Outside time and reality, the experiences of a poet. The judgement of the young poet by Heurtebise and the Princess, the Gypsies, the palace of Pallas Athena, the spear of the Goddess which pierces the poet's heart, the temptation of the Sphinx, the flight of Oedipus and the final Assumption.




結婚後14年が過ぎ、夫婦関係が破綻しかけたリチャード とマリアは、ある日決定的な諍いを起こし、互いに別々の夜を過ごす。リチャードは美しい高級娼婦ジェニー と、マリアは友人たちと行ったディスコで出会った青年、チェット と。翌朝マリアは衝動的に自殺を図り、チェットに救われるが、夫が帰宅し、チェットは逃げ出した。家には2人だけが残され、深い沈黙が夫婦を包みこんでいくのだった。



Dawn Davenport progresses from a teenage nightmare hell-bent on getting cha-cha heels for Christmas to a fame monster whose egomaniacal impulses land her in the electric chair.

Brad Whitewood Jr. lives in rural Pennsylvania and has few prospects. Against his mother's wishes, he seeks out his estranged father, the head of a gang of thieves in a nearby town. Though his new girlfriend supports his criminal ambitions, Brad Jr. soon learns that his father is a dangerous man. Inspired by the real events that led to the end of the Johnston Gang, who operated in the northeastern United States in the 1970s.

恋人メイと穏やかな生活を送る香港警察のエース、チェン刑事の元に、国際警察から極秘プロジェクトの参加依頼が入る。それは東南アジアを拠点に暗躍する世界的な犯罪組織”チャイバの帝国”を壊滅すること。中国の国家保安局部長で、特殊任務のエキスパートである美女ヤンとコンビを組んだチェンは、組織のボスであるチャイバに取り入り、黄金の三角地帯で行われる大型取引への潜入捜査を開始する。 ジャッキー・チェンの人気シリーズ第3弾。美しきアクション女優ミシェール・ヨーが男顔負けの危険なスタントを披露。手に汗握る超絶バトルから目が離せない!

A newlywed couple cancels their honeymoon and returns to the snowy Midwest to make the funeral arrangements for their best man, who died unexpectedly after their ceremony.

After a top-secret experiment misfires, a scientist may be the only man left alive in the world.

A lonely beach on the southernmost coast of Brazil is the scene for two friends, on the brink of adulthood, to explore their understanding of themselves and one another. Martin has been sent by his father to retrieve what appears to be an inheritance-related document from the family of his recently deceased and estranged grandfather. Tomaz accompanies him, seemingly hoping to regain some of their former closeness. The two boys shelter themselves in a glass house, in front of a cold and stormy sea.

A $10-million diamond rip-off, a stolen identity, a new life married to a diplomat. Laure Ash has risked big, won big. But then a tabloid shutterbug snaps her picture in Paris, and suddenly, enemies from Laure's secret past know who and where she is. And they all want their share of the diamond heist. Or her life. Or both.




Four intertwined stories on the joys and sorrows of love.

