Fight Club Rush 11 takes place Saturday, February 26, 2022 with 11 fights at Bombardier Arena in Vasteras,Sweden.

An assassin is shot and almost killed by her ruthless employer, Bill, and other members of their assassination circle – but she lives to plot her vengeance. Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair is a complete edit of the two-part martial arts action films Kill Bill: Vol. 1 and Kill Bill: Vol. 2. The film was originally scheduled to be released as one part. However, due to the film's over 4 hour running time, it was split into two parts.

Sis mesos després de l'ocupació per part de l’Imperi Galàctic de Ciutat Núvol, l'Imperi ha estat treballant en la construcció d'una nova estació espacial encara més poderosa que la temuda Estrella de la Mort. Luke Skywalker viatja amb els seus amics al desèrtic planeta Tatooine, en un intent de rescatar Han Solo de les urpes del temut gàngster intergalàctic Jabba el Hutt.

Un home que es diu ell mateix 'Simon' inicia una onada de terror pels carrers de Nova York. Farà detonar una sèrie de bombes per la ciutat si no és que l'agent John McClane accedeixi a jugar a un joc anomenat 'Simón diu'. Amb l'ajuda de Zeus, un electricista del Harlem, comença una carrera trepidant per esbrinar les endevinalles i les intencions del terrorista.

Lisbeth Salander és buscada per la policia, després de veure's embolicada a l'assassinat de dos col·laboradors de Millennium, a punt de treure a la llum un escàndol sobre el comerç sexual a Suècia. No obstant això, la Lisbeth és més un àngel venjador que una víctima indefensa, i carrega amb justa ira sobre els que l'han ferida... Segona part de la trilogia Millennium, adaptacions de les reeixides novel·les de Stieg Larsson.

Rocky Balboa, després d'haver assolit la fama com a boxejador fa molts anys, es passa les tardes explicant la seva vida als clients del seu restaurant. La dona se li va morir, el fill fa la seva i Rocky s'ha tornat més humil. Però en el fons, encara és un lluitador i la vida li donarà una darrera oportunitat per demostrar-ho.

The story of a minibus driver and a fairytale princesss nestling under the wing of timeless friendship in an ordinary neighborhood.

Mentre els afectats per un estrany virus es converteixen en un exèrcit d'agressors embogits, Cherry, una ballarina de striptease esguerrada, i el seu ex-nuvi Wray dirigeixen un espontani equip de guerrers, endinsant-se a la nit cap a un destí que deixarà milions d'afectats, infinitat de morts i uns quants afortunats supervivents que lluitaran per trobar el darrer racó segur al món.

Corren tenebrosos temps per la República que continua embolicada en lluites i immersa en el caos. Un moviment separatista, format per centenars de planetes i poderoses aliances encapçalades pel misteriós comte Dooku amenaça la galàxia. Ni tan sols els Jedi semblen capaços de conjurar el perill. Aquest moviment provoca l'esclat de les guerres clons, que representa el principi de la fi de la República. Per aplanar el camí, els separatistes intenten assassinar a la senadora Padme Amidala. Per evitar futurs atemptats, la seva seguretat és encomanada a dos cavallers Jedi ...

Lina Inverse and Naga the White Serpent are back! What begins as a routine bandit-stomping turns into the adventure of a lifetime involving magical golems, an ancient Elven weapon and even someone bent on destroying the world. It's a predicament only Lina and Naga could get themselves in to.

Roberto, a drummer in a rock band, keeps receiving weird phone calls and being followed by a mysterious man. One night he manages to catch up with his persecutor and tries to get him to talk but in the ensuing struggle he accidentally stabs him. He runs away, but he understands his troubles have just begun when the following day he receives an envelope with photos of him killing the man. Someone is killing all his friends and trying to frame him for the murders.

James Bond ha d'enfrontar-se a Elliot Carver, un magnat de la premsa mundial. Carver pensa posar en marxa una guerra entre el Regne Unit i la República popular de la Xina, que portaria a un conflicte nuclear mundial.

Un grup de policies de Los Angeles s'enfronta a un misteriós assassí que esquartera les seves víctimes amb un salvatgisme inusitat. Aviat el cap del grup, el capità Harrigan, descobrirà que el seu enemic és un alienígena arribat a la Terra amb l'únic propòsit de practicar la caça.

After a successful deployment of the RoboCop Law Enforcement unit, OCP sees its goal of urban pacification come closer and closer, but as this develops, a new narcotic known as "Nuke" invades the streets led by God-delirious leader Cane. As this menace grows, it may prove to be too much for Murphy to handle. OCP tries to replicate the success of the first unit, but ends up with failed prototypes with suicidal issues... until Dr. Faxx, a scientist straying away from OCP's path, uses Cane as the new subject for the RoboCop 2 project, a living God.

The masterpiece of Shino Sakuragi, who won the 149th Naoki Prize for "HOTEL ROYAL" in 2013, is now a motion picture. A lawyer burdened with an inexpiable sin, and an accused woman who seals her past and keeps it a secret. In Kushiro, Hokkaido, the pair who chose a faraway town as the terminal station of their lives encounters and develops a moving drama by starting new lives. Koichi Sato enters new territory his performance, while Tsubasa Honda plays a serious character which creates a new image for herself. Machiko Ono, Shidou Nakamura, Shigeru Izumiya and other talented cast members join in the film.

Chris has vast experience in driver training both as an advanced driving instructor and driving examiner. This is the third in the Ultimate Driving Craft series of high quality advanced driving DVDs which have received international acclaim having sold to 39 countries. Filmed with two HD professional movie cameras and professionally edited by Green Gecko Television Ltd who have also added some excellent animation to support Chris's teaching of driving skills. In this DVD Chris highlights a problem that affects all drivers. It is called the natural focal point and not the best way to drive. He explains what it is, why it happens and what we, as drivers, can do about preventing it.

This spaghetti western presents a fictitious version of the often filmed legend of Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid. Billy becomes innocently an outlaw while protecting his mother, but then turns into a trigger happy killer. When he falls in love he tries with the help of Pat Garrett, a fatherly friend, to change back. However, circumstances force Billy to become violent again and it is Garrett who is credited with the killing.

Eight years have passed since Sara Wolfe and Eddie Baker escaped the House on Haunted Hill. Now the kidnapped Ariel, Sara's sister, goes inside the house with a group of treasure hunters to find the statue of Baphomet, worth millions and believed to be the cause of the House's evil.

James Bond, en el seu retir daurat, es deixa convèncer per una delegació de les grans potències per participar en una investigació sobre la SMERSH, una misteriosa organització internacional que pretén acabar amb l'estabilitat mundial.

The mega corporation Omni Consumer Products is still bent on creating their pet project, Delta City, to replace the rotting city of Detroit. Unfortunately, the inhabitants of the area have no intention of abandoning their homes simply for desires of the company. To this end, OCP have decided to force them to leave by employing a ruthless mercenary army to attack and harass them. An underground resistance begins and in this fight, RoboCop must decide where his loyalties lie.