Two North Korean soldiers are killed in the border area between North and South Korea, prompting an investigation by a neutral body. The sergeant is the shooter, but the lead investigator, a Swiss-Korean woman, receives differing accounts from the two sides.

Durant la Segona Guerra Mundial, Filomena Marturano es veu obligada a treballar en una casa de prostitució per guanyar-se la vida. Allí coneix Doménico Soriano, qui el retira de la professió. La relació acabarà en casament.

German journalist Philip Winter has a case of writer’s block when trying to write an article about the United States. He decides to return to Germany, and while trying to book a flight, encounters a German woman and her nine year old daughter Alice doing the same. The three become friends (almost out of necessity) and while the mother asks Winter to mind Alice temporarily, it quickly becomes apparent that Alice will be his responsibility for longer than he expected.

Chris and his girlfriend Rose go upstate to visit her parents for the weekend. At first, Chris reads the family's overly accommodating behavior as nervous attempts to deal with their daughter's interracial relationship, but as the weekend progresses, a series of increasingly disturbing discoveries lead him to a truth that he never could have imagined.

A bad day gets worse for young detective Murakami when a pickpocket steals his gun on a hot, crowded bus. Desperate to right the wrong, he goes undercover, scavenging Tokyo’s sweltering streets for the stray dog whose desperation has led him to a life of crime. With each step, cop and criminal’s lives become more intertwined and the investigation becomes an examination of Murakami’s own dark side.

Una psiquiatre intenta ajudar l'home que estima resoldre un assassinat enterrat al seu subconscient.

Bob Harris i Charlotte són dos nord-americans que es troben a Tòquio. Bob és una estrella de cinema de mitjana edat que ha vingut a rodar un anunci. Charlotte és una dona jove que acompanya a tot arreu el seu marit, un fanàtic de la feina. Incapaços de dormir, els camins de Bob i Charlotte es creuen per casualitat i no trigarà a néixer entre ells una sorprenent amistat. S'aventuren junts a la vida nocturna de Tòquio, comparteixen inoblidables experiències amb els habitants de la ciutat i acaben descobrint una nova manera de veure la vida.

Genji and his victorious G.P.S. alliance find themselves facing down a new challenge by the students of Hosen Academy, feared by everyone as 'The Army of Killers.' The two schools, in fact, have a history of bad blood between them. And the simmering embers of hatred are about to flare up again, burning away any last remnants of the truce they had so rigorously observed until now.

In a small English village everyone suddenly falls unconscious. When they awake every woman of child bearing age is pregnant. The resulting children have the same strange blond hair, eyes and a strong connection to each other.

Married couple, Ning and Kwin move to a condo with their daughter Ing and rent out their house to tenants, Ratree, a retired doctor and her daughter, Nuch. As Kwin's behavior becomes increasingly disturbing, he is seen sporting a triangle-shaped tattoo, the same as Nuch's. Meanwhile, Ning realizes that their daughter is being possessed by some unseen forces.

Jane is a beautiful but troubled American girl backpacking through Japan, when her raw street fighting skills draw the attention of Oshima, Japanese karate champion, who recruits and trains her to fight in the vicious, all-female, underground martial arts tournament known as "The Kumite". After months of rigorous preparation, Jane is ready to face off against the deadliest female fighters in the world, including Ling, the Chinese apprentice of Oshima's nemesis. But other nefarious forces lie in the shadows, and Jane and Ling will have to unite on a journey that will take them from the gritty underworld of Hong Kong to the glitz of Macao, before deciding who really is the best female fighter on the planet.

Cinc estudiants de medicina creen un perillós experiment per tal d'averiguar que hi ha després de la mort. Un a un es van turnant per provocar-se la mort clínica durant uns minuts i així, al tornar, fer-ho amb els coneixements adquirits.

A finals de la guerra civil nord-americana (1861-1865), un grup de confederats manats pel capità Pierre Cardona es dedica a robar els carregaments d'or que transporta l'exèrcit ianqui.

Taking place thirty years before the events of Ringu, Ringu 0 provides the shocking background story of how the girl on the video became a deadly, vengeful spirit.

After being released from a psychiatric institution, a man tries to redeem himself in the eyes of his now-ex wife from the events that led up to his incarceration.

After a catastrophe destroys most of humanity, recluse Del lives in his small, empty town, content with the utopia he has methodically created for himself, until an interloper, young Grace, disrupts his solitude.

In 2006, as World Cup fever sweeps Italy, high school senior Luca falls hard for dolphin trainer Azzurra and stumbles on a family secret -- right before his exams.

In this second episode Dalmazio and Egisto come, respectively, from the prison and the insane asylum. They risk a second arrest for their awkwardness so they return from their "uncle" who is willing to help them.

A montley group of free-lance photographers are desperate to grab a good shot of a celebrity.

Monroe Cole "l'Àliga", expresident dels Estats Units (Gene Hackman), es retira a una petita i plàcida població de Nova Anglaterra, on la gent ho convenç perquè es presenti a les eleccions a alcalde. A Monroe l'assumpte li sembla fàcil, però s'haurà d'enfrontar a un dur rival, l'amo d'una botiga del poble (Ray Romano), a qui molesta que l'expresident festegi la seva núvia (Maura Tierney).