-year-old son on a wilderness trip but learns familial connections can't be forced.
Jack Ryan (Owen Wilson) és un surfer i lladre de poca muntanya que, fent tombs per la vida, ha acabat treballant en una constructora a Hawaii. Després d'un incident que li costa l'acomiadament, el jutge Walter Crewes (Morgan Freeman) el contracta al petit hoteler. Però llavors coneix una explosiva dona (Sara Foster) que brindarà un pla difícilment rebutjable: robar 200.000 dòlars a un magnat de la zona.
The Flintstones are at it again. The Flintstones and the Rubbles head for Rock Vegas with Fred hoping to court the lovely Wilma. Nothing will stand in the way of love, except for the conniving Chip Rockefeller who is the playboy born in Baysville but who has made it in the cutthroat town of Rock Vegas. Will Fred win Wilma's love?