El 1948, tres anys després del final de la Segona Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), quatre jutges, còmplices de la política nazi d'esterilització i neteja ètnica, seran jutjats a Nuremberg. Sobre Dan Haywood (Spencer Tracy), un jutge nord-americà retirat, recau la important responsabilitat de presidir aquest judici contra els crims de guerra nazis.

Mítica pel·lícula antibèl·lica que plasma els sentiments, sensacions i desil·lusions d'un grup de joves estudiants que són enviats al capdavant a la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). És una adaptació de la novel·la homònima de l'escriptor alemany Erich Maria Remarque. La seva estrena va provocar enfrontaments entre nazis i comunistes.

En una petita ciutat de l'estat de Tennessee es jutja un professor per ensenyar als alumnes la teoria de l'evolució de les espècies. El darwinisme s'enfronta a una grollera i fonamentalista teoria del creacionisme en una explosiva batalla judicial entre l'advocat defensor Henry Drummond (Tracy) i el líder ultraconservador Matthew Harrison Brady (March). Basada en fets reals.

Takao, who is training to become a shoemaker, skipped school and is sketching shoes in a Japanese-style garden. He meets a mysterious woman, Yukino, who is older than him. Then, without arranging the times, the two start to see each other again and again, but only on rainy days. They deepen their relationship and open up to each other. But the end of the rainy season soon approaches.

Conrad acaba de sortir de l'hospital després d'haver intentat suïcidar-se arran de la mort del germà en un accident. Manté una relació molt tensa amb la mare i viu turmentat per sentiments de culpa. Tot i que visita cada setmana un psiquiatre, no se sent a gust fins que coneix una companya de la coral i comencen a sortir junts.

A boy named George Jung grows up in a struggling family in the 1950's. His mother nags at her husband as he is trying to make a living for the family. It is finally revealed that George's father cannot make a living and the family goes bankrupt. George does not want the same thing to happen to him, and his friend Tuna, in the 1960's, suggests that he deal marijuana. He is a big hit in California in the 1960's, yet he goes to jail, where he finds out about the wonders of cocaine. As a result, when released, he gets rich by bringing cocaine to America. However, he soon pays the price.

A fiercely independent cowboy arranges to have himself locked up in jail in order to then escape with an old friend who has been sentenced to the penitentiary.

A Jewish boy separated from his family in the early days of WWII poses as a German orphan and is taken into the heart of the Nazi world as a 'war hero' and eventually becomes a Hitler Youth.

The true, harrowing story of a young Jewish girl who, with her family and their friends, is forced into hiding in an attic in Nazi-occupied Amsterdam.

Bruno and Sonia, a young couple living off her benefit and the thefts committed by his gang, have a new source of money: their newborn son. Bruno, 20, and Sonia, 18, live off the young girl's allowance and the petty thefts committed by him and his gang. Sonia has just given birth to Jimmy, their child. The carefree Bruno, who until then had only cared about the here and now, must now learn to become a father.

La pel·lícula explica les aventures i també els problemes dels participants d'una carrera automobilística entre Nova York i París, a principis del segle XX. La història se centra més en dos dels pilots, entre els quals hi ha una rivalitat ferotge. Al llarg de la cursa s'aniran esdevenint tot tipus d'incidents i situacions còmiques.

Finals dels anys trenta. Els millors jugadors de pòquer competeixen per la supremacia a Nova Orleans. McQueen és un jove jugador, recentment incorporat al selecte cercle de tafurs que es proposen derrotar el rei "Robinson". Una pel·lícula mítica sobre el popular joc de cartes, amb partides plenes de suspens.

When David, Juliet, and Alex find their new roommate dead with a large sum of money, they agree to hide the body and keep the cash. However, this newfound fortune gradually corrodes their friendship.

A sister and her disturbed twin are implicated in a murder and a police detective must figure out which one's the killer.

Índia colonial, anys 20. L'Adela, una jove anglesa, viatja a l'Índia, en companyia de la seva futura sogra, per contreure matrimoni amb un magistrat de Chandrapore. La jove està obsessionada per conèixer a fons la realitat de país i troba l'oportunitat de satisfer el seu desig gràcies al doctor Aziv, un metge indi. Però quan aquest organitza una excursió per mostrar-li les coves de Marabar, passa una cosa absolutament impensable.

The last days of World War I, Eastern front. Captain Conan, a lone wolf, a true warrior, leads a band of ruthless French fighters who love hand-to-hand combat; they are not fit for peacetime, they only feel really alive in the chaos of the battlefield.

A boy comes of age under an oppressive, cruel socialist government and watches as it slowly but surely distorts his family, his school and even his own thoughts.

Vincent LaMarca is a dedicated and well-respected New York City police detective who has gone to great lengths to distance himself from his past, but then makes the terrible discovery that his own son has fallen into a life of crime.

In the winter of 1891 a stranger arrives in a small coastal town on the Isle of Man. His presence soon disturbs the lives of the local inhabitants, especially the beautiful daughter of the parson.

La Nomi Malone és una jove independent i amb empenta que arriba a Las Vegas fugint d'un passat desagradable. Troba feina com a ballarina de striptease en un club. Més endavant li arriba l'oportunitat de participar en una prova de selecció per a un paper en el nou espectacle del Casino Stardust.