Live at Luna Park is a live album/video by American progressive metal band Dream Theater, released on November 5, 2013 through Eagle Rock Entertainment. The concert film was produced by Over The Edge Productions and directed by Mike Leonard. The album is available on Blu-ray, a two DVD set and Blu-ray plus two DVD combo with three CDs and a Deluxe Edition with a 40-page book. The album will also be available on iTunes. The album was recorded over two nights at Luna Park Stadium in Buenos Aires. The DVD-Blu-ray will also feature a documentary as well as Behind The Scenes-footage. It is also the first Dream Theater live recording to feature drummer Mike Mangini, following Mike Portnoy's departure in 2010. Dream Theater are rocks supreme virtuosos with many awards to their name and here in concert they bring all the power and drama of their music to life with breathtaking performances of classic tracks from across their career.

Ash Williams and his girlfriend Linda find a log cabin in the woods with a voice recording from an archeologist who had recorded himself reciting ancient chants from "The Book of the Dead." As they play the recording an evil power is unleashed taking over Linda's body.

En un món post-apocalíptic on tot ha perdut el valor, els pocs supervivents es guien per la llei del més fort. Sense estima per la vida, l'única cosa que desperta un brutal interès és la benzina, sinònim de poder i objectiu de bandes armades fins a les dents i sense escrúpols. En aquest context coneixerem la història de la despietada, salvatge i jove Furiosa, que cau en mans d'una horda de motoristes i ha de sobreviure a moltes proves mentre reuneix els mitjans per trobar el camí de tornada a casa. Preqüela de 'Mad Max: Fúria a la carretera' (2015).

Es tracta d'un especial i crossover pel tercer any de l'anime Toriko. Tracta d'una carrera en que participen els personatges dels animes en qüestió. Versió original subtitulat a castellà.

The Blind Man has been hiding out for several years in an isolated cabin and has taken in and raised a young girl orphaned from a devastating house fire. Their quiet life together is shattered when a group of criminals kidnap the girl, forcing the Blind Man to leave his safe haven to save her.

La mort del Dr Gero a mans dels androides 17 i 18 activa els androides 13, 14 i 15. Aquests tracten de matar a Goku, que els combat amb l'ajuda de Trunks, Cor Petit, Vegeta, Krilin i Gohan.

Una remota mina de diamants ha col·lapsat deixant atrapats un grup de miners en una regió llunyana i gelada del Canadà. Com a part d'un equip contractat per rescatar-los, l'experimentat conductor d'una màquina llevaneus emprèn un rescat impossible, havent de lluitar contra una carretera gelada, contra les aigües que es descongelen i contra una amenaça que no veu venir.

After a hard day at work and a condominium-board meeting, accountant Ugo Fantozzi goes on a trip with his family. Unfortunately, he will face a nasty surprise upon his return.

La Verónica Henley és una escriptora d'èxit que queda atrapada en una terrorífica realitat. El misteri l'ha de resoldre abans que sigui massa tard.

Després de la catàstrofe nuclear, Mad Max creua un desert on perd la seva caravana de camells. Arriba a una ciutat on li proposen canviar-se'ls a canvi que ataqui al tirà de la ciutat subterrània, un nan que fabrica gas metà amb excrements de porc.

After thirty years in the big corporation, Ugo Fantozzi retires. Suddenly, he needs things to do in everyday life and he tries a number of activities: helping Pina shopping; babysitting grand-daughter Uga; a trip to Venice; learning golf. He then fakes documents to get a new job, but in the end he becomes a hypochondriac and doesn't even take a long-awaited chance with Miss Silvani.

A swinging, hypocritical college student cat raises hell in a satirical vision of the 1960s.

Can Homo sapiens evolve into Homo spatius? For over 50 years now, we have been testing our human nature in our effort to conquer outer space, and still 30 years away from a possible human exploration of Mars, a question remains: Can our body take such travels? Will it ever adapt? Combining human adventure and the exploration of the human body, this film offers unique insights into the physical and psychological effects of space travel on the Astronauts and measures the impact on medical sciences.

La Jen, el seu xicot Darius i un grup d'amics fan senderisme als Apalatxes. Tot i les advertències dels vilatans per tal que no s'aventurin fora del camí establert, els excursionistes acaben desviant-se del rumb. Sense adonar-se'n, s'endinsen en les terres habitades per la Fundació, una comunitat oculta d'habitants de les muntanyes disposats a emprar tota mena de mètodes letals per protegir la seva forma de vida.

After her mother's mysterious death, Nica begins to suspect that the talking, red-haired doll her visiting niece has been playing with may be the key to the mounting bloodshed and chaos.

Mick Dundee viu amb la periodista Sue Charlton al seu luxós apartament de Nova York. Però, després de l'assassinat de Bob, l'ex-marit de Sue, a mans d'uns traficants de drogues colombians, Nick decideix emportar-se-la a Austràlia per protegir-la millor.

Ugo Fantozzi has been ejected from Heaven and is sent back to Earth for a short period of time until the staff in Heaven can get Fantozzi a place there. Fantozzi goes through a variety of unfortunate experiences, such as rescuing his retro punk granddaughter Uga, and having to pay a vast telephone bill due to frequent chat line conversations. He ends up getting arrested instead of his ex-boss, who was originally charged with corruption. Just as he is about to enjoy the World Cup Final with Italy, he is called back into Heaven. Can he find peace once again?

Four friends head to Hawaii to investigate reports of a haunting at an abandoned resort in hopes of finding the infamous Half-Faced Girl. When they arrive, they soon learn you should be careful what you wish for.

Darkman and Durant return and they hate each other as much as ever. This time, Durant has plans to take over the city's drug trade using high-tech weaponry. Darkman must step in and try to stop Durant once and for all.

Ugo Fantozzi was resurrected from the company where he worked because of a crisis, how it will end?Tenth and final chapter of the film series of Fantozzi character.